the Chamber of Commerce, the Adelaide Underwriters' Association, and is at present a Trustee of the Savings Bank, a Director of the Adelaide Steamship Company, the Adelaide Steam Tug Company, the Mutual Life Assurance Association of Australasia, Chairman of the Commercial Union Fire and Marine Insurance Company, President of the Sailors' Home, and a Director of the Bushman's Club. The very fact of Mr. Charnock's filling these important positions is a guarantee to members of English Commercial circles that business conducted through his firm will be on a satisfactory basis, and it is on such lines that a great future will be built up in this part of the Australias.
Joseph Stilling,
WHO was born in 1823, arrived in South Australia in the twentieth year of his age, and until his death, on August 30, 1863, was known in the commercial world as a man of strict integrity and good ability. He visited England in 1855, when he was married in Manchester to the lady who was left on his decease to lament her loss. After his death it was decided that the original title and style of the firm should remain unaltered, and thus it is at the present time. In conclusion, Messrs. Stilling & Co. are agents for the Orient line of steamers, and for the "Stilling" Line of packets trading between this colony and London.
W. R. Squibb,
A NATIVE of London, and resident in this colony from 1839. In his native land he was at different times an actor, preacher, and school-master, and was a profound classical scholar. After his arrival here he was employed in the Government School in Adelaide for about four years. He