E. Vaughan Boulger, M.A., D. Lit.,
IS the only son of Persse Boulger, Esq., Solicitor, of Dublin,, and grandson of Major Persse Boulger, 93rd Highlanders, of Loughrea, Co. Galway, Ireland. He was born at Dublin: in 1846, and from an early age exhibited striking evidences of that refined taste and culture which in later yearscombined to render him one of the foremost men of his time as a philologist and lecturer. As a student at Trinity College, Dublin, he was in every year of his academic career a first-class prize-man. In 1869 he obtained the prize for English essay-writing, honours of the first rank, a Senior Moderatorship, and gold medal (the highest distinction possible for him to attain) in History, Political Science, and English Literature. At the same time he obtained First Senior Moderatorship and a medal in Classics. His energy and zeal in extending his circle of culture were untiring, since to an intimate knowledge of Greek, Latin, and English, he added that of modern continental languages and of Sanscrit. He occupied for eight years the Chair of Greek in the Queen's College, Cork, and whilst in that capacity was eminently respected for his abilities, taste, and superexcellence as a Classical and English scholar. In 1883 he was elected to the Chair of English Literature in the University of Adelaide, and before quitting a sphere in which he had so long and earnestly laboured, was presented with a most enthusiastic and sympathetic address, signed by all the graduates and under-graduates. The arrival of Professor Boulger and his location in this city is likely to have a beneficial effect on society; his eloquent lectures—of which he has delivered several on "Shakespeare" and other subjects popular with cultured minds—have been well attended and much appreciated. As in his University work in the old country, so here, most of his students are in a fair way to obtain the highest distinctions, and have profited much by his valued counsel and advice. In addition to his academic distinctions, Professor Boulger has achieved great