Page:Notable women authors of the day (IA notablewomenauth00blaciala).pdf/414

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maturity. On this ground she has written a story that for pathos, force, and realism it would be hard to rival.

Her more recent works are :—"Prince Charming," "Souls," "Queer Lady Judas," and "The Masqueraders."

"Rita" loves the country and its pursuits more than the town, and is not fond of gaieties. She is of a very quiet, retiring disposition, always preferring to keep in the background, and is ever more ready to listen than to speak. If asked how she has fared at the hands of the critics, she will reply, with a merry twinkle of the dark brown eyes, that she has nothing of which to complain, though she may have had a hard hit now and then. As may be supposed, she is an ardent reader and student, and keeps up with all that is going on in fiction, in poetry, in history, and in society. The sea is her delight," whether on it or in it." True and trustworthy in her friendships, she has the keenest perception of character, a strong sense of humour and love of fun, and falls easily from the sublime to the ridiculous; but perhaps her strongest characteristic of all is her sincere and thorough detestation of all cant and humbug,