Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/10

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Abbot (G.), his ' Book against Bread for the Lord's Day,' ii. 209, 538

Abbot (John), Westminster scholar, xi. 469; xii. 172

Abbots, lists of, x. 309, 377 ; mitred, x. 410, 455 ; xi. 16, 117

Abbot's Ann, funeral garlands at, v. 427 ; vi. 155, 254, 396

Abbots Bromley, horn dancing at, i. 5, 296

Abbotsley, St. Neots, Hunts, list of incumbents, iii. 29

Abbott (E.) on Collinson family, xii. 168

Abbott (T. K.) on Latin-English-Basque diction- ary, iv. 143. Spanish stories in Irish, xi. 368

Abbott family, vi. 329

Abbreviation, bibliographical term, x. 484

Abbreviations : ' bbl.'*for barrel, v. 27, 74, 112 ; " diss.," v. 69, 114 ; initial letters instead of words, x. 176

Abdul the Damned, origin of appellation, xi. 410, 456

Abelard (Peter), his vision of hell, earliest version, v. 169

Aberdeen, Monthooly and Lickar Stone at, ix. 389 ; maps and plans, xi. 508

' Aberdeenshire Epitaphs and Inscriptions,' ii. 534

Aberdeenshire naturalist, Mr. Janes or Jeans, ii. 54, 155

Aberdein (Mrs.), her Papyruseum exhibition, 1818, ix. 30

Abolitionist, first female, vi. 365, 470 ; vii. 10

Aboukir : Abbacyrus : Passera, their connexion, viii. 447

Abracadabra, etymology of the word, ix. 467 ; x. 35, 54, 156 ; its transliteration, xi. 418

Abraham, sham, phrase explained, vii. 469

Abrahams (Aleck) on Academy of Muses, iv. 233. Adams's Museum, Kingsland Road, vi. 306 ; vii. 117. Adelphi names, v. 186. ' Adventures in Borneo,' iv. 7. " Albion Hotel," Aldersgate Street, vi. 6. " Amicus " of ' Morning Herald,' viii. 231. Anacharsis, i. 449. Autograph letters sold by auction, vii. 428. Ave Maria Lane, ix. 150. Babington Conspiracy, v. 354. Bank of England and suspension of specie payment, xii. 205. Bedford county history, ix. 306. ' Black Bull ' in Holborn, v. 367. Bonassus ix. 451. Bookseller's monopoly, vi. 364. Bridewell, its history, v. 29. Candle- wick or Candlewright Street, v. 169. Cannon on Bridge Green, x. 226. Carlyle and Free- masonry : Richard Carlile, xii. 58. Champion's Vinegar Brewery, ix. 186. Cheapside Cross : its bibliography, ix. 445. Cheyne Walk : China Walk, v. 245, 375. Chinese junk Keying, vi. 227. Chippendale (T. ), upholsterer : W. Chippendale, vii. 37. Christ's Hospital site, vii. 366. ' Coal Hole," v. 306. Coleman {George) as Censor of Plays, ix. 206. Coliseums old and new, iii. 53, 255. Concerts of Antient Music, iii. 488 ; iv. 393. Copenhagen House, iv. 205, 351. Copthall Avenue, vi. 345. Cotton's Waterloo Museum, xii. 210, 512. romer Street, iii. 248. Crosby Hall, vii. 481 ; viii. Ill, 256, 376. Crosby Square, No. 4, ix. 346. Crown Street, Soho, iv. 326. Cruikshank (George), viii. 187. Crusoe (Robinson), literary descendants, xii. 7. Daniel family, x. 468. Devonshire Square, vi. 168. Dorset Gardens estate, xii. 146. Dramatic clubs, amateur, iv. 493. ' Ebn Osn," viii. 316. Eel-pie shop, xii. 26. Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, iii. 236, 334 ; iv. 37. Eliana : " The Salutation and

Cat," vi. 106. Elm, great hollow, at Hamp- stead, vii. 234. Eslyngton : Islington, vii. 29. Evans : Symonds : Hering : Garden, iv. 397. Fastolf (Sir John), original letters, xii. 257. Fleet Street, No. 7, viii. 248, 411. Fleet Street, No. 17, vi. 446. Fleet Street, No. 53, iii. 427. Fleet Street, No. 59, viii. 441. Fleet Street, Jacobean houses in, iii. 206. Fleet Street changes, v. 227. Flying-Machine Exhibition, vii. 306. * Fountain Tavern," iv. 336. Free Society of Artists, vii . 344. Frost prints, x. 350. Furniture, antique, ix. 496. Granger, annotated by Caulfield, vii. 65, 223, 323, 462. " Grangerizing," vi. 24. Grave (Robert), print- seller, viii, 28. Gravestones at Jordans, xii. 129. Great Queen Street, Nos. 74 and 75, iii.

433. Gresham Street warehouse, ix. 267. Greyfriars burial-ground, iv. 205. Guildhall, changes at, x. 101. Gulston collection of prints, x. 6. Hackney celebrities, viii. 158. Harewood House, Hanover Square, x. 406. Haymarket, Westminster, viii. 94. Heber's library, xii. 228. Hengler's Circus, xii. 116, 218. ' History of Advertising,' ix. 286. Hobby Grooms, v. 127. Hornsey Wood House : Harringay House, vii. 157. Houses of historical interest, vii. 472 ; viii. 114. Ito : Itoland, vii. 12, 173. Johnsonian Museum, vi. 268. John- son's (Dr.) Club and the Literary Club, vi. 294. Keith's Mayfair Marriages, xii. 127. Kendal House, Isleworth, xii. 88. King : Joachin Cardoza, v. 213. ' Kingdom's Intelligencer,' vii. 395. King's Cross Bridge, vii. 386. "King's Head," Hampstead Road, vi. 207. Kingsway and Aldwych, iv. 433. Lamb (C.) on Thick- nesse's ' France,' vii. 205, 355. Leaden figures, xii. 28. Le Sceur's statue of Charles I., xii. 225. Lettsom (Dr.), v. 514. Linwood (Miss), her Gallery, vii. 392. Little Britain, vi. 146. Little Russell Street, xi. 325. Lombard Street, No. 1, v. 406 ; vi. 13. ' Lombard Street to a China orange," viii. 136. ' London and Neighbourhood,' 1750, vii. 9. London cemeteries in 1860, iii. 454. London cries, vi.

434. London remains, viii. 226, 476 ; ix. 196. London shop fronts, xi. 407. London signs : " Guy, Earl of Warwick," ix. 127. London statues and memorials, ix. 284. London streets, ix. 147. Looping the loop : centrifugal railway, iv. 176. Lyceum Theatre, iii. 132. Manby (Capt. G. W.), i. 21. Mary, Queen of Scots : letter of 1562, iii. 325. Masquerier's portrait of Napoleon, vi. 84. Mechanical road carriages, xi. 305. Metropolitan Railway, v. 6. Middlebrook Museum, ix. 484. Minor Inns of Court, viii. 428 ; ix. 114. Moore (Tom), of Fleet Street, iv. 230. ' Morning Star,' iv. 536. ' Moser's Vestiges,' iii. 195. Moxhay. Leicester Square showman, iv. 135. " Naked Boy and Coffin," iii. 157. Napoleon's carriage, vii. 236 ; viii. 135. Nelson Column, iv. 175. Nelson panoramas, iv. 365 ; v. 94. Newlands, Chalfont St. Peter, iv. 148, 457. " No riches from his little store," vi. 30. Nollekens (J. ), his library, v. 86. ' North London Ferret,' viii. 109. Old Bailey Sessions House, viii. 146. Old Serjeants' Inn, xi. 436. Pall Mall, No. 93, xi. 16. Parcel post in 1790, xi. 18. Parkgate Theatre, iii. 289, 397. Payne at the Mews Gate, vii. 409 ; viii. 55. " Pedlar's Rest," vii. 415. Peerless Pool House, ix. 227. Pictorial blinds, vii. 493. Pigott's ' Jockey Club,' xii. 174, 412, Pinks's ' History of Clerkenwell,' iv.