Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/113

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Northall, Shropshire, i. 297. Oak, historic ^Cumberland, ii. 285. Obb wig, ii. 177. Old- mixon, vi. 249. Passing bell, i. 351. Peck (William), i. 513. Persehouse : Sabine, iii. 251. Pigott (Thomas), ii. 257. Police uniforms : omnibuses, iii. 75, 432. Prescriptions, i. 453 ; ii. 291, 492. Quotation : author and correct text wanted, ii. 276. Ravison : scrivelloes, ii.

292. ' Rebecca,' a novel, iii. 176. Rechabite,

ii. 314. River divided, i. 391. Ross (Frederick) vi. 149. St. Dunstan, i. 216. St. George, ii 511. St. Paul's Cathedral, vi. 96. St. Thomas Wohope, ii. 275. Scribblers, irresponsible, ii 137, 196. Shakespeare, poems on, i. 409 ; ii. 18; his grave, i. 331, 352, 416; ii. 195 Shipton (Mother), i. 406. Shropshire and Montgomeryshire Manors, ii. 256. Silk men silk throwsters, ii. 216. Smothering hydro- phobic patients, i. 332. Special constables, vi. 33, 349. Spirit manifestations, iii. 115 .Straw -plait ing, iii. 414. Temple College, Phila- delphia, i. 493. ' Theatrical Remembrancer,' iii. 429. Tideswell and Tideslow, ii. 36. Tre- gortha (John), ii. 393. Waggoner's Wells, ii. 214. White Bread Meadow, Bourne, iii. 365. Wilberforce University, Ohio, vi. 110. Willie (William), i. 67. Wilton Nunnery, i. 318. Wolverhampton pulpit, ii. 37

Forster (M.) on Taylor the Platonist, i. 409

Forster (T.) on Acts xxix., lost chapter, vi. 74

Forsyth (V. de F.) on Constables or Governors of Sterling Castle, iii. 147

Forysth (William), plant named after, vii. 346

Fort Montague at Knaresborough, x. 390, 437 ; xi. 17

' Forte Frigate,' sailor's song, iii. 128

Forti or Forsi (Fabio Oliva), Italian author, ii. 307

Fortunate Boy, his history, iv. 509

Fortune Playhouse, 1660-61, vi. 107

Fortune Theatre in 1649, i. 85

Forty days' periodicity, iv. 7

Forwale, origin of the word, x. 146

Forwhy, old English conjunction, vii. 185, 237, 294, 374, 419

Foscarinus as a Christian name, i. 127, 198, 277

Foscolo (Ugo) and house in Handel Street, London, vii. 487

Foslett, fostell = coffer or casket, iv. 48

Fossel, term applied to diamonds, xi. 186, 496 ; xii. 58

Fossil echinus in Roman urn, Kent, ix. 270, 332,

Foster (C. W.) on " Restraynte " of " the townes," viii. 47

Foster (H. J.) on Burnham Society, Somerset, ix. 291. Cobweb pills, i. 317. Edgar (Alexander and R.), ii. 493. Fetter Lane chapels, viii. 502.

' Glory of the Methodists," i. 476. " Purple

patch," i. 510. Wesley in Germany, x. 187

Foster (J.) on authors of quotations wanted, i. 474. Latin lines, i. 248. Travers's (Elias) diary, ii. 68

Foster (Joseph), genealogist, his death, iv. 199 ; his ' Index Ecclesiasticus ' and MS. complica- tions, vi. 229

Foster (J. J.) on Beach (T.), portrait painter, ii. Morland and Corfe Castle, ii. 207. Poundbury, x. 451. Quesnel, i. 8

Foster (Manning) on last words of Burns, iv. 45

Foster (W.) on saints' satisfaction, xii. 48

Fothergill (Gerald) on American emigrants, v. 147 ; vi. 86, 226. Archer of Umberslade, v. 195, 312. Armorial, iii. 351. Benbow, iv. 235.

Child's (Miss) elopement, x. 293. Commercial traveller's will, vii. 387. Denton family, y. 271. Dummer family, iv. 315. Duplicate will registers, iv. 46. Dyers at Wands worth, y. 126. Emigrants to America, x. 326. Explicit testator, vi. 366. Genealogical research, iv. 246; vi. 345. Hemming-Stevens, iv. 157. High- landers barbadosed, viii. 136, 176. Index of probates, iv. 277. Jacobite rebels, iv. 66. Jervis family of Birmingham, v. 197. Kempe (Abp.), iv. 434. Lawyers' wills, vii. 266. Local government records, iii. 337 ; iv. 278. Maltby : Mawbey, v. 8. Marshall's 'Genealogist's Guide,' vii. 347; viii. 153. Parish records, neglected, iv. 255. Playhouses, early, vi. 287. Prerogative Court of Canterbury Will Registers, iii. 488. Racehorses in seventeenth century, viii. 207. Right to arms, iv. 188. Seaman or Fisherman Apprentice Book, vi. 186. Shakespearian memoranda, x. 286. Testator's full description, iv. 186. Touching for the king's evil, iv. 335. Watson and Hodgson families, iv. 349. York- shire wills not in proper custody, iii. 465 Fotheringay, its correct spelling, ii. 128, 215 Fotheringay bell, ewer and basin from, ix. 468 Fouch6 on Mary Stuart, viii. 49 Foulard, etymology of the word, i. 307 Foulis Castle, legend of, xi. 169 " Fountain " Tavern, Strand, iv. 289, 336 Four Corners, game, c. 1788, vi. 69, 156, 235 Fourteen, XIIII. used for, xii. 409, 451 Fourth estate, origin of the term, xii. 184 Fowey : " Gallants of Fowey," origin of the title,

i. 505

Fowke (F. Rede) on birth-marks, i. 494 ; iii. 173. " Call a spade a spade," iii. 169. Cipher used by Balzac, iii. 368. Dog training, iv. 488. Philippina : Philopcena, iii. 471. Picking up scraps of iron, iii. 397. Superstitions of trades and callings, iii. 465. Verne (Jules), star and crescent moon, iv. 116 Fowler (E.) on Ticket's drawings, ix. 407 Fowler (Dr. J. T.) on carved stone, i. 158 Fowler family, x. 364 Fowl-pen, pancakes in the, v. 229 Fox (Charles James), and Richard Fitzpatrick, i. 146 ; enigma by, iv. 530 ; v. 32, 97 ; his ancestry, vi. 410 Fox (E.) on Chaucer and English universities,

iv. 47

Fox (W. H.) on dog's nose, v. 252 Fox (W. L.) on Edward II.'s death, xi. 227.

" Quid est fides ? " xi. 297

Fox-Davies (A. C.) on Robert Wingfield's descend- ants, v. 488

Foxe (John), the martyrologist, preface by, iv. 44 Foxe (Bp. R.), founder of Corpus Christi, Oxford,

iv. 23

Poxes as food for men, iv. 286, 355 Foxglove called rapper, viii. 178 Foxton (John), public executioner, d. 1829, viii. 246 Foy Boat Hotel, iv. 40 Framework Knitters, Worshipful Company of,

their almshouses, vi. 263 ; viii. 426 France (Anatole) on the English flag, vii. 227 ; his ' Garden of Epicurus,' x. 188, 273 ; on spelling, xii. 28 ; on Philopatris, 229 France, traces of English rule in, i. 164, 253 ; last peer of, 225 ; Premier Grenadier of, 384 , 470 ; and civilization, i. 448 ; ii. 13, English exiles in seventeenth century, v. 148 ; horse-racing in, 167, 237, 294; samplers in, viii. 428, 497