Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/118

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Prime ro, yii. 53

Robin's alive, xii. 86

Spellicans, viii. 449, ; ix. 15, 115

Stagga bob-tail warning, xii. 149

State, i. 226

Tarot cards, v. 407, 452

Ticky touchwood, vi. 130, 174, 230, 476

Tricquet or croquet, ii. 8

Truss-fail, x. 490

Gamester's superstition : lizard with two tails, viii. 328, 391

Gamma on Col. Hugh Forbes, v. 448

Gammack (J.) on fraudulent American diplomas and degrees, i. 44

Gamul family of Chester, ix. 270

Gandy (E.) on armorial bearings, vi. 316. Beer sold without a licence, viii. 232. Cirencester Town Hall, ix. 218. Estates held by peculiar tenures, viii. 389. Hot-cross buns, x. 157. Police-office : police-court, vi. 494. " Whip- ping the cat," x. 198

Gandy (J. P.), R.A. ; designer of Exeter Hall, viii. 337

Gantillon (P. J. F.) on Byroniana, ii. 55. Curious Christian names, i. 26

Gray's Elegy ' in Latin, ii. 93

Gaol literature, xi. 428, 510

Garage, use and derivation of the word, v. 188

' Gard. Chron.' on Cox's orange pippins, viii. 33

Garden (Alexander), M.D., ' D.N.B.' on, i. 328, 417

Garden (Francis), his ancestry, vi. 429

Garden. See Gordon (Thomas).

Garden, last private, in City of London, ix. 346

Garden at Oxford admired by Wesley, i. 349

Garden of Eden, Scotch, vii. 162

Garden pennies, iii. 17

Garden song in ' Quality Street,' viii. 129

Gardens, Maxwell on, i. 288, 357 ; John Wesley and, iii. Ill

Gardiner (A.) on " Barrar," i. 434. ' Lady of the Lake,' ix. 132. ' Swiss Family Robinson,' xi. 351

Gardiner (Egerton) on High Stewards, xii. 428

Gardiner (R. F.) on pie : tart, viii. 432. Twelve surname, xii. 197

Gardner (E. L.) on " Gin a Bogie meet a Bogie," xii. 509

Garfield (General) on genealogy, ii. 64

Garibaldi, origin of the name, iv. 67, 132, 235 ; his visit to Mazzini's grave, viii. 86 ; " For the shame of Aspromonte," x. 247 ; his remains, xii. 328

Garioch, pronunciation of the name, v. 9, 56 ; x. 298.

Garlanding, custom near Oxford, ii. 75

Garlands, funeral, v. 427 ; vi. 155, 254, 396

Garlic, its curative virtues, ii. 538 ; called country- man's treacle, xi. 28, 173

Garnet (Henry), Jesuit, his birthplace, viii. 446

Garnet (J.) on " Honest broker," ii. 452

Garnett (F. W. R.) on Bacchanals or Bag-o'- Nails, vi. 490. Lowry, 437. " Over fork : fork over," vii. 93. Tye, ix. 78

Garnett (Dr. Richard), his death, v. 319, 367 ; and astrology, 437

Garrett (R. M.) on Shakespeariana, iv. 284

Garrett and Gerald surnames, xii. 345

Garrick (David), ' The Jubilee ' printed at Water- ford, i. 85 ; commemorative tablet, ii. 425 ; and the Preston Jubilee, vii. 227, 276, 417

Garrick on " Character is fate," ii. 426

Garstin (E. C. ) on poem on boy and his curls, xii. 88

Garum, a sauce, and punch, xi. 466

Gascoigne (George), poet, his biography, viii. 189 ;

his ' Jocasta ' and Euripides, x. 125 Gascoigne (Judge) and Prince Harry, xi. 121, 177 Gaskell (Lady Catherine Milnes), her ' Prose

Idylls of the West Riding,' ix. 207 Gaskell (Mrs. E. C.), Whitby in ' Sylvia's Lovers,'

i. 187 ; allusion in ' Carnford,' vii. 188, 235,

273 ; ' Heart of John Middleton,' ix. 430, 49b ;

her ' Moorland Cottage,' x. 89 GaskeU family, ix. 248

Gaskin (F. W.) on Warren Hastings trial, vii. 248 Gaspar Manor, Stourton, Somerset, xii. 268, 337 Gastrell (Rev. Francis) and Shakespeare's home,

iv. 47, 115 Gataker (Thomas), 1574-1654, ' D.N.B.' on, vi.

266 Gatehouse family of King Somborne, Hampshire,

ix. 351

Gates, closed, instances, v. 249 Gates, kissing, ii. 395 Gates, lych, in England, viii. 268, 354 Gatton (Sarah ) = Richard Cromwell, viii. 408 Gatton, inscription on urn at Town Hall, vi. 8, 57,


Gat-toothed, Chaucer's use of the word, vi. 347 Gauden (Bishop John), ' D.N.B.' on, i. 307 Gaudy-day, use of the word, 1567, ix. 326 Gaume (Abb6), his ' Le Ver Rongeur des Societes

Modernes,' v. 270, 416, 492 Gaunox, word in court roll, 1511, xi. 250, 357 Gaveller, derivation of the word, iv. 7 Gavial, zoological ghost-word, ix. 446 Ga volt, Yiddish term, x. 365 Gay (John), manuscripts found in a chair, i. 475 ;

his ' Beggar's Opera ' in Dublin, iii. 364 ;

iv. 91 ; and at Bath, iii. 365 Gayette, Rocher de, tradition of its cleft, vii. 329,

419 Gayfere (Thomas) master mason of Westminster

Abbey, xi. 286 Gayfere Street, Westminster, origin of the name,

xi. 286

Gaynesford monument at Carshalton, xi. 208 Gaythorpe (H.) on Nonconformist burial-grounds,

x. 334. Piddle as a land measure, x. 326.

Walney Island names, i. 387. Wigan bell

foundry, v. 377

Gaze (W. C.) on James O'Brien, xii. 511 Geard, etymology of the word, x. 306 Gearing (H.) on antelope as crest, viii. 229. Cape

Town Cemetery, viii. 106, 253 Gedney Church, Lincolnshire, its history, x. 248,

310 Gedd or Geddes (Dr. Patrick), Scotch physician at

Santiago, i. 230 Gee (Edward), clerk in Six Clerks' Office, d. 1747,

ix. 389 Geffery (Sir Robert), Lord Mayor, his biography,

vi. 264, 303 Geikie (Sir Archibald), his ' Founders of Geology,'

vi. 444

Geisendorfer (W.) on ' Letters left at the Pastry- Cook's,' x. 427 Gemmell (W.) on dapifer : ostiarius, viii. 48.

Gamelshiel Castle, Haddingtonshire, vii. 8.

Gamul of Chester, ix. 207. Kilmarnock docu- ment of 1547, viii. 271 Genealogical and Historical Society of Great

Britain, iv. 230 Genealogical notes in books, viii. 381