Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/120

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Germany, history made in, i. 5 ; duelling in, iv. 388, 455, 516 ; princely titles in, vi. 150, 255 ; English players in, 1592, viii. 305, 412, 518

Oery (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1704, iv. 469

  • Gesta Romanorum,' and Tacitus, i. 6 ; Emperor

Jovinian in, ix. 373

Gestas, crucified thief, xi. 321, 394

Gettatura, Italian gesture, iii. 214, 314

Ghent, arms of city in fifteenth century, i. 168 ; " blancs chaperons " at, iii. 390

Ghent on John of Gaunt's arms, x. 9

Ghost at Epworth Parsonage, xii. 129, 197, 338, 433

Ghosts, Chinese and Japanese, i. 176 ; headless, iii. 448, 498

Ghosts' markets, i. 206

Ghost-words : almanvyvets, iii. 405, 498 ; Vescalion, iv. 28, 73 ; Phoorea, 105 ; in- stances of, vii. 347 ; gavial, ix. 446 ; Anglo- Saxon, x. 271

Ghow (Neil). Sea Goto.

Giacoso (Giuseppe) on Turin National Library, i. 387

Giant legends in England, vi. 211

Gibb (L. M.) on lustre ware, v. 110. Vamphorn, v. 110

Gibbard (William), Westminster scholar, i. 329

Gibbet as a landmark, ix. 371, 438 ; x. 56

Gibbets, existing, iv. 229, 251, 296, 315, 376

Gibbon (E.) his use of acrTpoirt\Kvs, iv. 167, 272, 370 ; vi. 93 ; early editions of ' Decline and Fall ' in America, iv. 405 ; Newman and Coleridge on, v. 387, 435, 455 ; portrait by Reynolds, 487 ; and the appellation Porphyrogenite, vi. 187 ; manuscript of ' The Decline and Fall,' 510 ; on the Quadi and Marcomanni, vii. 89 ; errors in Brougham's life of, viii. 386 ; para- graphs ending with " of," xi. 46 ; his parents, xii. 325

Gibbons ( Elizabeth )= Matthew Diamondbuld De- mont, viii. 69, 213

Giblett or Gyblett (William), Winchester scholar, vi. 189

Gibson (Rev. C. Bernard), d. 1885, his biography, i. 106

Gibson (Sir John), knighted 1735, his portrait, vii. 69

Gibson (W. J.) on authors of quotations, ix. 149, 249

Giffard (James), Westminster scholar, 1783, iv. 289

Giffard (John), Westminster scholar, 177b, iv. 289

Gifford (H. J.) on clock by W. Franklin, ii. 513. Japanese cards, i. 75

Gifford family of King Somborne, Hampshire, viii. 489 ; ix. 116

Giggleswick, funeral refreshments at, xi. 287

Gilbert (Adrian), ol Wilton, 1628, vii. 90

Gilbert (G.) on English countess at Tunbridge Wells, xii. 368. MacElligott (Col. Roger), i. 295. Newbourg (His Highness John William), Count Palatine, xii. 489. Quentin (Mrs.), viii. 230. Restoration characters, xii. 328. Stuart (Jane), ii. 294

Gilbert (C. D.) on Mrs. Carey, ii. 449. Mon- mouth cipher, ii. 411

Gilbert (Sir Humphrey), his last words, xi. 447 ; xii. 391

Gilbert (Richard), Westminster scholar, i. 408

Gilbert (Thomas), Westminster scholar, i. 407

Gilbert (Sir William) of Kilminchey, xii. 287

Gilbert (W.) on Cheapside Cross, x. 57. Essex fatal to women, xii. 136. Family arms, x. 69. Marks Stone, ix. 237. Shalcross family, ix. 210. " Though lost to sight," xi. 518. W'ords and phrases in American newspapers, xii. 11 Gilbert (William), his ' Warden of St. Briavels,' ix. 308

Gilbert ( ), mathematician, c. 1687, iv. 369

Gilbert family, v. 148

Gilby (Antony), friend of Calvin and Knox, viii.


Gilchrist (J.) on Farrington, clockmaker, x. 69 Gild churches in mediaeval tunes, v. 450 Giles (Esther) = Dr. William Carson, c. 1800, v. 70 Giles (Robert), d. 1578, his biography, i. 48 Gill (A.) on thermometer scale, v. 128 Gill (Capt. Charles), R.N., 1829-38, x. 50 Gill (John), surgeon, 1822, ' D.N.B.' on, ix. 409 Gill (Theo.) on lizards and music, xi. 277 Gillespie's Hospital, Edinburgh, i. 217 Gillman (C.) on ' Cantus Hibernici,' vii. 73. Crows and rain, x. 137. Death after lying, x. 157. German leather bindings, xi. 117. Glowworm or firefly, i. 156. Index saying, xi. 255. Lappassit, xi. 149. Mulberry and quince, iv. 386. Palindrome, iii. 310. Peak and Pike, ii. 110. " Red ruin," vi. 30. Rune v. rhyme, vi. 332. Screaming skull, iv. 194. Tasso's ' Aminta,' xi. 235. " Totum sume fluit," iv. 391. Village names feminine, xi. 115 Gillman (J.) and S. T. Coleridge, ix. 64 Gills, Candlemas, origin of the custom, i. 36, 75 Gilmour (W. T.) on ' The Outlaw,' viii. 231 Gilpin (John), his route, iii. 120. Cowper's

original, vii. 407, 516

Gimerro, mixed breed of animal, i. 107, 156 Gimignano, St. Fina of, i. 349, 415 Gin distillery in Bermondsey, eighteenth-century,

v. 349

Ginevra, comedy acted in 1546, x. 268 Gingerbread, gilt, its antiquity, xii. 107 Giolla, its equivalent in English, iii. 249 Gipsies, " Chigunnji," ii. 105, 158, 230 Gipsies and snail-eating, x. 69, 134 Gipsy of the sky = comet, xi. 349 Giraffe, derivation of the word, xii. 206, 292 Giralda on Scott's ' Search after Happiness,' xii.

458 Girardin (Madame de), formerly Delphine Gay, viii.


Girdlestone (R. B.) on Girdlestone, xii. 137 Girdlestone, derivation of the name, xi. 448 ;

xii. 78, 137

Girl, etymology of the word, i. 245

  • Girl of the Period Miscellany,' 1869-70, x. 467,

518 Girl sentenced to be burnt alive, vi. 129, 176,

235, 273 Gironiere (Paul de la), his ' Vingt Annies aux

Philippines,' v. 287 Girtin (G. W. H.) on Massinger's ' Fatal Dowry,'

i. 348

Gissing (A.) on a Cornish apparition, ix. 325 Giudiccioni (Bartolommeo), his cardinalitial title,

ii. 7 Gladstone (H. S.) on ' Oera Linda Book,' xii. 88,


Gladstone (R., Jun.) on " All right," xii. 228 Gladstone (T.) and the bread riots in Leith, ii. 388 Gladstone (Right Hon. W. E.), Disraeli on, ii. 67, 110 ; as a playwright, iii. 89 ; armorial bear- ings, vi. 375 ; his Latin version of ' Rock of Ages,' vii. 369, 458 ; viii. 17 ; Glynnese