Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/124

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Grab, Bombay, a coasting vessel, iv. 107, 177 Grace (E. M.) on Queen's surname, ii. 529 Graham (Col. F. W.) on Bain, vi. 269. Millar of Earnock, v. 148. Shipman (Sir Abraham), iii. 127. Stevenson (Hay), vi. 229 Graham (George), sale of his clocks, 1765, vi. 426 Graham (Sir James) and Mazzini's letters, i. 505 ;

electioneering experience, viii. 46 Graham ( Jessie) = H. Stevenson, vi. 229 Graham (J. M.) on Patrick BeU, ii. 487 Graham (T.) on privateers and Lima, ix. 290 Graham and Little parentage, vii. 427 Graham family, ii. 149, 274 Graham family Bible, iv. 207 Graham-Easton (W. M.) on sword of Bruce, viii.

261, 334. Thaw as surname, viii. 250 Grahamize, origin of the word, i. 505 Grail, Holy, meaning of its name, ix. 465 ; x.

17, 134 Grammar : lines on nine parts of speech, i. 94, 337 ;

had better have been, iii. 126 " Granby (Marquis of)," public-house sign, vii.


Grandees of Spain, iii. 481 Grange (Lady), her place of concealment, iv. 69,


Grangerizing, its beginnings, vi. 24 Granger's ' Biographical History,' annotated by

J. Caulfield, vii. 65, 223, 323, 462 Granichstaedten (A.) on missing word, x. 327 Grant (Sir Alexander), of Dalvey, his will, iii.


Grant (Barbara), in Stevenson's ' Catriona,' ii. 327 Grant (Baron), his family, xii. 328, 415 Grant (C.) on painter (E. F. Holt), xi. 38 Grant (D. B.) on municipal sword-bearer, v. 90 Grant (Sir F.), his 'Melton Breakfast,' viii. 269,

315, 333 Grant (James), Queen Mary Stuart hi his ' Both-

well,' vi. 267

Grant (J. M.) on Ewen Maclachlan, xi. 90 Grant (Rev. Richard), d. 1826, his biography,

vii. 88, 155, 216 ; his portrait, viii. 108 Grant (General U. S.), his English ancestry, iv. 47 Grant family of Dean's Yard, Westminster, vi. 88 Grantham (Sir William) on Grantham of Goltho

family, v. 276

Grantham Market Cross, its history, vi. 127, 176 Grantham of Goltho family, v. 70, 231, 276, 338 Graphology in Sir H. Drummond-Wolff s ' Ram- bling Recollections, ix. 210 Grassi (F.) on quotations wanted, iv. 468 Grate for watercourse, meaning of, 1612-13, vii.

189 232

Grattan (Henry), his initial frank " H. G.," v. 274 Graunt (J.), his ' Bills of Mortality,' ix. 147 Grave (Robert), father and son, viii. 28, 110, 174 Gravell in Court Roll temp. Henry VII., vii. 249,

317 Graves (Algernon) on Robert Grave, printseller,

viii. 110

Graves (Richard), his ' Spiritual Quixote,' ix. 88 Graves (Richard) the younger, autobiography, xii.

Graves, English, hi Italy, ii. 307, 352

Graves belonging to other families, interment in, i. 9

Gravestones, nameless, i. 173, 252 ; in mediaeval churchyards, viii. 390, 452 ; ix. 56, 173 ; Non- conformist, ix. 188, 233, 297, 336, 434 ; x. 31, 150, 237, 334 ; at Jordans, xii. 129, 231, 318

Gravity, laws of, and the ancient Greeks, viii. 210, 394 ; ix. 16

Gray (A. B.) on bookbinding, iii. 309. Bowtell

family, iv. 29 Gray (Gilbert), Principal of Marischal College,

Aberdeen, iv. 307

Gray (G. J.) on Cambridge booksellers and printers,

vii. 75. Janssen (Sir Theodore), xii. 208.

Newton and King's College, xii. 229. Newton's

' Principia,' 1687, xii. 229

Gray (Lord) and the States - General in 1685,

vi. 261

Gray (Patrick, Lord), his descendants, ii. 527 Gray (P.) on Gray family, xii. 169. Gray of Denne Hill, x. 148. Sydenham (Sir John), Bart., x. 490

Gray (R. St. G.) on old pewter, ix. 193 Gray (S.), F.R.S., his electrical researches, vi.

161, 354

Gray (Thomas), parallel passages from Collins, i. 456 ; ' Elegy ' in Latin, 487 ; ' Elegy ' and Wolfe, ii. 27 ; ' Elegy ' in various languages, ii. 92, 175 ; y. 306, 357, 428, 477, 511 ; ' Poems ' published in London and Glasgow, 1768, v. 321 ; and in Dublin, 1756, 406 ; his letters, viii. 68 ; effigy of King Osric, xi. 128 ; two references in his works, 147, 236 ; ' Elegy ' and ploughing customs, xii. 309, 389 Gray family, xii. 169

Gray family of Denne Hill, Kent, x. 148, 196 Gray's Inn : ' Ancient Order of Gray's Inn,' i. 367,


Gray's Elegy on Tyrrell family, iii. 69 Great Britain, early reference, xi. 66 Great Britain's tithe of fish in North Sea, ii. 187 Great Fosters, Egham, history of the mansion,

xii. 510

Great hollow elm at Hampstead, vii. 234 Great House, Cheshunt, sale of effects, vi. 385,


Great New Street, London street-name, xi. 229 Great Queen Street, Nos. 74, 75, their demolition and history, iii. 366, 433 ; celebrities connected with No. 56, iv. 326, 414 ; celebrated residents, vi. 147, 253

Great Russell Street, C. and M. Lamb hi, viii. 421 Great Seal in gutta-percha, iii. 32 " Great Unpaid," applied to Justices of the Peace,

xi. 50 Great Wyrley, pronunciation of the place-name,

viii. 247 Greaves or frittars of the whale, the words, vii.

426 ; viii. 36 Greek Christians, c. 1630, brief for, xi. 289, 357,


Greek Church, cross in, ii. 469, 531 ; iii. 56 ; Carni- val Sunday in, vii. 186

Greek grammar, Byron and, iii. 188 ; v. 193 Greek poetry compared with English, ix. 310, 494 Greek tablets for writing, y. 228, 350, 473, 512 Greek verses, alliterative, iii. 488 Greeks, and laws of gravity, viii. 210, 394 ; ix. 16 ; and the block and tackle, viii. 510 ; ix. 312, 434 ; and nature, x. 330, 372 Green, its significance, i. 6 Green (B. W.) on Patagonia and the Patagonians,

xi. 244

Green (C.) on Antonio Canova in England, v. 52. Children at executions, ii. 516. French Revolution pottery, iv. 292 Green (C. R.) on Edward Kemp, xi. 67 Green (Everard) on arms of Pius X., i. 373. Grantham of Goltho family, v. 70. Masons' marks, iii. 354. Pounde (Thomas), S.J., iv. 472. Welsh cope, ancient, v. 265