Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/135

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186. Cresset stones, vi. 50. Cromwell House, Highgate, iv. 135. Crucifix, one-armed, ii. 294, 395. Crucifixes, female, iv. 395. Crucifixion : earliest representation, v. 289. ' Dame So-and- So the Rush-Strewer," ix. 436. Delmer, v. 433. Desecrated fonts, ii. 171. Devon and Cornish speech, v. 186. Devon provincialisms, vi. 33. Devonshire superstitions, xii. 66. Devonshire witchcraft, viii. 127. Dickens 's surnames : Guppy, x. 477. Dunghill proverb, x. 13. Eel-pie shop, xii. 153. Effigies of heroic size in churches, viii. 433. Falling bird- cage and ill luck, vii. 105. Fannings of co. Clare, ix. 175. Fate of the Tracys, iv. 192. Figgess or Figgiss, ix. 478. Fire engines, xi. 56. Fonts, wooden, iii. 253, 316, 395. ' For his bot," ix. 387. Girl sentenced to be burnt alive, vi. 273. Goyle, iii. 475. Great Wheel at Earl's Court, vii. 473, 515. Greensted Church : oak v. chestnut, viii. 154, 276, 417. Guard aloft, xi. 36. Hamlet as a Christian name, viii. 156. Hell, Heaven, and Paradise, i. 332. Hereford- shire window, viii. 138. Holyoake (G. J.) and Chartists, v. 156, 274. Holyrood font, iii. 110. Hoorn, Cape, iv. 94. Hornsey Wood House : Harringay House, vii. 253. Horse- shoes for luck, iii. 91. Huff : hi a huff, v. 497. Humorous stories, ii. 231. Ikona, South African term, vi. 96. Irish custom on Christ- mas Eve, xi. 45. Isles family, viii. 112. Knights and their swords, ix. 477. Lamb in place-names, iii. 150. Lattice tongs, ix. 312. Leech-gathering, ix. 291. Littleton's ' History of Islington,' vii. 117. London and Birming- ham Railway, viii. 357. London cemeteries in 1860, ii. 394. London remains, ix. 196. London taverns in seventeenth century, xii. 190. Lundy Island, iv. 16. Lych gates, viii. 354 ; ix. 495. ' Magazine of Art,' ii. 145. Martyrdom of St. Thomas, ii. 274. Mid- summer Day, iv. 27. Money (Major) and his balloon, viii. 311. Monuments to American Indians, xii. 87. Municipal sword-bearer, v. 151. Nelson table at Upottery, vi. 487. New- lands, Chalfont St. Peter, iv. 276. News- paper, first ocean, ii. 96. Nimbus, its signifi- cance, vii. 111. Nonconformist burial-grounds, ix. 297 ; x. 31. Notices in the United States, vii. 287. November 5th : Guy Fawkes celebra- tions, x. 496. Open-air pulpits, v. 55, 154. Oxenham epitaphs, ii. 510. Passages, secret, x. 37. Pattens in the church porch, ix. 336. Pedlars' rest, viii. 93. Petersburg or St. Petersburg, x. 357. Photographer, oldest, his death, viii. 474. Pigmies and cranes, iv. 356. Pillion : flails, iii. 433. Pomp ey = Portsmouth, xi. 427. ' Poor Dog Tray," vi. 494. Port Arthur, ii. 212, 251. Private house, largest in England, ii. 197. Quivel (Peter), Bishop of Exeter, x. 112. Railway train, first steam, i. 225. Railways in the forties, xi. 306. Ram- sammy, its meaning, vii. 474. Refectories, first floor, ii. 237. Rod of brickwork, xi. 77. Rome- land, vi. 432. Rood-lofts, vi. 435. Royal arms in churches, vi. 53. Royal Oak Day, iii. 447. Rutland : origin of the name, xi. 294. St. Charles Borromeo ; his portraits, vi. 118. St. Devereux : St. Dubricius, vii. 418. St. Edith, vi. 70. St. Expeditus, v. 156. St. Florian, vi. 297. St. Genius, v. 495. St. Gilbert of Semprmgham, iv. 94. St. Martha, x. 178. St. Paul's Cathedral foundation stone, v. 213. St. Sidwell, xi. 377. St. Thomas

Aquinas : his ancestry, v. 377. Santorin and

St. Irene, v. 510. Scribblers, irresponsible,

ii. 137, 196. Seven-sacrament fonts, v. 35.

Shadow shows, x. 257. Shutters, ix. 295.

Simpson's Restaurant : guessing the cheese,

vii. 245. Snakes in South Africa, vi. 10.

Sneezing superstition, xi. 173. Snodgrass

as a surname, x. 1 1 , 52. Stocks in use fifty years

ago, xii. 27. Suffragan bishops : their arms,

xi. 193. Sundial inside a church, v. 206.

' Taping shoes," vii. 206, 498. Tombstones

and inscriptions, viii. 275. Travelling in

England, 1600-1700, v. 455. Tussaud (Madame),

waxworks at Camberwell, vi. 327. Vivandieres,

ix. 313. Tyburn tree, xi. 333. Waney timber,

xi. 34. Ward surname, vii. 154. Waterford

(Marquess of) as Springheel Jack, viii. 455.

Waterloo : letter by Vivian, x. 145. Wheel

as a symbol in religion, iv. 250. White

Ensign : National Flag, ix. 396. Wife Bazaar :

Childers, ix. 416. Wolverhampton pulpit, i.

476 ; ii. 96. Woman burnt for poisoning her

husband, xii. 35. Wy in Hampshire, viii. 257

Hemsworth, Yorks, firing a beacon at, viii. 509

Hen, white, saying about, xii. 16

Hen and Chickens, old sign, xii. 28, 215

Hendon (Simon) and John Cotton, c. 1652, viii. 190

Henderson (Charles Cooper), his etchings, ii. 69,

117 Henderson (G. B.) on bathing-machines, ii. 131.

' Road Scrap ings,' ii. 117 Henderson (J. S.) on authors of quotations

wanted, vii. 514

Henderson (Mrs.), her poem 'The Outlaw,' viii. 312 Henderson (W. A.) on dogs at Constantinople, v. 170, 456. Irish bog butter, v. 496. Ruskin and Taormina, v. 450. Santorin and St. Irene, v. 468. Shakespeare's bones, ix. 195. Tristan and Isolde, vii. 150

Hengler's Circus, its history, xii. 47, 116, 173, 218 Hen-hussey, use of the word, i. 449, 475 Henley (George) of Bradley, Hants, ix. 141, 470,


Henley family of Bradley, Hants, x. 92, 192 Henley-on-Thames, '.' Red Lion " at, vi. 69, 115 Henman (C.), drawings of Finchale Priory, ii. 168,

252 Henriette Marie, Princess Palatine, her marriage,

viii. 425 Henry II., on the Welsh, ii. 446 ; charter of, 1181,

xi. 48 Henry V., as Prince of Wales, and Judge Gas-

coigne, xi. 121, 177 ; his corpse, xii. 8 Henry VII., and battle of Stoke, Notts, ix. 485 Henry VIII. and Charles V. in 1520, iii. 285 Henry on " Vaulting ambition," iv. 327 Henry (Wm.), D.D., of Dublin, his biography,

ix. 484 Henry Brougham, steamer, c. 1838, v. 269, 337,


Henryson (R.) and Dunbar, x. 226, 277 Hens : egg-laying celebration, vi. 486 Hepburn = Lidderdale, iv. 509 Heraldic on grzymala, xi. 49 Heraldic pewter, viii. 487 Heraldic queries, xi. 229 Heraldic terms, early, ix. 466

Heraldry :

Antelope, ix. 516

Argent, a chevron engrailed, viii. 487 Argent, a chevron engrailed sable between three crabs gules, vi. 29, 78