Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/160

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Kyd (Stewart), his youngest daughter, ii. 407 Kyd (T.) on Hell, Heaven, and Paradise, ii. 355 Kyd's ' Spanish Tragedy ' and ' Bichard II.,'

iv. 323

Kyle (W. T.) on Robert Wood, iv. 108 Kyllyngworth (Mr.), his wonderful beard, ii. 166 Kyme or Keene family, v. 469 Kynan, grandfather of Owen Gwynnedd, v. 169,

215, 314

Kynaston (Humphrey), outlawed 1491, x. 134 Kynaston's translation of Chaucer's ' Troilus,' iv.


L in " alme," iv. 16

L. on Bri : The Planche, iv. 389. Earthquakes in Wales, vi. 30. Inscription on museum, i. 268. Quotations wanted, vi. 89. Tarn- worth churchyard wall, vii. 210 L. (A.) on handkerchiefs as relics, viii. 448. Muni- cipal documents, iii. 50 L. (A. A.) on riddle, i. 207 L. (A. C.) on authors of quotations wanted, xii.


L. (A. H. ) on chemists' coloured bottles, v. 168 L. (A. S.) on Addison's maternal ancestry, x. 356. Cook (Benjamin), bookseller, vi. 308. Lamprey family of Dublin, vi. 490. Lawrence, iv. 388. Lintot Society, vi. 389. Lintott (H. and J.), vi. 469

L. (C.) on White Ensign, ix. 128 L. (D. C.) on St. Ninian's Church, ii. 68 L. (E. M.) on " Lost in a convent's solitary gloom,"

i. 67

L. (E.P.)on collar for reprieved criminal, viii. 507 L. (E. W.) on prisons in Paris, iv. 349 L. (F. C.) on French-Canadian literature, viii. 57 L. (F. D.) on naval action, 21 June, 1814, vii. 246 L. (F. de H.) on John Bossom, xii. 150. Cam- bridge early lists, ix. 414. Carnwath pedigree, viii. 492 ; ix. 398. Cope of Bramshill, iii. 174. English bishop (first) to marry, x. 412 ; xi. 51. Floral emblems of countries, v. 509. French refugee bishops, viii. 171. Godfrey (Col. Charles), vi. 155. Hastings (Warren), his first wife, i. 494. Hayes, Consul at Smyrna, v. 349. Hinds (Dr. Samuel), i. 517. Jack and Jill, iv. 93. Pinchbeck family, iv. 77. Plane sailing or plain sailing, x. 270. Prebend of Can tiers, iv. 410. Renzi (Sir Matthew de), x. 433. St. Barbara's emblems, xii. 216. Sargent (Henry Martyn), ix. 276. Stephenson, Governor of Bengal, ii. 437 ; iii. 395. Vanneck (Mrs. and Miss), xii. 377 L. (F. F.) on Capt. Death, i. 48. Woffington

(Peg), her letter, i. 124 L. (G.) on " He who knows not," i. 277 L. (G. D.) on prisoner suckled by his daughter,

iv. 353

L. (G. H.) on Shoreditch family, x. 369 L. (G. P.) on woolmen in the fifteenth century,

ii. 514

L. (H.) on Capt. Curry, 1759, v. 208 L. (H. B.) on authors of quotations wanted,

vii. 10 L. (H. G.) on West's picture of death of Wolfe, v.


L. (H. P.) on "A nafedave," xii. 296. Abra- cadabra, x. 54 ; xi. 418. Anna, a place-name, x. 417. Anne of Austria, ix. 452. Apples : their old names, ix. 297. " Artahshashte," xi. 148. Baal-fires, x. 252. ' Beeswaxers," xi. 237. Bergerode, xi. 434. Besturne in trouba-

dour poetry, viii. 406. Black Guard, xi. 446. Bladum : siligo, viii. 114. Blather :- bladder, vi. 456. Bloom in iron manufacture, viii. 26. Blunder of a Vulgate translator, vii. 126. Bossing, its meaning, vii. 135. Breese in ' Hudibras,' viii. 77. Bridge, its derivation,, i. 189. Broach or brooch, iii. 78. ' Broken- selde," xi. 233. Burglars, charm used by, vii. 426. Camber, xi. 326. Canon of wine at mess,. viii. 390. Card terms, x. 468. " Catalogue raisonn^e," xii. 418. Chauceriana, viii. 252* Che vesel = pillow, vii. 268. ' Chops of the Channel," viii. 268; xii. 117. Church spoons, v. 13. Churchwardens' accounts, vii. 275* Clergy, inferior, their appellations, x. 251. Comether, xi. 33. Copin (King) : St. Coppin, vii. 29. Corked (man tie )= purple, ix. 467. Court Roll terms, vii. 515. Crakowed shoes,. vii. 445. Cureton's Multanis, iii. 337. Cursals, ii. 509. Dante : Dorando : Durand, xi. 186. Death after lying, x. 274. Death-birds in Scotland and Ireland, vi. 173. Dickens on half- baptized, x. 90. Disgate : dischauce, xii. 26. " Diss.," an abbreviation, v. 69. ' Dog and Pot," xii. 474. Dog's nose, v. 252. Dolls on race-courses, x. 326. Doncaster weather- rime, v. 456. Double acrostics in newspapers,. ix. 390. Baling, xi. 176. Earife, co. Kent, xi. 358. El-Serujah, xi. 58. Everglade : its derivation, x. 158. Faseole, its etymology xii. 233. Feskin, to swathe, ix. 508. Figgess or Figgiss, ix. 478. " Filling the cup," ix. 307. Fiteres = rags, vii. 509. Flintwinch (Affery) in ' Little Dorrit,' iv. 466. Fludous, Le, vi. 70. " Fortune of war," ix. 387. French words in Scotch, x. 133, 314. Glosses of Middle English, ix. 126. Gray's ' Elegy ' and ploughing cus- toms, xii. 389. Grindleton, xi. 393. Gp- mara's ' Conquest of the Weast India,' xii. 270. Gowdike, viii. 214. Gower, a Kentish hamlet, xi. 95. H aspirate in English writers, xii. 492. Hackney, ix. 91. Hamberbonne, v. 190. Hansed = admitted to a Hans, x. 286. Haswell family, iii. 313 ; iv. 35. Hatmakers' materials, ix. 477. Hawser : Haul, xi. 455. Heraldic terms, early, ix. 466. Hoek van Holland, vii. 473. Horssekyns, viii. 35. " House of warantyse," x. 89. Hove, x. 112. Hovelling, x. 198. Jewish queries, ix. 478. Jommox : wudget : wompus, viii. 16. Kes or kese, to kick, v. 127. Ketty land, ix. 416. London cries, vi. 434. ' Lying Bishop " : miles of varying length, vii. 496. Maltese beefeaters, xii. 198. Manor Court terms, xi. 517. Mareboake : viere, viii. 15. Martello towers, iii. 313. Matross : Topass, their meaning, vii. 348. May Song, v. 474. Motte : Mot r x. 415. " Nom de guerre ' and ' Nom de plume," viii. 356. ' Notes and Queries r Commemoration, xii. 376. Omnibuses, old, x. 153. Oregon, xii. 258. Oxe-aye, vi. 234. Parish dinners, x. 57. Pearl, its derivation, x. 237. Pightle : pikle, v. 93. Pimlico : Eye- bright, x. 457. Pin -basket = youngest child , ix. 417. Plains = timber-denuded lands, xii. 194. Poet Laureate read at the head of troops, iii. 345. Pop goes the weasel, iv. 54. Popular etymologies of the old homilists, viii. 7. Port- manteau words, v. 512. Potter's Bar : Seven Kings, xi. 376. Pot-waller : pot-walloper, viii. 298, 371. Privet: Benny, ix. 197. ' Promptorium,' xi. 14. ' Property has its duties," &c., ix. 349. Proverb on beating,