Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/170

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London shops and shutters, ix. 66, 295 London signs : " Two Sneezing Cats," Hounds- ditch, v. 328, 397 ; 1579-1639, vi. 45 ; tavern, vii. 445 ; viii. 288 ; " Guy, Earl of Warwick,' ix. 127, 455 ; lists of, ix. 228 ; xi. 102 ; old, xii.

203, 463

London statues and memorials, ii. 209 ; ix. 1, 102, 282, 363, 481 ; x. 122, 211, 258, 290, 370,

491 London street cries, musical, vi. 249, 335, 434 ;

" Sweet lavender," x. 146 London street-names, iii. 181, 254 London streets, origins of some, ix. 147 London taverns, vi. 6, 78 ; xii. 127, 190, 254, 414.

See London signs. London topographical literature. See London:

Topography of old.

Londoner on Jane Austen's relatives, viii. 109 Long (Miss A. H.) on Ainoo and Baskish, i. 513 Long (F.) on epitaph in Owen MSS., x. 2

Mompesson (Col.), x. 29

Long (H. G.) on Sir John Gibson's portrait, vii. 69 Long (John Frederick), 1819-1903, photographer,

viii. 474

Long (Mary) = Roger Hooper, 1639, iv. 127, 215 Long Acre, Duke's Bagnio in, iv. 24, 115, 217,

277, 376

Long Bredy, Dorset, documents relating to, iii. 450 Lohgden (H. Isham), on Tristram Beresford, vi. 428. Epitaph in Courteenhall Church, vi. 397*. February 30, viii. 330. Gutteridge or Goodridge family, viii. 217. Hesilrige (Sir Arthur), xi. 430. Isham family, vii. 418. Registers of Blakesley and Walgrave, viii. 45. Longfellow (H. W.), his religion, ii. 148 ; essays on, 226 ; his * King Trisanku,' v. 244 ; reference in his ' Voices of the Night,' vi. 249, 517 ; his centenary, vii. 201, 222, 242, 261, 282, 378 ; bibliography of, viii. 501 ; ix. 72 ; original of ' Sicilian's Tale,' ix. 271, 373 ; * Giles Corey of the Salem Farms,' x. 196 ; ' Psalm of Life,' 209, 272 ; parodies of ' The Village Blacksmith,' xi. 10, 193 ; Ben Meir in his ' Scanderbeg,' 248, 318; the original of 'The Village Blacksmith,' 465

Longley (John), 1749-1822, his biography, iv. 64 Longman, barrel-organ builder of Cheapside, iii.

348, 473

Longman, history of house of, xi. 2, 50, 92 Longman (Miss E. D.) on authors of quotations wanted, x. 368. Crooked pins, vii. 447. Pin and needle rimes, xii. 409. Pincushions, vii. 447 Longworth (John Aug.), d. 1875, his journal, v.

190 Lonning or loaning, dialect word for lane, iv.

29, 70

Loom, painting of a wooden, dated 1589, iii. 308 Looping the loop, sensational performance, iv. 65,

333, 474 ; vi. 113 Lopes (Henry Charles), Lord Ludlow, d. 1899, ix.

169 Lopez (Anthony), scholar of Winchester, 1592, iv.

306, 434 Lopez (Sir Menasseh Massey), Bt., his biography,

ix. 508 ; x. 96, 115 Lopez (Roderigo), executed 1594, his biography,

iv. 306, 434

Lord (G.) on Theodore Hook's anecdotes, xii. 329 Lord Lieutenants of Hertfordshire, vi. 109 Lord Lieutenants in Scotland, viii. 330, 418 Lord Mayor of London : his precedence, viii. 123 ; origin of his title, viii. 268, 496 ; ix. 26

Lord Mayors, 1821 and 1830-40, iii. 148 ; baronet- cies conferred on, viii. 301, 413 Lord Mayor's Day, banquet in 1478, iv. 446 ; alteration in its date, iv. 448 ; v. 30 ; xii. 306, 356, 473, 517 Lords, House of, and the Cabinet, 1835 and 1908,

x. 486

Lord's Prayer, c. 1430, vi. 67 Lorenzo on clergyman with battledore, viii. 450 Lorenzo da Pavia at Venice, i. 76 Lorio, now called diabolo, the game, viii. 287,


Lorn, Brooch of, and Queen Victoria, vii. 327 ' Lorna Doone,' references to bases of the story,

vii. 488 Lorraine (Charles, Duke of), c. 1644, v. 249, 313,

456 Lorraine, " Vin gris " in, ix. 30, 134, 218, 330,

391, 452 Lorraine or Touraine, in Mrs. Green's ' Henry II.,'

xii. 309, 358

Lorton (Elizabeth S.) on Hamilton family, v. 328 Lory (T. W. P.) on Lory or La wry family, xii. 50 Lory or Lawry family, xii. 50 Loten's Museum, its history, x. 126, 275 Lothbury, its eytmology, ii. 64 Louches (Elizabeth), wife of Thomas, Lord

Camoys, xi. 108

Loughscur, Book of, iv. 267, 334 Louis XIV., his excommunication, i. 69 ; his heart eaten, ii. 346, 496 ; iii. 336 ; iv. 434 , music temp., iv. 46 ; tablecloth temp., xii. 408, 451, 498

Louis XVII., his death, i. 267, 375 Louis XVIII. 's Queen and Westminster Abbey,

xii. 108, 193 Louis Philippe, his landing in England, v. 349, 391,

473 ; vi. 37, 93, 133, 198 ; ix. 277 Louisbourg, its siege, 1758, xi. 228 Lousy-Low, derivation of place-name, ii. 349 Loutherbourgh (J. P. de), his paintings, ii. 389 ;

iii. 93 Louvre and Alexander Pennecuik, x. 189 ; xi.


Love (R. T.) on Shakespeare in French, xi. 213. Washington (Laurence), his death, iv. 286. Washington pedigree, x. 323 Love ales, temp. Elizabeth, iii. 449 ; iv. 35 Love-Begotten on Lady Worsley, xii. 409 Love charms, Moorish, viii. 486 ; shells as, ix.


Love Lane, near Billingsgate, associations, v. 302

its interesting

Loveday (J. E. T.) on 'The Old Farm-house,' xi.

248 Lovekyn (John), Lord Mayor of London, and Love

Lane, v. 302

Level family of Northampton, xii. 489 Lovelace's ' To Althea from Prison,' expansion by

Col. 1'Estrange, i. 141, 193, 250 Lovell (Robert), his poems, i. 151 Lovell (W.) on Warwick punch-bowl, vi. 27 Lovett (E.) on dolls in magic, ix. 168. Thorn

fish-hooks, or gorges, ix. 229 Low (Capt. John), Alabama veteran, his death, vi.

226 Low (Sampson), printer and bookseller, 1795, x.

365 Lowe (Major-General E. W. De Lancy), ' D.N.B.'

on, ix. 273

Lowe family, vii. 489 ; viii. 33 Lowell (Russell), inedited verses, ii. 423 ; on Wordsworth's ' Prelude,' iv. 325, 395, 454