Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/172

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Mercury, ii. 56. Cowper misprint, xi. 506. Cypripedium, iv. 228. " Down in the shires," viii. 372. Easter, by the Julian and Gregorian styles, i. 324, 390 ; iv. 166 ; and the full moon, iii. 281 ; iv. 195. Easter Day in 1512 and 1513, i. 452. Echidna, vi. 490. Euripides, date of his birth, i. 447. Fairmile, vi. 168. " Famous ' Chelsea, iv. 366, 470. Faseole, its etymology; xii. 149, 233. Forsythia suspetisa, vii. 346. Galileo and his alleged exclamation, xii. 185. Geikie (Sir A.) and ' Founders of Geology,' vi. 444. Generous, xi. 246. Gustavus (Adolphus) and Tycho's star, iii. 346. Halley's comet, i. 152. ' Hamlet ' : Bosencrantz and Guilden- stern, iii. 184. Heber (Bishop) : " Only man is vile," xii. 256. Hemans (Mrs.) and ' The Hebrew Mother,' viii. 446. Homais (M. ), x. 469. Johnson's watch, xii. 12. Juvisy, its etymology, viii. 365. Keats, Cortes, and Balboa, ix. 107. King, first warlike, iv. 305. Kniphofia, x. 288. Leap year, ix. 191. London statues and memorials, x. 213. Lord Mayor's Show : change in date, xii. 356, 517. Macaulay's ' New Zealander,' v. 418. Magnificat, vi. 348. Major's ' Historia Majoris Britanniae,' v. 386. Marathon runners, x. 86. Maskelyne Islands, xi. 326. Mediterranean, use of the name, x. 308. Michaelmas Day : its date, x. 150. Mite, a coin, viii. 69. Pancake bell in New- castle, vii. 166. Pelfry used by Johnson, iv. 97. Photography, iv. 435. Pictures, Biblical word, xi. 46. Polar exploration, ix. 6. Pol- troon, iv. 466. " Present century," i. 386. Banger of Greenwich Park, x. 235. Bobin Crusoe's island, vi. 225. Borne, ancient, its population, xi. 273. Sabbath changed at the Exodus, ix. 15. Shoe, its pronunciation, xi. 66. Smallage, i. 288. Statues in London, iii. 448. Statues of the Georges, vii. 66, 197. " Still waters turn no mills," ix. 190. Sunset at Washington, iii. 154. Talavera, xi. 188. Time reckoning, ix. 393. Uchoreus, iv. 346. Vergel, its meaning, x. 169. Versailles, vi. 27. Watts and the rose, vii. 105. Weeping willow, iii. 247. Whitsunday in ' Anglo-Saxon Chronicle,' ii. 166. " Work like a Trojan," ii. 168 Lynn (Walter), his steam-engine, 1721, v. 305 Lynold (Edmund), his biography, i. 307 Lynold family, i. 307 Lyon (Anna Maria) = Henry Edward Kendall,

xii. 127

Lyon (Bichard, Thomas, and John), and execu- tion of Charles I., i. 169 Lyon family in America, i. 408 Lyons, pictures in museum at, iii. 7 Lyons (A. B.) on Lyon family, i. 408 e Lyrical Ballads,' 1798, ii. 228 Lyrics, Chinese and Japanese, viii. 34 Lysons (Bev. Daniel) and sights in the moon, viii.

325 Lyte (H. F.) his ' Sailor's Grave,' ii. 327, 351,


Lyttleton (Adam). See Littleton. Lytton (Edward, Lord), keys to his novels, ii. 489 ; his birth in Baker Street, vi. 215; even- ing dress in ' Perham,' vii. 95 ; motto of ' Lost Tales of Miletus,' ix. 248 ; his novels in French, xii. 208, 291

Lytton (Lydia) on Bishop Berkeley, vi. 516 Lytton (Sir Bobert), d. 1483, iv. 389, 455 Lytton family at Knebworth, vii. 247, 314, 357 Lytton quotation : "A thousand workmen toiled," iii. 487


M., abbreviation for Monsieur, iv. 45, 134 M. on authors of quotations wanted, x. 309. Betheral, xii. 266. Bishops' signatures, iv. 55. Carlyle family, xi. 448. Carlyle on the Griffin, xi. 114. Cobbett on Shakespeare and Milton, xi. 194. Cox (Bev. W.), of St. Mary Abbot's, Kensington, xi. 195. Cromwell's House of Lords, vi. 208. Decasualization, use of the word, xii. 406. Duncan II., his Queen, iii. 257. ' English Historical Beview,' xii. 277. Goethe and book-keeping, iii. 414. Green on Freeman, i. 225. Gutiken (Prince), xii. 350. Hiero- glyphics and deities, i. 290. Hungarian gram- mar, x. 14. Hutton Hall, vi. 316, 397. Khaki, ii. 207. Leaguer, its meanings, xi. 386. Longfellow's ' Psalm of Life,' x. 209. Lord- Lieutenants in Scotland, viii. 330. Lynch law, xi. 445 ; xii. 52, 174. Lytton's novels in French, xii. 291. Morris (Edward), M.P., x. 350, 434. Parcel Post in 1790, x. 450. Pie : tart, viii. 157. Spanish proverb on the orange, ii. 134. Speech after removal of tongue, ix. 216. Sponges, xii. 30. Titles conferred by Cromwell, x. 112. Vaghnatch, or tiger- claw weapon, ii. 95. Zaba (N. P.), vii. 150 M. y on " Liquida non frangunt," xii. 227 M. (A.) on authors of quotations, viii. 327. Carmarthen families, xi. 89. Druce or Druice, lane-name, xi. 189. Merry (William), 1735, xi. 89. " Babbits " for luck, xi. 208. St. Mary's Abbey, York, ix. 496 M. (A. A.) on Du Maurier and Shirley Brooks, ix. 9.

Hogsflesh (William), viii. 334 M. (A. E.) on Tai-Ping War, ix. 431 M n (A. J.) on religious houses of Sussex, vi.


M. (A. M.) on Dolores, musical composer, i. 177 M. (A. P.) on Dickens and Furnival's Inn, vii. 406 M. (A. T.) on Canbury House, Middlesex, v. 409. Catamaran, iv. 286. " Correct to a T," xii. 273. Cripple carrying, xi. 193. Dudley arms^ iv. 230. Dyer (John), xii. 498. Gula Augusti, v. 408. Onley (Capt.), B.N., v. 409. ' Punt ' in football, xi. 257, 355. Purfly, its meaning, xi. 292. Seven-sacrament fonts, v. 35. Sheriff's challenge in Domesday, iv. 290. Stuart, Earl of Traquair, xi. 170. Superman, v. 88. ' Under a cloud," xi. 453

M. (B.) on earl's eldest son and supporters, v. 456.

London newspapers, iv. 510. Quartering of

arms, v. 215. Beynolds's portrait of Gibbon,

v. 487. Shakespeare's creations, vi. 172

M. (C.) on bell-horses, vi. 469

M. (C. W. P.) on " beating the .bounds," i. 489

M. (D.) on Bishop Berkeley, xi. 348. Besant, iii.

28. " Birds of a feather flock together,"

ii. 8. Blackaire (Mrs.), v. 27. Byron and

Greek grammar, iii. 188. Campbell, x. 228.

Cowper, Lamb, or Hood, vi. 490. Darwinian

chain of argument, iv. 169. Essay, iii. 148.

Goncourt's ' Histoire de la Soci6t Francaise,'

.v. 309. Magna Charta, i. 469. Nuns of

Minsk, vi. 317. " Our lives are songs," iii. 249.

Quotations wanted, iv. 127. Borne under

Elagabalus, vi. 151. School company, ii. 288.

Spencer (Herbert) on billiards, i. 48. Waliva in

Cumberland, viii. 470. " Warm summer sun,"

iii. 288

M. (D. G.) on Buskin on interest, xi. 209 M. (D. Y.) on English army in Ireland, 1630-40, iv. 489