Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/177

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215, 297. Lansdowne Passage, Berkeley Strjeet, x. 356. Latin genitives in floriculture, v. 355. Latta surname, viii. 317. Law terms, early, x. 97. " Le " before trades, xii. 237. ' Le Hole Bole," Honey Lane, xii. 348. " Le Meriole " : ' Le Colebrehous," xii. 149. " Le Stoples," xii. 348, 410. Leaguer, its meanings, xi. 476. Legenvre, iii. 437. Lettsom (Dr.), v. 210. Lewis (W.), comedian, iv. 218, 331. Life-star folk-lore, vii. 196. Lincoln, arms of, i. 234. Lines on a mug, iii. 435 ; iv. 92. Linton, portrait by, xii. 287. Lion and the unicorn, x. 294. Llangollen, xi. 494. " Lom- bard Street to a China orange," viii. 136. London, ancient, its topography, i. 295, 457 ; ii. 58. London cemeteries in " 1860, ii. 297,

394, 496, 535. London cries, vi. 335. London houses, ancient, iii. 329. London newspapers,

10 ; ix. 57. London parochial history, v. 55, 297. London queries of eighteenth century, viii. 474. Lord-Lieutenants in Scotland, viii. 418. Loutherbourgh, iii. 93. 'Love -a- la- Mode,' xi. 38. Ludovico, ii. 491. Lumber, its meanings, xi. 518. Lumpkin (Tony), vi. 94. Lustre ware, v. 158. Lych gates, viii. 354.

' Lying Bishop," vii. 496. Maidlow, v. 154. Making buttons = fidgeting, x. 158. Manor Court Rolls : Wyndrynge, vi. 472. Manor Court terms, xi. 516. Manor Mesne, vi. 153.

' Mar " in Mardyke, xii. 475. Markham (Rev. George), xii. 296. Martello towers, i. 356. Martyrdom of St. Thomas, ii. 273, 432. Masons' marks, iii. 296. " Master Pipe Maker," xi. Matches in Congreve, vii. 397. Matross : Topass, their meaning, vii. 412. May Day : Maypole, ix. 398. May Light and Young Men's Light, v. 494. May -blossom : knots of may, xi. 437. Mazes, vi. 313. Mead (Dr. William), v. 337. Mechanical road carriages, xi. 431. Medal of Charles I., x. 134. Mediaeval church- yards, viii. 453 ; ix. 173. Mediaeval games of children, viii. 456. Medical coroner, vi. 38. Melancholy, i. 212. Mellycaton : musk-million, vi. 338. Michaelmas custom, ii. 431. Michael- mas Dav : its date, x. 194. " Miching mal- licho," ii. 524. Milestones, i. 132. Military "button : sergeants' chevrons, i. 472. Military Canal at Sandgate, xii. 334. Mineral Wells,

Jtreatham, ii. 315. Moaler, its meaning, vii. 198. Monkeys stealing from a pedlar, vii. 13. Monoux (Sir George), viii. 91. Monro (Major), iv. 72. Month's mind : to have a month's mind, iii. 54. Moon and the weather, ii. 35. Moon folk-lore, 175. Moral standards of Europe, ii. 334.

Mother of dead dogs," vi. 32. Mourning

rites in Persia, vii. 338. Moxhay (Mr.), iii.

395. Mug, as a verb, i. 337. Mummies for colours, ii. 229. Muscovy Company : Baltic Company, vi. 252. Mustlar : Muskyll, i. 335.

pronounced ng, i. 291. " Naked Boy and Coffin," iii. 156. ' Near the church and far from God." vi. 496. Neile (Richard), Arch- bishop of York, xii. 498. Nelson Column, iii. 368. Netmaker's circular : artificial eyes, Never, Never Land, xi. 158. " Never too late to mend," xii. 516. Newbery (J.), his grave, vii. 76. Newspaper (first ocean), i. 504. Nimbus, its significance, xii. 111. Nine Maidens, ii. 396. Ninus, his mother's name, North Devon May Day custom, ii. 75. Northumberland and Durham pedigrees, ii. 351. Numismatic, iv. 375. Oak, the ash, and the ivy, i. 35. Obb wig, ii. 176. Officer of the

Pipe, x. 297. "Old England," i. 316. Om- Tree Hill, Greenwich, x. 173. Outroper, its meaning, xi. 508. " Over fork : fork over," vii. 33. Oxford: its name, ix. 318. Oxe-aye, vi. 234. Palindrome, iii. 310. Pannage and tollage, i. 232. Parish beadle, xi. 338. Pars- loe's Hall, Essex, iii. 490. Passing bell, i.[350. Passive resister, v. 32. Patty, vi. 255. Pawn- broker's sign and the Medici arms, iii. 330. Payne at the Mews Gate, vii. 493. Peacock as a Christmas symbol, v. 130. Pelican myth, ii. 311, 431. " Penny saved is twopence got," vii. 97. Penny wares, ii. 415 ; iii. 312. Periodi- cals for women, i. 295. Pic-nic, a carriage, v. 235; Picking up scraps of iron, iii. 398. Picture post card, vi. 266. Pin witchery, ii. 271. Pincerna (Richard), ii. 92. Pindar family, i. 135. Plane sailing or plain sailing, x. 316. Pleshey. fortifications, iv. 116. Ply, iv. 110. ' Point and Indian Queen," xii. 328. Poll-books, vii. 416 ; viii. 177. Pomperkin, its meaning, vii. 232. " Pop goes the weasel," iii. 492. Popjoy, its meaning, vii. 136. Population of a country parish, iv. 495. Portsmouth Street, No. 14, ix. 395. Post boxes, vi. 453. Prse- munire, its etymology, vii. 257. Prescriptions, i. 453. Printing in the Channel Islands?, i. 436. Prints and engravings, i. 377. Pro- verbs, two old, viii. 55. Proxege and Senage, xi. 77. Public Office =Police Office, vii. 91. Quenington, Gloucestershire, iv. 36. Rad- cliffe (Ann), iv. 76. Railway train, first steam, i. 278. Ramie, ii. 12. Ramsgate Christmas procession, v. 374. " Rattling good thing," v. 335. Rebus in churches, v. 250. Rechabite, ii. 314. Red-tail Knights, x. 288. Regimental marches, x. 457. Reversion of trees, ii. 154. Revolution Society, x. 317. Rewman, vi. 373. Richard II. : his arms, vii. 250. Riding the black ram, i. 36. Ripley arms, iv. 374. River divided, i. 391. Robin Hood plays, viii. 295. Rollick, use of the word, xii. 93. Roman Catholic priests buried in London, vi. 218. Roman legions : their history, xii. 394. Roman tenement houses, ii. 73. Romney's ancestry, vii. 79. " Roping " a horse in Latin, i. 513. Roses as badges, x. 174. Round Oak Spring, x. 73. Royal Kepier School, Houghton-le- Spring, vii. 116. Ruckholt House, xi. 90. Rue and Tuscan pawnbrokers, i. 231. ' Rum of his teeth," i. 436. Rushlights, x. 27. Rut- land : origin of the name, xi. 294. Sack, iii.' 434. " Saint " as a prefix, ii. 192. St. Barbara's emblems, xii. 216. St. Bartholo- mew the Great, E.C., ix. 18. St. Bridgets Bower, i. 70. St. Dtinstan, i. 216. St. Edith, vi. 70. St. Florian, vi. 297. St. George : George as a Christian name, vii. 376. St. Gilbert of Sempringham, iv. 94. St. Margaret s Hospital, or Green Coat School, x. 172. St. Mary Axe : St. Michael le Querne, i. 89, 25?. St. Mary's, Shrewsbury, xi. 356. St. Msiy s Abbey, York, ix. 496. St. Paulinus and Swale, iv. 254. St. Sepulchre, iii. 173. Salep or Salop, i. 97, 233. "Salutation' Tavern, Billingseate, vii. 510. Samplers, v. 245. Sands "(Archbishop), ix. 358. 'Saracens Head," Snow Hill, xii. 131. Satan's auto- graph, iii. 354. Scallions, rv. 375 ; v. 54. School for the Indigent Blind, viii. 235. " Scole Inn," Norfolk, i. 313. " Scomer upon the Hope," xii. 68. Scotch burial custom, iv. 77. Searches, vi. 213. Semaphore signalling, xi.