Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/18

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Armstrong (T. P.) on cross in the Greek Church,

iii. 56. Inscription, curious, i. 85 Armstrong gun, its inventor, i. 388, 436 ; ii. 34 Army, child commissions in, ii. 420 ; nicknames

of regiments, viii. 257 ; regimental marches

in, x. 167, 312, 352, 377, 457 Army, British, c. 1763, xii. 449, 517 Army, English, in Ireland, 1630-40, iv. 489 Army Lists : first Roundhead, 1642, vi. 342 ;

battle of the Boyne, ix. 170 ; xii. 308 ; their

history, x. 489 ; xi. 55, 153 Army Service Corps nicknames, vii. 68, 115, 257,

415, 473

Arnaud (P. H.) on obsolete English games, vii. 511 Arne (Dr.), his ' Poculum Elevatum,' iv. 409 Arnold (Benedict), his sons, x. 50, 98 Arnold (Sir Edwin), his ashes at University

College, ii. 286 ; error in memorial inscription,

iii. 176 Arnold (Matthew), his ' Horatian Echo,' iii. 6 ;

his ' Church of Brou,' vi. 148, 175, 196 ; on

pigeons, x. 149, 198 ; and the yew, xii. 287,

336, 414

Arnold and Rhodes families, ix. 89, 298 Arnott (Charles), Westminster scholar, 1745, v.


Arnott (Rev. Samuel), his death, ii. 140 Arnott (Thomas Haggerston), his family, xi. 29 Aro-setna in the ' Nomina Hidarum,' xi. 126 Arrival, its new meaning, vi. 47 Arrow (J.) on Westminster changes in 1905, v.


Arrow-breaking, its moral lessons, viii. 25 Arrowsmith (J.) on Chrystal Magna, x. 89 Arrowsmith (T. ?), Devonshire artist, c. 1820, xii.

309, 355

Art, water-colour, its history, viii. 489 Art on medal of Charles I., x. 68 Artahshashte for Artaxerxes in Barker's Bible, xi.

148, 216, 294

Artemon on Whistler's ship, iii. 227 Arthur (King), legend of his sleeping, i. 77, 194 Arthur (Prince), 1502, and window in St. Mar- garet's, Westminster, xii. 269, 357, 453 Arthur (Thos.) of Booksellers' Row, his biography,

vii. 355 Arthur (Lieut. William), Port Arthur named after,

i. 407, 457 ; ii. 212, 251 Artificial, connected with artifice, xi. 166 " Artillarie," Roger Ascham on, ii. 169 Artillery, lines on, in Camden's ' Remaines,' i. 164 Artillery Company (Hon.), Bawms March, vii.

188, 230, 516

Artillery officers, Royal, ii. 528 Artists, burial-places of, ix. 189 Artists, Free Society of, its history, vii. 344 Artists, modern Italian, iii. 38 Artists' Rifle Corps, verses in honour, ix. 484 Arundel Castle legend, viii. 390, 434, 473 Arundell (Richard), Master of the Mint, 1738, x.


' Arundines Cami,' J. H. M. 1 in, i. 487 Arusmont (Prances Wright d'), her biography, v.


Arville (T. d'), flying achievement, 1851, x. 250 ' Aryan Sun-Myths,' out of print, v. 429 Ascham (Roger), on " artillarie," ii. 169 ; pro- nunciation of his name, iv. 169, 216 Ascension, Chapel of the, Oxford Road, vii. 13, 135,

198 Ascension Day, its observance in 1683, ix. 401,

456 Ascension Day celebrations, xi. 381

Ash, place-name, its derivation, i. 72, 113, 137

Ash, the oak, and the ivy, i. 35

Ashbridge (A.) on Rocque's and Horwood's maps.

of London, iii. 187 Ashburner and Teed families, iv. 90 Ashburner family of Olney, Bucks, ii. 168, 519 Ashby (R. E.) on the Evil Eye in Italy, ix. 145 Ashcroft (T. C.) on cry of Macaria, iv. 28 Ashen faggot, Christmas custom in Somersetshire,

iii. 236 " Ashes to ashes " in the Burial Service, i. 387,.


Ashford Church, Barham arms in, vi. 208 Ashmole (Elias), print published, 1824 v. 168 Askew or Ayscough family, x. 8 Askwith or Asquith, surname and place-name, ix_

461 ; x. 37

Aspenden, pre-Reformation rectory at, ix. 37 Aspinshaw, printing-press maker, xi. 429 Aspinwall (Stanhope), Westminster scholar, vi.

409, 473

Aspirine, origin of the name, xi. 290, 352 Asquith or Askwith, surname and place-name, ix..

461 ; x. 37 Assassination, the metier of kings, viii. 328, 391,


Asses hypnotized, Navarrese folk-lore, ii. 506 Assheton (R.) on " Bbl.," v. 74 Assheton (R. O.) on Toby's dog, iv. 508 ; v. 32 Assignats, French, their value, vi. 149, 214 ' Assisa de Tolloneis,' its date, ii. 387, 451 ; iii. 38. ' As such," meaning accordingly, iii. 49, 193 A st (Enar) on Court dress, ii. 107 Astarte on amulet found in Roman urn, ix. 270 ' Auld Robin Gray,' vi. 395. Authors of quota- tions, viii. 488 ; ix. 49. Batrome, i. 338. Blandina, v. 409. Charlemagne's Roman ancestors, iii. 369. Cornish vergers : Carne family, viii. 5. Darkness in London, vi. 49. Doctrine of signatures, xi. 209. Double-headed eagle, ix. 350. Folk-lore concerning twins, viii. 54. Funeral garlands, v. 427. Holed-stone folk-lore, vii. 26. " I lighted at the foot," ii. 412. Immortality of animals, i. 169. Irish folk-lore, iii. 313. Irish weather rime, iv. 406. Jacobite verses, ii. 288. ' Lady of the Lake ' : allusions, ix. 132. Lady's coat of arms, iii. 398. ' Lincolnshire Family's Chequered History,' viii. 214. Littlemonelight, place-name, vi. 349. Love ales, iv. 35. Lunar halo and rain, vi. 412. Melancholy, i. 148. Papal styles t " Pater Patrum," vii. 451. " Protector's Head," inn sign, x. 30. River divided, i. 289. Russian folk-lore, i. 347. Seaweed needing rain, viii. 388. Seine, river and saint, vii. 348. Tiger folk-lore and Pope, x. 88. Vulgate, iv. 17. Witchcraft bibliography, ii. 323 Astley (Henry), Westminster scholar, xi. 129 Astley (J.) on February 30, i. 233. Paste, ii. 72. Poem by H. F. Lyte, ii. 493. Robin a Bobbin,, i. 218

Astley's, " Riding Tailor " at, in 1815, i. 508 Astrapath on game called State, i. 226 Astrology in Italy, v. 148 Astronomer : astronomess, the words, ii. 424 Astronomy, in ' Gulliver's Travels,' iv. 86 ; in fiction, v. 229, 294 ; pastoral, vii. 104 ; in Tennyson, ix. 13 ; in the Middle Ages, xii. 9, 71 'Ao-rpoTreXe/cuj, its use by Gibbon, iv. 167, 272*

370 ; vi. 93

Astwick, Yorkshire place-name, spelt Austwick i. 466 ; ii. 35