Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/182

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Marks (A.) on The Brill, Somers Town, xi. 26.

Exchequer tallies, v. 305. Hanged, drawn, and

quartered, i. 411. Hanging alive in chains, xi.

221, 303, 404. Lines on a mug, iii. 228. St.

Martin Pomeroy, x. 382. Tyburn, ii. 26 Marks (A. G.) on Marks and Inder families, viii.

507 Marks (Henry Stacy), his ' Poor Blind Worm,' xii.

310 Marks (J. A.) on eighteenth-century and older

plays, iii. 48

Marks Stone, near Chad well Heath, ix. 191, 237 Marlborough (John, Duke of), and Shakespeare, i.

127, 177, 256, 292, 352 ; history of his statue, x.

493 Marlborough (Sarah, first Duchess of), her brothers

and sisters, ii. 149, 211, 257, 372, 413, 494 Marlborough Square, Chelsea, x. 320 Marlborough wheels, explanation of the term, vi.

386, 436 ; vii. 157, 378 ; ix. 293 Marli on Marly horses, vii. 190 Marliani, his biography and writings, ii. 227 Marlow (W.), his pictures of the Pope's seats, ix.


Marlowe (Christopher), and Shakespeare, i. 1, 75 ;

date of his birth, 408, 491 ; ' Come live with

me," ii. 89, 153, 434 ; " tumeraris " in ' Dr.

Faustus,' ix. 65

Marly horses, vii. 190, 211, 251,277, 352, 376, 396 Marmont family, iii. 189, 251

Marmor " and the sea in Latin poets, v. 106,


Maro on split infinitive, iii. 95, 211. Vulgate, iii.


Marquee, etymology of the word, iv. 164 Marquis of Granby," public-house sign, vii. 464 Marquois scales, their invention, ii. 187 Marriage, banns of, instructions concerning, i. 18 Marriage Act, Lord Lyndhurst's, ix. 50, 95 Marriage compared to a Devonshire lane, xii.

469, 517

Marriage Houses, i. 33 Marriage in a shift, vi. 127, 199 Marriage licences, Surrey, c. 1760-1820, iii. 326 ;

diocese of Exeter, xii. 330, 373 Marriage notices from ' Gent. Mag.,' &c., ix. 170 Marriage relationships, xii. 268, 315 Marriage Service in the Book of Common Prayer,

iii. 7, 74

Marriage superstitions in Orkney, xii. 484 Marriages, births, and deaths, their registration,

xi. 348 ; xii. 96 Marriages, Fleet, i. 9, 75 ; morganatic, 52 ;

portraits which led to, iii. 287, 334, 377;

iv. 92 ; Commonwealth, 1657, vi. 8 ; their

solemnization, c. 1653, ix. 89 ; of recusants, xi.

290, 373, 474 ; at Gretna Green, 471, 517 Marriott (E.) on Portico Library, Manchester, v.

368 Marriott (J. Colyer) on " Bawms March," vii. 230.

Cromwell House, Highgate, iv. 489. De-

vachan, viii. 91. Eslyngton : Islington, vii.

93. Holyoake and special constables, v. 191.

Hornsey and Highgate, x. 46. Lodge Hill,

Harengeye, vii. 343. St. Eloy or St. Loy at

Tottenham, vi. 417. Serpent bound to the

cross, vi. 172. Thompson (Mr.), of the 6th

Dragoons, v. 316 Marriott (Rev. Randolph ) = Diana Fielding, iii. 88,


Marriott family of Ughill, v. 128 Marrow-bone : travel by the marrow-bone stage,

i. 415

Mars, satellites mentioned in ' Gulliver's Travels,' iv. 86 ; discovery of its satellites, ix. 13

Marsden (Rev. Samuel), Chaplain of N.S.W., his portrait, v. 389, 455

' Marseillaise,' its authorship, x. 326 ; Marseilles, ' Rue de la pierre qui rage," xi. 309, 378

Marsh, pronounced mash or mesh in the South, iii. 313

Marshal of the King's Hall, his office, i. 107, 173, 198

Marshall (E. R.) on Paramor family of Kent, xii. 329

Marshall (G.) on genealogy : new sources, i. 187, 218, 258, 396. Mitchel & Finlay, bankers, i. 374

Marshall (G. W.), Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Arms, his death, iv. 258 ; supplement to ' Genealogist's Guide,' vii. 347 ; viii. 52, 153

Marshall (I.) on Marshall's ' Genealogist's Guide,' viii. 62

Marshall (Capt. John) of Virginia, xii. 467

Marshall (Sir Samuel), d. 1795, his family, ix. 70, 155

Marshall (Stephen), Westminster divine, ix. 465, 617

Marshall (T. L.) on St. Sidwell, xi. 377

Marsham, seven-sacrament font at, v. 36

Marsham-Townshend (R.) on capillarians, iv. 69. Egyptian Hall, iii. 452. English burial-ground at Lisbon, ii. 448. King's College, Cambridge, v. 188. Large-paper margins, v. 147. ' Love in phantastick triumph sat," iv. 48

Marston (E.) on Bonaparte on the Northumber- land, x. 3, 64 ; his arrival at St. Helena, 162. Detached belfries, iv. 456. Flaying alive, i. 15. Holyoake and special constables, v. 156. Oxenham epitaphs, ii. 368. Pillion : flails, iii. 434. Willow-pattern china, ix. 437

Marston (John), Shakespeare allusion in ' Mal- content,' i. 6 ; and Carlo Buff one, 381 ; and Montaigne, Webster, and Dr. Donne, iv. 41, 121, 201, 302 ; v. 301, 382 ; vi. 22, 122 ; ' What You Will,' Act V. sc. i., vi. 386 ; suggested emenda- tions in his dramas, ix. 301

Marston (R. B.) on General La Poype, v. 46. " These are the Britons," v. 31

Marston (Dr. Westland), his ancestry, iv. 429

Mart used for market, xii. 326

Martel (V.) on Lord Halifax, vii. 188

Martelli (Horatio), monument in St. Clement's Church, Hastings, i. 412

MarteUo towers, their name, i. 285, 356, 411, 477 ; iii. 193, 252, 313 ; xii. 228, 334, 377

Martha, Patty as a pet name for, vi. 210, 255

Martial and military law, difference between, vi. 386

Martin (Christopher) and the defence of St. John's, Newfoundland, v. 408 ; vi. 63

Martin (C. Trice) on Ernisius, x. 471

Martin (E.) on Ernest Augustus Stephenson, v. 109

Martin (E. H.) on De la Motte de la Garre, xi. 248. Dyer family, v. 288. Dyer (John), poet, v. 112. Wardour (Edward and Mary), viii. 330. W^est- hope Court Rolls, Salop, v. 269

Martin (G. H.) on the screaming skull, iv. 107

Martin (J. Henry), and Newlyn colony of artists, x. 246, 406

Martin (Mary Brilliana) = Col. John Wall, ii. 309 ; iii. 232 ; iv. 14

Martin (Stapleton) on " a singing face," ii. 133. Author wanted, vii. 312, 493. Burial half within a church, xi. 108. ' Come, live with me," ii. 153. Edgeworth (Richard Lovell), xi.