Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/190

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Monday : Collop Monlay, its meaning, v. 247 Monday (A. J.) on old tunes, x. 218. Oxen draw- ing carriages, xi. 396. Pollard (Sir Lewis), xi. 515 Money (Major) and his balloon, c. 1787, viii. 170,

311 Money, value in Shakespeare's time, iii. 288 ;

temp. Edward III., x. 320

Money, cremitt, meaning of the term, x. 106 Money (Spanish), in Nubia and the Sudan, xi. 109,


Mongolia, antelope-stalking in, viii. 205 ' Monimusk,' old tune, x. 93 Monism and Spinoza, C. Bradlaugh on, x. 347 Monk (George), Duke of Albemarle, portraits of,

vi. 349, 430 Monkbarns on Dudley arms, iv. 317. Mary, Queen

of Scots, viii. 333, 492 Monkey, etymology of the word, iv. 164 Monkeys, Japanese, i. 334 ; and cocoa-nut

throwing, vi. 209, 256, 312 ; vii. 395 Monkeys stealing from a pedlar, Italian engraving,

vi. 448 ; vii. 13, 256 ; x. 373 ; xi. 197 Monks, four regular orders, xii. 167, 274, 352 Monks of St. Ebrald at Eton, viii. 47, 111 Monmouth (Duke of), his cipher, ii. 347, 411 ; and

the States-General, vi. 261, 351 Monmouth Street of literature, the phrase, iii. 188,


Monoux (George), Alderman c. 1520, viii. 10, 90, 133, 214, 434, 496 ; ix. 431 ; x. 57

Monro (Rev. George), d. 1630= Livingstone,

xii. 249 Monro (Rev. George), d. 1642=Mary Primrose,

xii. 249

Monro (Major), his duel with Mr. Fawcett, iii. 487 Monro. See Munro. Monroe (Dolly), Irish beauty, x. 268 Monson (Sir Edmund) on Gatton inscription, vi.

57 Monson, Viscount Castlemaine, his parentage,

vii. 381 " Monstrous childe of Ffennystanton," 1580,

xi. 249

Mont Pele"e and earthquakes, vii. 346 Montagu (Basil), his MSS., iv. 109, 156, 429 ; vi.

516 Montagu (Sir James), Lord Chief Baron of the

Exchequer, xi. 388

Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley), and inoculation, ii. 394, 456, 513 ; memoir by George Paston, ix. 306 ; her letters, xi. 168 Montaigne, Webster, Marston, and Donne, iv. 41,

121, 201, 302 ; v. 301, 382 ; vi. 22, 122 Monte Carlo, Spurgeon on, xii. 308, 434 Montefiore (Mrs. F. G.) on authors of quotations

wanted, x. 428 Montenaeken (L.), his " La vie est vaine," vi. 81,

166, 216, 233, 335

Montfort (P.) on Axholme Priory, v. 328. Cooper (Nathaniel), iv. 88. Haswell family, iii. 225, 477. Lynde : Delalynde, iii. 309. Montfort arms, v. 207. Mountfort (Simon and Simon S.), iii. 489. Persehouse (Peter), iii. 469. Perse- house : Sabine, iii. 167. Sussex inscription, v. 75 Montfort (Peter de), first Speaker of House of

Commons, x. 388, 518 ; xi. 411 Montfort (Simon de), portrait of, ix. 309, 392 Montfort family and arms, v. 207, 294 Montgolfier (M.) and dirigible balloons, xii. 125 Montgomeryshire and Shropshire manors, ii. 148, 256

Montholm (General) at St. Helena, x. 162 Monthooley, Aberdeen place-name, ix. 389 Months and days in French, vii. 290 Montijo (Madame de), her biography, vii. 310 Montjuich, Catalan place-name, its pronunciation

xii. 466 Montmartre, stone with remarkable inscription,

vii. 489

Montresor (Major John), date of his death, xi. 410 Montrose (Earl of), at St. Andrews, iii. 8 Monument at Ingatestone, meaning of five vowels

on, v. 169, 374, 414 ; vi. 12 Monument on Fish Street Hill, " A man ran away

with the Monument," ii. 374 ; iii. 255 ; in- scription mutilated, iv. 87

Monumental brasses, bibliography of, vi. 47, 210 Monumental inscriptions, errors in, vi. 225 ; ix.

168 ; at Chertsey, vii. 43, 203, 364, 504 ; St.

Faith, 57, 137

Monuments, pilgrim, in churches, vi. 310 Monuments, public, in London, their cost, xii. 347,


Monuments to American Indians, xii. 87, 230, 358 Mony musk, old tune, x. 48, 93, 138, 218 Moody (Tom), song on his death, ii. 228, 295, 398 Moon, and the weather, i. 347, 441 ; ii. 35 ;

dating by, at Athens, i. 489 ; Easter day and the

full, iii. 281 ; iv. 136, 195 ; star in the crescent,

iii. 489 ; iv. 116 ; and hair-cutting superstition,

iv. 29, 116, 173, 234; and Robespierre's arrest,

286 ; and mollusca, viii. 186, 317 ; Rev. Daniel

Lysons and sights in 1794, 325 ; Sir Christopher

Wren's globe of 1661, 387, 438 ; legends about,

x. 347, 456 ; man in, x. 446, 618 ; xi. 112 Moon folk-lore, i. 125, 175, 252, 395 ; v. 185, 252 Moon names, iv. 289, 350 Moon superstitions in Wales and Patagonia, xii.

406, 518

Moon-dog, weather sign, xii. 130, 177 Moonsman, slang word, its meaning, viii. 49 Moor, the word and its derivatives, x. 405 Moore (Albert) and the ' D.N.B.,' viii. 46, 317 Moore (D. M.) and New York under British

rule, vii. 466 ; viii. 13 Moore (H. C.) on police uniforms : omnibuses, iii.

136 Moore (J. B. G.) on McDonald and McPike

families, x. 314 Moore (Mrs.) on Chamberlain marriage, viii. 89.

Middleton family, vi. 329. Moore (Mrs. Bloomfield), her ' Modern Pilgrim's

Progress,' vii. 28 Moore (Thomas), and Byron, parallel passages,

iii. 406; duel with Jeffrey (Francis), vi. 224;

' Lalla Rookh,' xii. 368 ; his wife, 427 Moore (Una) on William Stanborough, ii. 369 Moore (W.) on composer and origin of air, i. 107.

Dolores, musical composer, i. 107. ' Legend of

the Purple Vetch,' ii. 148

Moore (Zachary), c. 1750, friend of Foote, xi. 429 Moorfields, Little, Ropemakers' Alley Chapel at,

i. 466

Moorish love charms, viii. 486 Moors =Urdu or Hindustani language, x. 405 Moose, derivation of the word, i. 153 Mooyaart (Miss N.) on " Old King Cole," x. 510 Mora (Madame de)= Prince von Hohenzollern, ix.


Moral standards of Europe, ii. 168, 257, 334 Morale, use of the word, i. 93, 204, 237 ; ii. 450 Moran (C.), Covent Garden publisher, 1760-70,

xi. 490 Morangies (Comte de), his trial, c. 1772, xi. 411