Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/204

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P. (G.) on Parker family, iii. 470

P. (G. M. H.) on " legend weight," xii. 67. Mal- herbe's ' Stances a Du Perrier,' xi. 507. Peters- burg, x. 306

P. (G. T.) on prisons in Paris during the Revolu- tion, iv. 394. Quotations wanted, v. 449

P. (H. A.) on authors of quotations wanted, xii. 488. St. George : George as Christian name, vii. 375

P. (H. G.) on Bidding Prayer, vi. 448. Crooked Billet, ix. 452. Hoek van Holland, vii. 473. Holderness families, xii. 149. St. Andrew's Day and the Sassenach, xii. 426. St. Bees' Head, Cumberland, i. 368. Sacred place- names in foreign lands, xii. 493. Yorkshire similes, xii. 148

P. (H. P.) on wooden fonts, iii. 169

P. (H. V.) on Panton Professorship and will case, viii. 231

P. (I. H.) on authors of quotations wanted, vii. 448. Shakespeariana, v. 465

P. (J.) on Father Angus, xi. 305

P. (J. B.) on ' Assisa de Tolloneis,' ii. 451. Bell (Patrick), Laird of Antermony, iii. 12. Carn- wath pedigree, viii. 492 ; ix. 10. Cromartie (Lord), his issue, v. 70. Fettiplace, i. 511. Great Seal in gutta-percha, ii. 528. Hutton Hall, vi. 431. Lord High Treasurer's accounts, ii. 368. Lyndhurst's Marriage Act, ix. 95. Midday at Bale, x. 392. Petre epigram, xii. 410. Pope (Samuel), his marbled paper, ii. 468. " Tymbers of ermine," i. 492

P. (J. C.) on looping the loop, iv. 333

P. (L.) on eighteenth-century queries, ix. 35. Juvisy : its etymology, viii. 494. Marl- borough wheels, vii. 378. Marly horses, vii. 251, 376. Steele (Richard) and Freemasonry, vii. 268

P. (L. A.) on chrisom, baptismal robe, viii. 377

P. (M.) on African sloths, v. 230. Bell-horses, vii. 258. Bird in the breast, iv. 448. Brumby, vi. 430. Christmas pig, xi. 27. Coffins and shrouds, viii. 215. Dunghill proverb, x. 13. Duelling in Germany, iv. 388. Gamester's superstition, viii. 328. George I. : the nightin- gale and death, vii. 409. Hocktide at Hexton, xii. 71. Immurement in sea-walls, i. 288. Lady-bird folk-lore, viii. 9. Laplace's dying saying, viii. 210. Leg growing after death, xi. 471. Maiden-garland, xii. 327. Mary, Queen of Scots, ix. 75. Miraculous birth, viii. 208. More (Sir Thomas), ix. 409. Pail : bucket, vi. 474. Peacock as a Christian symbol, v. 193. Pillion, iii. 267. Pins substituted for thorns, xi. 508. Protestant, iv. 427. Proverbs, two old, vii. 457 ; ix. 172. Quapladde, vii. 14. Santissimo Cristo of Burgos, vi. 394. Scott's manners, xii. 346. Screaming skull, iv. 194. Shanks's mare, i. 415. Snakes drinking milk, x. 335, 377. Splitting fields of ice, vii. 114. Wreckers in Brittany, xi. 446

P. (M. G. W.) on weathercock, iii. 334

P. (N. P.) on Nelson's patent of peerage, iv. 365

P. (O.) on undertaker, iii. 188, 274

P. (O. S.) on Holborn and Bloomsbury, iii. 269

P. (P. A.) on " Sub rosa," ix. 316

P. (R. B.) on American magazine, viii. 354. Bell- horses, ix. 517. Bells, v. 213. Benedictine, x. 469. Boulton & Watt in America, viii. 326. Bridge with figures of the Saviour, x. 476. ' Brown Bess " as applied to musket, v. 414. Bruton Church, Williamsburg, viii. 406. Bul- lock (William): Hugh Bullock, xii. 16. Chained

books in prisons, ix. 187. Commandments painted on glass, ix. 447. Copying press, iii. 414. Desaguliers (J. T.), ix. 373. Dickensiana : Capt. Cuttle, ix. 331. Economist, sixteenth- century, iii. 472. Edwards of Halifax, x. 416. Foot-warmers in church, iii. 307. Gordon House, Kentish Town, vi. 136. Gout (Ralph), watchmaker, v. 206. Hair-powdering closets, v. 394. ' Ingoldsby,' ix. 447. ' Jane Eyre ' and Minerva Lane, xi. 67. Large-paper margins, v. 377. Library in St. Martin's Street, viii. 27. London and Birmingham Railway, ix. 72. Longman, barrel-organ builder, Cheapside, iii. 473. Lynn (W.), his steam-engine, v. 305. Marriage in a shift, vi. 127. May Day, two poetical tracts, v. 155. Nelson Column, iii. 457. " Pink saucer," ix. 486. Power (Tyrone), American actor, ix. 494. Ripley (Thomas) and Richard Holt, xii. 29. Royal arms in churches, ix. 287. St. Thomas's Church, Bream's Buildings, viii. 26. Salisbury (Marquis of) in Fitzroy Square, iii. 5. Soup-kitchens, ix. 126. ' Speculum Epis- copi,' v. 288. Subterraneous Exhibition, viii. 86. Taximeter cab, viii. 367. Thames steam- boats, x. 458. Theatre in Rawstorne Street, Clerkenwell, iii. 329. Thimbles, xii. 93. ' Vine " Inn, Highgate Road, iii. 235. Weston (Sir Richard), and soap-making, viii. 509 ; x. 357. Wheatstone, v. 155. Windsor Castle sentry, iii. 310

P. (R. C. B.) on Pemberton family, i. 469 P. (R. S. V.) on tinterero, iv. 267 P. (R. W.) on " Coup de Jarnac," xii. 245. Dowb,

viii. 218 P. (S. T.) on " Four regular orders of monks,"

xii. 352. " Liquida non frangunt," xii. 333 P. (T.) on Jean Paul in English, x. 254 P. (V. D.) on our Grandees of Spain, iii. 481 P. (W. E.) on chemist of the future, iii. 408 P. (W. H. W.) on quotations wanted, iv. 127 P. (W. J.) on murkattos : capaps, ix. 66 P. (W. M.) on Civil War earthworks, iv. 453. Cole (W.), Cambridge antiquary, iv. 495. Rain caught on Holy Thursday, iv. 447 P. (W. R.) on Danish surnames, iii. 137 P. (W. W.) on cross in the Greek Church, ii. 469 P.M., 1928, on Richard Steele and Freemasonry,

vii. 392 " P.P., Clerk of the Parish," in ' Sartor Resartus,'

i. 88, 137

Paauw, South African bustard, vi. 28, 237, 411 Pace (Rev. William) and Admiral Hays, iv. 9 Pack (F. Christopher), artist, c. 1786-1840, xi.

229, 297 Packham (N.) on Holy Trinity, New York, vi.


Packhorse crooks, viii. 27 Packington (William), Anglo-Norman Chronicle

by, ii. 41 Packs of sixty cards with eleven and twelve spots,

iv. 28. See also Cards. Pacolet, familiar spirit, meaning of the name,

vii. 225, 355

Paddies on St. Patrick's Day in L T .S., xi. 106 Paddington House, its history, xi. 89, 153 Paddy = a fit of bad temper, xi. 140 Padua, Oliver Cromwell at, vi. 509 Padua University and Dr. George Rogers, vii.


Paffer, use of the word, 1753, ix. 326 ; x. 56 Pagan, derivation of the word, iv. 304 Page (H.) on statues in the British Isles, xii. 51