Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/21

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B. (A. C.) on Mercury in Tom Quad, ii. 532

B. (A. H.) on Denis Kelly of Lisdaffe, ix. 348

Manor Court Rolls : Wyndrynge, vi. 408 B. (A. S.) on JEdric, Duke of Mercia, vi. 469.

Blundell (Sir Philip), xii. 490

B. (A. T.) on English topographical pottery, xi 337. " He will either make a spoon," &c. xii. 509. John Brown,' xii. 338 B. (B.) on Alvary : Auveray, xii. 397. "Black'

Bourbons, iv. 206

B. (C.) on born with teeth, v. 115. Holland (Cornelius), M.P., v. 287. Leper hymn -writer i. 227. Wilde (Oscar), his ' De Profundis,' iv 168

B. (C. B.) on Dahuria, i. 337

B. (C. C.) on apples, ix. 297. Authors of quota- tions, viii. 236, 374 ; ix. 149 ; xii. 255. Bacon (Sir Francis) on tasting, xii. 91. Beddoes surname, viii. 113. ' Before one can say Jack Robinson," xi. 233. Book margins, ix. 285. Breakspear (N.), Pope Adrian IV., xi. 71 Carlyle's ' French Revolution,' ix. 157. Castor oil, xi. 406. ' Childe Harold,' viii. 495. " Christ- mas pig," xi. 71. Crows and rain, x. 137. Dickens : Shakespeare : woodbine, xii. 334. Drayton on Valentine's Day, xi. 218, 358. Drug and pharmacopoaia in ' N.E.D.,' vii. 347. Dryden's ' Alexander's Feast,' viii. 457. Dunghill proverb, ix. 413. Elder-bush folk-lore, viii. 213. Ellison (Henry), x. 95, 197 ; xi. 277. English players in Germany in 1592, viii. 412. Epitaphiana, xi. 505. Epworth Parsonage ghost, xii. 197, 433. Fire : Fire out, viii. 37. Flavian Monks, vii. 149. Flying machines in 1751, xii. 374. Garlic : onions for purifying water, xi. 173. Glamis mystery, x. 396. Glamorgan, xi. 498. Gray's ' Elegy ' and ploughing customs, xii. 390. H aspirate in English writers, xii. 492. Hippocrates legend, x. 53. "His end was peace," x. 517. Hollow loaf foretelling death, xii. 155. Hornsey and Highgate, x. 156. Jean Paul in English, x. 293. Kingsley's ' Lorraine,' x. 497. Leech- gathering, ix. 291. ' Lesbian lead," vii. 256. Littlecote House, Wiltshire, ix. 58. Longmans : the ' Marseillaise,' xi. 92. Macaulay on litera- ture, xii. 171. Marks Stone, ix. 191. Mince pie and plum pudding, ix. 357. " Nigh hand ' in the * N.E.D.,' ix. 6, 96. " No flowers," xii. 178. Nonconformist burial-grounds and grave- stones, ix. 233 ; x. 237. Nym and " humour," xi. 156. Olive tree, ix. 370. One : oats : their pronunciation, xii. 416. Palgraye's, ' Golden Treasury,' viii. 393. Patent medicines, iii. 86. Paws off, Pompey," vii. 377. Pie : tart, viii. 195. Pimlico : Eyebright, xi. 314. Pindar family, i. 135. Pink saucer, x. 78. Pot-hooks and hangers, vii. 432. Promethean, x. 54. Q in the ' H. E. D.,' iii. 146. Robin a Bobbin, i. 32. Rowan Tree Witch Day, xii. 296. Shakespeariana, viii. 165, 304. Signa- tures, doctrine of, xi. 496. " Sit loose to," i. 5. Sleep, Latin lines on, x. 17. Snakes drinking milk, x. 335. " Stripping cows," xii. 476. Stuffed chine, x. 78. Suck-bottle : feeding- bottle, viii. 257. Surphur matches, vii. 451. Tennyson : ' The Poet,' x. 148. Thistle and saint, xi. 258. Tintagel : its pronunciation, x. 195. Tombstones and inscriptions, viii. 275. Toothache, x. 196. Vittle= victual, vii. 232. Wadsworth as a Yorkshire name, vii. 515. Waterloo : Charlotte, x. 338. Watts and the rose, vii. 258. Wine used at Holy Com-

munion, ix. 90. Women and pipes, xi. 378. Wordsworth and Browning, ix. 33. Wound, its pronunciation, vii. 391. Yew tree, xii. 336. Yorkshire similes, xii. 218 B. (C. W.) on authors of quotations wanted, x. 295. B. P., translator, vi. 50. * Cherry Ripe,' v. 254. ' Dignity of man," vi. 96. Ghost story in Dickens, v. 178. ' Merchant of Venice,' II. ii., vi. 325. Mercury in Tom Quad, ii. 531. Pious founder, v. 298. " Stumpy & Rowdy," x. 287.

B. (D.) on ' Lawyers in Love,' vii. 90 B. (D. P.) on Covenanters' motto, xi. 470. B. (D. v.) on "Jan Kees," v. 111. Yule "clog,"

iii. 156

B. (E.) on " Convinced against her will," ii. 426. Dives and Lazarus, v. 370. Massinger and Fletcher, vi. 248. Speech after removal of tongue, ix. 216

B. (E. A.) on ewer from Fotheringay bell, ix. 468

B. (E. C.) on copyright in letters, v. 128

B. (E. G.) on ' barrar," i. 435. Doncaster

weather-rime, vi. 13. George III.'s birthday,

iv. 173. Jacobin soup, ii. 146. Lamb's Capt.

Starkey, xi. 295. Moon and the weather, ii.

35. Paste, ii. 137. St. Sepulchre, iii. 173.

Vaccination and inoculation, ii. 27, 216.

Waterloo veteran, v. 391. Wentworth, its

local pronunciation, i. 307

B. (E. S.) on Angel of Meridian, xi. 148. Bosting,

xii. 193. Incut, xi. 257. Spite-fence, xii. 186 B. (E. T.) on birth at sea in 1805, ii. 512 B. (E. W.) on Bathilda, iv. 93. g, hard or soft, vi. 190. Gibbets, iv. 251. " Humanum est errare," i. 389 ; ii. 57, 351. King's College, Cambridge, v. 255. Palaeologus in the West Indies, vii. 336. St. George's Chapel Yard, Oxford Road, vii. 13. " Saturday " in Spanish, v. 435

B. (F.) on clergy in wigs, x. 392. Court of Requests, xii. 208. Elizabeth (Queen), her household, x. 147. Mellycaton : musk-million, vi. 288 B. (F. F.) on Fleetwood genealogical puzzle,

xii. 362

B. (G.) on Prebendary H. Barnewell, xii. 495. Bhang : cuca, xii. 490. Escutcheon of pretence, iv. 429. Genealogy, new sources, i. 512. King's Old Bargehouse, viii. 417. Newport Church, I.W., ix. 389. Princess Royal's daughters, v. 190. 'Vicar of Wakefield ' in French, i. 489

B. (G. D.) on Rev. William Cox, xi. 195. Gurney (Dr. Robert), xi. 214. Harington (Sir J.) : Sir H. Harrington, xii. 332. Tyrrell (Capt. Richard), xi. 481. Tyrrell's March : Tyrrell's Pass, xi. 317 B. (G. F. R.) on John Abbot, xi. 469. Ambrose (John), xi. 129. Amcotts (John), vii. 09. Amyrant (Maurice and Robert), vi. 409. Amyraut (Moses), xii. 209. 'An Austrian army," i. 277. Anstice (Joseph), iv. 88. ' Anthology,' by Thomas Bee, xi. 108. Arden (W.), xi. 129. Arnott (Charles), v. 149. Aspin- wall (Stanhope), vi. 409. Astley (Henry), xi. 129. Atkinson (Richard Mosley), xi. 108. Auriol (Charles James), xi. 108. Awse (R.), v. 149. Aylett (George), vi. 449. Bagnall (T.), v. 288. Bale (Otway), xi. 170. Barbour (Richard), xii. 188. Barry (T.), v. 8. Bayntim (W. H.), v. 269. Bickerton (Henry), x. L48. " Black Horse Inn," vii. 476. Bligh (Richard), xi. 149. Brebaine (Rene), vi. 449. Brett (Thomas), xi. 449. Brotherton (Sir Thomas