Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/233

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Quotations :

Denn was verschmerzte nicht der Mensch ?

viii. 297

Deorum sunt omnia, i. 188 ; ii. Ill Determined beforehand, we gravely pretend,

xii. 310 Did I but propose to embark with thee,

viii. 32

Did we think victory great, vii. 228 Dieu et mon droit, vi. 109 Disce pati, si vis victorum tu fore ciuis, ii. 412;

iv. 417

Disce ut semper victurus, ix. 49, 113 Discutit et tenebras roseis aurora capillis, ix.


Do the work that's nearest, iii. 469 ; iv. 38 Dr. Pillblister and Betsy his sister. See Mr.


Dogmatism is puppyism full grown, iii. 5, 94 Don't shoot, he is doing his best, i. 9 Dos besos tengo en el alma, ii. 308, 373 Down, little flutterer, i. 87 Atf' Tj/^pcu yvvaiKds, vii. 453 Dull men in the country bred, ii. 488 Dumb jewels often in their silent kind, i. 168 Dundee he is mounted, he rides up the street,

ix. 229, 418

Dust thou art, to dust returnest, x. 272 Dutton slew Dutton, xi. 308, 355 Ego soleo hortari amicos meos, ii. 130 Ego sum Rex Romanus et supra grammati-

cam, iv. 480 Eheu, quam brevibus pereunt ingentia fatis,

xi. 32 England : Greatest King of England was born

not at Windsor, but at Huntingdon, x.

268, 314

Enjoy your life, my brother, xi. 187, 256 Enough if something from our hands have

power, i. 190

^Trtarreis /car^x ot(ra (Heliodorus), v. 27, 75 Equal to either fate, xii. 268, 335 Ergo ubi lapsa jacent sua quisque, x. 127,


Errata alterius quisques correxerit, vii. 149 Error, misclaim, and forgetfulness, vi. 427 Errores primes concoctionis raro corriguntur,

ii. 130 Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rath, ii. 327, 351,

371 Esse praestantem aliquam aeternamque natu-

ram, x. 127, 270 Est bene non potuit dicere, dixit, erit, v. 27 ;

vii. 338 ; x. 374

Est ibi defectus lymphae, vi. 429 Et certamen habent laethi, quae viva sequatur,

x. 127, 270 Et hanc levis fallaxque destituet deus, ix. 107,

284, 333

Et la bonne vieille de dire, vii. 149 Ettu, Brute! v. 125, 214 Eyen the gods cannot alter the past, x. 247,


Every bird that sings, ii. 208 Everything that grows, i. 428, 474 Exemplis erudimur omnes aptius, i. 188 ;

ii. 276

Facts are stubborn things, xi. 367 Fair Eve knelt close to the guarded gate,

iv. 529 ; v. 213 Fame's windie trump blow up this haughty

minde, xi. 468

Quotations :

Favete, Musse prsesides, i. 188

Feltria perpetuo niveum damnata rigore, viii.

69, 332 Femina dux facti, facti dux femina, viii.

109, 517 Festinare nocet, nocet et cunctatio saepe, x.


Fide sed cui vide, ix. 70, 134 Fighting like devils for conciliation, viii. 440 First from the shadow on the wall, x. 446 Flowers are the alphabet of angels, i. 228 Fluctum enim totius Barbariae ferre, x. 127,


Fly, envious Time, iv. 460 For friendship, of itself a holy tie, xii. 208 For nearly five years the present ministry, x.


For of all sad words of tongue or pen, vi. 20 For sudden joys, like griefs, confound at

first, xii. 509

For the Radcliffe hath spoken, v. 208 For the shame of Aspromonte, x. 247 For those short hours of happiness I thank

thee, vii. 508

For Witherington needs must I wayle, vii. 426 Fought full fairly with their wrathful hands,

vii. 309 Fountain-heads and pathless groves, iv. 350,


Frescas belvederes, vii. 190, 233, 295, 391 Friend more than servant, iii. 469 Friends such as we desire are dreams and

fables, vii. 389

Friends, when you see I'm like to die, v. 449 Frigent nunc-dierum praecepta, i. 188 From east to west I've marched beneath the

eagles, ix. 109

From nothing we came, vi. 397 From the thick film, v. 129, 172 From what small causes great events, &c.

x. 510 ; xi. 56 From youth to age, whate'er the game, viii.

388, 434

Gashed with honourable scars, iv. 540 Genius is a promontory jutting out into the

infinite, ii. 188, 295 Gentle Achates, reach the tinder-box, vii.

396 Get in the shire what one loses in the

hundred, v. 120 Get money, my son, get money if you can,

vii. 33

Get up, M. le Comte, ii. 208 Give my youth, my faith, my sword, vii. 10 ;

xii. 288, 355

God called up from dreams, iii. 49, 115 God give us peace ! i. 190 God is our Guide, no sword we draw, xi. 248 God protect the public good, x. 134 God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb,

xi. 380 PN

Good news to those whose light is low, ii. 528 Goosey, goosey, gander, xi. 387 Grsecum est, non potest legi, ii. 281 Gram loquitur : dia verba docet, ii. 281 Grant me, indulgent Heaven, ii. 309, 434 Great fleas have little fleas, x. 380 Greatly begin ! though thou have time, iii.

469 Guests of the ages, at To-morrow's door,

x. 28