Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/242

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Tea as a meal, ii. 17. " Twopenny Tube," viii. 3, 215. Vestibule, as a verb, i. 346. Winter : its proclamation, ix. 29

R n (A. F.) on Dryden's sisters, iii. 288

R. (B.) on feudal system, i. 248. Warwickshire charter, iv. 128

R. (C.) on Spencer on billiards, i. 113. Tanner = sixpence, x. 191

R. (C. H.) on Gedney Church, Lincolnshire, x. 248

R. (C. W.), on Waterloo, vi. 188

R. (D.) on quotations wanted, v. 408. Story's ' Vae Victis,' ix. 449

R. 1 (D. M.) on arms of Cumbria, iii. 208. Crema- tion, in 1769, ix. 10. Eatanswill election in eighteenth century, viii. 487. Hall (Mrs. Catherine), her curious epitaph, viii. 487. Hand, ii. 493. Quotations wanted, iv. 158. Ruby wedding, xi. 509. Welsh mutations, iv. 286. Welsh poem, iv. 392. Welsh maga- zines : ' Yr Ymofynydd,' viii. 465

R. 2 (D. M.) on Gordon tartan : its origin, ix. 118. Luther family, iii. 272. Mackenzie (Major Roderick), viii. 30. Mary, Queen of Scots, in Edinburgh Castle, viii. 333 ; ix. 74. Morays of Bothwell, viii. 205. Mysteries of the Embo baronetcy, vii. 315. Nicol, Earl of Errol, viii. 206. Queen of Duncan II., iii. 107, 256, 311. Rose and Gordon families, viii. 8

R. (D. M. Q.) on Constables of the Tower, ix. 246

R. (E.) on 'Notes on the Book of Genesis,' iii. 50. Shakespeare's grave, i. 478

R. iE. L.) on Elizabeth Milton, iv. 149

R. (E. S.) on firearms in the seventeenth century, iii. 89. Rowse or Rous of Cransford, W T est Suffolk, iii. 270

R t (F.) on curious Christian names, i. 236

R. (F. H.) on ' Tracts for the Times,' ii. 398

R. (G.) on authors of quotations wanted, xii. 109

R. (G. H.) on Cateaton Street, vi. 36

R. (G. W.) on Longman, barrel-organ builder, iii. 348

R. (G. W. E.) on authors of quotations wanted, x. 397, 514 ; xi. 14, 175, 317. Bastinado as an English punishment, x. 398. Cowper, pronunciation of his name, xii. 433. " Defixio- num tabellae " : Disraeli, xi. 276. Dickens and valentine lines, xi. 257. Dish of tea : saucer, xii. 436. Episcopal scarf or tippet, xi. 295. Garibaldi, x. 247. King's ' Classical Quota- tions,' ix. 333. ' Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John," xii. 95. November 5th : Guy Fawkes, x. 496. ' Old Time Parson ' : Magee and the tomtit, x. 496. Oliphant (Mrs.), * Neighbours on the Green,' xi. 98. Pierrepont's Refuge, St. James's Street, xi. 74. Psychological moment, xi. 13. Quantities, false, x. 9. Suffragettes, x. 518. Though lost to sight," xi. 317, 518. Young (Edward), author of ' Night Thoughts,' xi. 78

R. (H.) on Cambridge booksellers and printers, vii. 26. Doge's Palace at Venice, xi. 128. Vigani (J. F.), v. 389

R. (H. B.) on Alexanders of Ireland and Scotland, ix. 28

B. (I.) on picture of lady in red, vii. 129

R. (J.) on author of quotation wanted, xi. 308. Double-barrelled opera-glasses, vi. 49. Duck- ing chair for scolds, xi. 330. Franco-German War, i. 277. Hamlet as a Christian name, viii. 237. Heraldic : shields fretty and ordinaries, xi. 349. Heraldic queries, xi. 229. Hugo's ' Les Abeilles Imp^riales,' i. 391. Parlia- mentary quotation, iii. 494

R e (J.) on Roscoe arms and family, vii. 328 R. (J. B.) on Sindbad the Sailor, vi. 209 R. (J. F.) on Queen Anne's last years, iii. 32. Babin (Jacques), ex-noble, x. 474. Bathing- machines, ii. 130. Bolingbroke (Lord), vi. 449. Chesterfield (Lord), iv. 158. Cire perdue process, x. 89. ' Coryat's Crudities,' iv. 49. Dante's sonnet to Guido Cavalcanti, v. 474 . ' Decameron,' ii. 396. Duel with swords, xii. 433. ' Epulum Parasiticum,' x. 178. French Revolution pottery, iv. 228. Hume and Rousseau, viii. 106. Podike, vi. 311. Rossetti (G.), his ' Tre Ragionamenti,' v. 477. Satan's autograph, iii. 357. Tenth sheaf, ii. 493. Winter (Rev. Richard), ii. 412 R. (J. H.) on " minister ' in early charters, x. 109. Gaily (P. and P.) : T. Edmonds, vi. 428 R. (J. P.) on Shakespeare in French, xi. 158.

Vaughan (Capt. William), xii. 350 R. (L. M.) on lese-majest^ : republic, x. 507 R. (M.) on authors of quotations wanted, x. 389 R. (M. A.) on Masonry and religion, vii. 467 R. (N. E.) on spirit manifestations, ii. 388 R. (P. N.) on large-paper margins, v. 217. Mark- ham's Spelling-Book, ii. 494. Provincial book- sellers, v. 242

R. (Q.) on Inns of Court, i. 488 R. (R. T.) on ' Poetic Works by a Weird,' iv. 489 R. (R. W.) on bidaxe, a farm tool, viii. 251. Piscon-led, viii. 254. "Sops and Wine," viii. 249

R. (S.) on the nose celestial, x. 54 R. (S. P. Q.) on Roman tenement houses, i. 369 R. (T. F.) on " une Sevigne," xi. 410 R (V. P.) on Capt. Grindlay, vi. 156 R. (W.) on A.E.I., i. 207. Bee (Anthony), iv. 369. Gaspar Manor, Stourton, xii. 268. Quotations wanted, iv. 509. Reade, i. 329 R. (W. D. W.) on bee-sting cure for rheumatism,

xii. 296

R. (W. F.) on ravison : scrivelloes, ii. 452 R. (W. H.) on Robertson family, i. 269 Raaff (W.) on googlie, cricket slang, xii. 194 Rabbards (Ralph), c. 1591, his biography, iii. 389 Rabbits for luck, xi. 208, 258 Rabelais and Beckford, iv. 264 Rabelais Club and Joseph Knight, xii. 165 Rabi'ah, son of Mukaddam, pronunciation of the

names, iv. 449, 515 Race-courses, dolls on, x. 326, 453 Racedham on William Seaton, vii. 446 Race-horses in the seventeenth century, viii. 20T Races and mutton at Banstead, c. 1733, x. 246 Rache, heraldic use of the word, 1617, viii. 386 Racial, use of the word, ix. 270, 332 Racial problem of Europe, viii. 145, 218, 233,

274, 394, 474

Racing, stake in, use of the word, viii. 270, 353 Radcliffe (Ann), novelist, d. 1823, her biography,

iv. 9, 76 Radcliffe (Ann), poetess, d. 1767, her biography,

iv. 9, 76

Radcliffe (A. N.) on heraldic, ii. 408 Radcliffe (J.) on Academy of the Muses, iv. 54. Algarva, iii. 194. Allen, iii. 473. Almsmen, Westminster Abbey, iv. 236. Anjou, House of, iii. 333. Arden (John), vi. 355. Beauchamp (Sir Gilbert), viii. 409. Sorrow's ' Turkish Jester,' iii. 335. Charlemagne's Roman ances- tors, iii. 433. Child executed for witchcraft, iv. 38. Combermere Abbey, v. 214, Conolly (Right Hon. William), vi. 354. Cope of Brams- hill, iii. 174. Elm, great hollow, at Hampstead,