Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/247

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Reynolds (Robert), of Winchester College, 1556,

ii. 45

Reynolds family, co. Leitrim, vi. 428 Reynolds family and ' Book of Loughscur,' vii.


Reynolds-Ball (E.) on egg good in parts, xi. 134 Reysman (Theodor), German ecclesiastic, v. 268,


Rheidiol, river legend, xii. 488 Rheumatism, bee-sting cure, xii. 248 Rhine and French boundary, xi. 307, 375, 432 Rhine or rene, a small watercourse, i. 49, 92, 217,


Rhodes (A.) on authors of quotations wanted, xi. 187, 334. Balloons and flying machines, xii. 106. Beaconsfield's first schoolmaster, xi. 454. ' Biscuit's throw," xii. 376. British Museum Library Catalogue, xi. 105. Calliope, H.M.S., xi. 391. Caroline as a masculine name, xi. 238. Clarionett as a surname, xi. 487. " Correct to a T," xii. 273. Curious House, Greenwich, xi. 213. " Dog and Pot," xii. 244. Dragoons, 7th Light, xi. 374. Egypt as a place- name, xi. 93. ' Folkestone Fiery Serpent,' xi. 97. Foot Guards, 3rd, at Bayonne, xi. 192. Gotham and the Gothamites, xii. 198. " Gover- nor of the English Nation," xi. 428. Hangmen who have been hanged, xii. 16. King's Body- guard, xi. 493. Lamb (C.) and his " pepe," xii. 250. Legends about the moon, xi. 112. Paramor family of Kent, xii. 398. Patten (Rev. Thomas), a coincidence, *xi. 144. Polish Dragoons : " Jager," xi. 497. Pollard (Sir Lewis), xi. 495. ' Protection for burning," xii. 194. Sacred place-names in foreign lands, xii. 176. ' Sailor's Consolation,' xii. 195. Shakespeares in 1796, xi. 324. Strode's Regi- ment, 1760-64, xii. 256. Tackle-house : tackle- porter, xii. 351. " Tha' woodin image," xi. 396. Victorian songs, early, xi. 237. Westminster wills, xii. 224. Zirophoeniza, a woman's name, xii. 226, 317

Rhodes and Arnold families, ix. 89, 298 Rhombus, use of the word, xi. 448, 518 ; xii. 58 Ihyl, North Wales, derivation of the name, v. 190 Rhyme and rime, spelling of the word, i. 34 ; v. 469, 514 ; vi. 52, 90, 132, 192, 233, 332, 391 ; vii. 517

Riall (Sir Phineas), d. at Paris, 1851, vii. 489 Ribbons or ribbands, the spelling, viii. 360 Rich (Anthony), artist and antiquary, his bio- graphy, iv. 461; v. 15; = Fabius Pictor, c. 1844, xii. 165 Rich, the younger, harlequin, portrait wanted,

iv. 247

Richard Cceur-de-Lion, his heart, xii. 427, 516 Richard II., his arms, vii. 188, 249, 337 ; at

Chester, xii. 166

Richard III., his mother, ix. 207, 411, 472 Richard of Scotland, A.D. 700-20, his biography,

ii. 408, 449 ; iii. 14

Richards (E.) on Thomas Atkinson, viii. 310 Richards (G. W.) on Webber family, xii. 289 Richards (Sir James), his family, iv. 267 Richards (Nathanael), dramatist, his biography,

xi. 461 Richards (W. G.) on Callard : Dolbeare, viii. 389.

George III.'s daughters, iv. 336 Richards (W. J.) on clock by W T . Franklin, ii. 448 Richards (W. W.) on Richards baronets, iv. 267 Richardson (N. S.) on oil painting, c. 1626, v. 29 Richardson (Samuel), supposed kinsfolk at Derby, ix. 261 ; original of Pamela, ix. 361, 503 ;

family connexions, ix. 510 ; x. 96 ; and Christ's

Hospital, xii. 301, 343 Richardson (W. C.) on pearls cannot equal the

whiteness, iv. 307 Richardson (Rev. W. V. or Athanasius) and the

Russian Church, iii. 327, 376

Richborough, excavations at, ii. 289, 373 ; iii. 17 Richter, Caxton's use of the word, ii. 146 Richter (Helene) on ' Westward for Smelts ' :

Dorrill, vi. 387 Richter (Jean Paul F.), English translations of

his writings, x. 161, 254, 293

Rickards (F. T.) on Gray's ' Elegy ' in Latin, i. 487 Rickards (R.) on " Cockshut time," i. 232 Rickword (G.) on David Morgan, Jacobite, iii. 28 Ride and drive, use of the words, viii. 290, 415

Riddles :

As I was goin' ovver Butterweek Ferry, i. 204

I'm the loudest of voices, iv. 420

I sit on a rock, viii. 420 ; xi. 345

I sit with my feet in a brook, iii. 408, 498

If I were to ask the queen and her chair, iv.

13, 93

Jack and Jill, iii. 450 Little Miss Etticott, ii. 182 Men cannot live without my first, i. 207 Not amid Alpine snow and ice, iv. 13, 93,

153 Vulcan begat me ; Minerva me taught, i. 164.

See also Enigmas.

Riddles with formal endings, ix. 330 Ridgemere, derivation of the name, iii. 182 " Riding tailor " at Astley's in 1815, i. 508 Riding the black ram, i. 35 Riehl (W. H.), English translations of his works,

x. 247, 295 Rifled cannon, submarines, and torpedoes in

Napoleon's time, iii. 89, 111 Rigadoon, derivation of the word, i. 4 ; ii. 65 Rigault (Nicolas), his ' Epulum Parasiticum/

x. 130, 177

Rigby (Mrs. M.) on Betts : Fletcher : Deverent : Wall, v. 270. Rise: Robins: Edmonds: Bossey, v. 89

Rigg (C. H.) on Dartmouth House, ix. 150 Riggs (E. F.) on More (Sir Thomas), vi. 218.

Riggs, v. 9

Riggs mentioned in Pepys's 'Diary, v. ! Right : the right, the wrong, inaccurate use, vii.


Rime, Radnorshire, vii. 205

Rime v. rhyme, spelling of the word, i. 34, 400 ; v. 469, 514 ; vi. 52, 90, 132, 192, 233, 332, 391 ; vii. 517

Rimes, calendar, ix. 50, 94 Rimes, counting-out, in Orkney, xi. 446 Rimes, nursery. See Nursery rimes. Rimes, pin and needle, xii. 409, 518 Rimes on English history, i. 80 ; iv. 510 ; v. 31,

77, 194 ; x. 228

Riming deed of John of Gaunt, vi. 466 ; vii. 78 Ring, death's-head, as a legacy, xi. 306 Ring, episcopal, found at Sibbertoft, ii. 188 Ringeldria or Ringilda, its meaning, xi. 318 Ringobar on " Per aspera ad ardua," ix. 288 Ringrose (Basil) on Juan Fernandez, xii. 285,

392 Rings, enchanted, divination by, v. 195?; on

houses in Cambridge, ix. 108 ; poise, xi. 127 Ringworm and shingles, bell-comb for, vii. 206,

336 ; viii. 37 Ripley (Thomas) and Richard Holt, 1772, xii. 29