Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/25

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Book, ii. 327. Marriott (Rev. Randolph), iii. 193. Marshall (Stephen), ix. 465. May Day, xi. 343. May Day : two poetical tracts, iii. 344. May Day : maypole, v. 325 ; ix. 345. Mayor's seal for confirmation, i. 447. Milner (Dean), ii. 317. Mince pie and plum pudding, ix. 46. ' Missal, The,' iv. 75. Mist (Nathaniel), vii. 187. Mistletoe, x. 506. Monro (Major), iv. 72. Morgan and Polton, Bishops of Worcester, iv. 347. Motto : "In God is all," viii. 353. Mount Grace le Ebor', its records, i. 198. Mulberry and quince, iv. 438. Names terrible to children, x. 509 ; xi. 454. Napoleon III. in London, ix. 371. Nelson poems, iv. 186. Nonconformist burial- grounds, x. 152. Northern and Southern pro- nunciation, ii. 317. Northumberland and Durham pedigrees, ii. 351. "Nose of wax," viii. 274. Nottingham, its bibliography, ix. 205. Ob- livious, ii. 518. " Oxe-aye," vi. 234. ' Oxford English Dictionary,' i. 193. Oxford Graduates, 1675-84, vii. 125. Paine (Thomas), his remains, xii. 118. Palm Sunday and Easter customs, iii. 304. Paris Garden, viii. 346. Parkgate Theatre, iii. 355. Parkins (Dr.), i. 51. Parry (Bishop Henry), ii. 425. Paschal candle, ix. 305. Pattens in the church porch, ix. 394. Penteus or Punteus, iv. 189 ; v. 212. Pestal (Col.), xii. 95. Pictorial blinds, vii. 429. Pig grass : fioning grass, xii. 92. Pincushion sweet, vi. 50. Pindar family, i. 135. ' Plump- ton Correspondence,' i. 466. Pony: crib, vi. 434. Postscript of a woman's letter, xii. 18. ' P. P., Clerk of the Parish,' i. 137. ' Practice of Piety,' i. 15. President : precedent, vii. 227. Pronunciation, Northern and Southern, ii. 317. Proverbs, vi. 486. Provincial book- sellers, v. 141, 183, 242, 351. " Proxege and Senage," xi. 77. Public school, our oldest, i. 257. Purlieu: Bow-rake: Buck-leap, i. 85. Quivel (Peter), Bishop of Exeter, x. 215. Rain caught on Holy Thursday, iv. 497. Ramie, ii. 13. Richardson (W. V.) and the

Russian Church, iii. 376. 1619, iv. 287. Rogation

Robinson Crusoe, days : Ascension

Day, xi. 381. Rogation procession : Ascension Day, ix. 401. St. Expeditus, v. 107. St. George: George as a Christian name, vii. 308, 513. St. George's Chapel Yard, Oxford Road, vii. 198. St. George's Day, 1715, xi. 324. St. John Baptist's eve, ix. 481. St. Luke's Day, iv. 305. St. Mark's Day, 25 April, xi. 324. St. Mary the Egyptian, xi. 391. ' Sal et saliva," i. 432. Sands (Richard), equestrian, viii. 446. Scallions, iv. 375 ; v. 54. Scott's ' Guy Mannering ' and ' Antiquary,' vi. 65. Scott's 'Quentin Durward,' viii. 53. Selling oneself to the devil, v. 115. Seringapa- tam, vii. 317. Seventeenth-century phrases. ii. 533. Sex before birth, i. 406 ; ii. 313. Sexes, their disproportion, ii. 209. Shake- speare (Lieut.-Col.), viii. 406. Shakespeare illustrations, vi. 422 ; xii. 84. Shakespeariana, viii. 164. Sherlock, i. 426. Shutters, ix. 66. Sleep and Death, i. 315. Snowte : weir and fishery, iii. 137. " Son confort et Hesse," i. 232. " Spartam nactus es, hanc exorna," vii. 105. Spelling reform, vi. 266 ; viii. 47 ; x. 226. Spring-heeled Jack, vii. 206. Squad = mud, xi. 396. " Stafford blue," vi. 237. Steemson and Cliff e families : Thome Quay, v. 217. Stow, misprints in Thome's edition, i. 205. Stuart (Daniel and Peter), iv. 125. Suck.

bottle : feeding-bottle, viii. 257. Theophany, ii. 505. Tideswell and Tideslow, ii. 77. " Tony Lumpkin," vi. 7. Toothache, x. 121. ' To Peipon," xi. 418. Tottenham Churchyard, Middlesex, viii. 356. Travelling in England, 1600-1700, v. 414. Troutbeck (John), vi. 314. Turner : Canaletto, i. 217. Turvill or Tutevill (D.), v. 517. Vicariate, iii. 204. Village mazes, ix. 475. ' Visitations of Southwell,' iii. 66. Vivandieres, ix. 313. " Votes for women," x. 47. Vulgate, iv. 93. Waits, ii. 504 ; iv. 505 ; viii. 485. Waterloo, ii. 345. Wave, tenth, x. 445. Weathercock, iii. 288. Wharf, x. 318. White (Kirke), vi. 496. Willow-pattern china, ix. 438. Wislez (Mile. C.), vi. 375. Witham, ii. 333. Womack (Dr. Laurence), xii. 492. Yule " clog," iii. 11.

B d (W. C.) on Fanshawe memoirs, viii. 465 B. (W. E.) on awaitful, viii. 254. Courtesy titles of earls' sons, vi. 295. Dipping well in Hyde Park, vij. 247. Latin lines, i. 373. Monu- mental inscriptions, vi. 225 ; vii. 137 ; ix. 168. Textual criticism in Rufinus, xi. 88, 495. B g (W. E.) on windows in the breast, xii. 409 B. (W. G.) on Thomas a Becket, iv. 214. Prior= senior, ix. 147. Quotations wanted, iv. 488. Slipper surname, iv. 212

B. (W. L.) on Thomas Bennet, bookseller, xi. 488 B. (W. N.) on brothers with same Christian name*

vii. 246

B.-J. (A. B.) on authors wanted, iv. 529 ; y. 92 B.N.C. wrongly explained in a German dictionary,

v. 46

Baal fires, x. 206, 251, 315, 353, 391, 456 Babar (Emperor), his memoirs, i. 147 Babies' bottles, viii. 190, 256, 355 Babin (Jacques), ex-noble, his execution, x. 428,

474 Babington Conspiracy, 1586, novel on, v. 190,

354, 395, 455 " Bacchanals ' or " Bag-o'-Nails," inn sign, vi.

427, 490 ; vii. 56

Bacchus on cockroaches to destroy vermin, vi. 9 Backhouse (Capt.) and Col. Stepkin, 1648, x.

209, 255 Backwell (Barnaby), banker= Miss Gordon, viii.

30, 72 Bacon, etymology of the word, viii. 310, 396 ; use

of the word in 1164-5, ix. 55 Bacon and Bungay, the name combination, viii.

69 Bacon (Anthony) at the Court of Navarre, vi.

328, 476

Bacon (Francis), and drama of his age, ii. 129, 195, 331 ; on electric telegraph, 234 ; The world's a bubble," ii. 407, 471 ; iii. 94, 155 ; and Ben Jonson, ii. 469 ; iii. 35, 94 ; v. 31, 133 ; singular address by Thomas Powell to, iii. 106 ; authorship of Bacon's epitaph, iii. 155, 234,316; as "Glendower," 302; his cipher, iv. 188 ; quotation from, in Johnson, vi. 427 ; errors in ' Apophthegmata,' vii. 328, 435 ; viii. 78, 332 ; on the stomach, xi. 428 ; on tasting, xii. 7, 91 ; and ' Hore Subsecivse,' 1620, 101, 162 ; and Italy, 129 , .

Bacon (Nathaniel), 1593-1660, in D.N.B., ix. 47 Bacon family, ix. 130 Bacon-Phillips (J. P.) on Rectors of Crowhurst,

ii. 69

Bacteria, early notice, v. 45, 115 Baddeley (St. Clair) on Brass at Brown

Candover, ix. 316. Cotteswold in Italian, x.

325. Dabrichecourt, ix. 418. Farnese arms,