Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/250

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Rockingham on dead animals exposed on trees, x. 458. Egypt as a place-name, xi. 94. Fig trees : maturing meat, x. 53. New causes of disease, xi. 455. Shibboleth, xi. 234, 417. Signatures, doctrine of, xi. 496. United States, social life in, x. 418

Rocque's ' Survey of London,' 1745, iii. 187, 274, 353

Rod as measure for brickwork, x. 388 ; xi. 77,

110, 237

Rodd family, xii. 148

Rodes (P.) on John Rodes, v. 490

Rodes (John), c. 1000, his descendants, v. 490

Rodgers (J.) on Mrs. Gaskell's ' Sylvia's Lovers,'

i. 187. Marston (Westland), iv/429. Langley

Meynell : Sir R. Francis, iii. 270 Rodmell family, i. 489

Rodney (Admiral), his second wife, i. 220, 297 Roebuck (J. A.) and the nickname Tear 'em, viii.

186 Roemer (Baroness M. von) on Combe and Pretty

families, xii. 349 Rcessler (C.) on French and English pirates, viii.

369. Jeanne d'Arc's armour, vii. 447 ; xii.

187. Richard Cceur-de-Lion, his heart, xii.


Rogation and other processions, ix. 401, 456 Rogation Day celebrations, xi. 381, 384 Rogationtide celebrations at Ufford, iii. 465 Roger: "Jolly Roger," "Old Roger "=the

pirate flag, xi. 370 Rogers (Dr. George) and Padua University, vii.


Rogers (H.) on dogs in war, v. 36 Rogers (Hildyard) on James IV. of Scotland,

xii. 249

Rogers (J.) on Walney Island names, ii. 56 Rogers (Samuel), first edition of his ' Table Talk,'

111. 488 ; on a Highland fortress, ix. 108 Rogers (Capt. Woodes), Governor of Bahamas,

viii. 470 ; ix. 450 Rogestvensky (Admiral), spelling and meaning

of his name, iii. 304, 350, 390, 405 Roget (Peter Mark), engineer, his portrait, vii. 347,


Rok or rock, Scotch word, its meaning, iii. 272 Rokewood, Style, and Townsend families, v. 488 Rolfe (F.) on heraldry, i. 329 Rolleston (T. W.) on Irish relics, i. 206 Rollick, substantive, use of the word, xi. 490 ; xii.


Rollright Stones, A. J. Evans on, i. 117 Rollups, meaning of the word, iv. 308 Roman and Christian chronology, i. 86 Roman bag-pipers, bronze figures discovered, v.

Roman Catholic, use of the term, v. 327 ; vii. 180

Roman Catholic bishops, English, their arms, x. 228, 316, 458; xi. 176

Roman Catholic priests buried in London, vi. 149, 218, 237 ; vii. 72

Roman death duties, ix. 10, 73

Roman guards removed from Palestine to Lin- coln, ii. 469

Roman inscription concerning Corbridge, ix. 249, 311

Roman lanx found at Welney, i. 86

Roman law, its moral substances summarized,

x. 469 ; xi. 38 Roman legions, at York, x. 8, 134 ; their badges,

xi. 290 ; their history, xii. 230, 393 Roman milestones, i. 7, 132, 195

Roman mortar or cement, its red colour, iii. 34, 76, 114, 173

Roman mound on island in the Medway, v. 245, 296

Roman Pontiff, " Pater Patrum " and other styles, vii. 368, 450

Roman tablets for writing, v. 228, 350, 473, 512

Roman tenement houses, i. 369 ; ii. 73

Roman town buried in Inglewood Forest, x. 269, 317

Roman urn, amulet in, found in Kent, ix. 270, 332, 375

Romani : Gypsy Lore Society, vii. 366

Romanoff and Stuart pedigree, iv. 108, 157, 197, 295

Rome, Sancta Maria ad Nives, i. 311, 392 ; in- scription on sarcophagus, 445 ; Pope Linus in St. Paul's outside the Walls, v. 129 ; under Elagabalus, vi. 151, 376 ; verses by Cardinal Wiseman on, 408 ; Porta del Popolo at, ix. 329, 433 ; its ancient population, xi. 187, 273 ; lighting of St. Peter's, xi. 448 ; xii. 34

Romeland, origin of the place-name, vi. 389, 432 ; vii. 58

Romille (Countess of) and the mill of Silsden, x. 208

Romilly (Sir S.), tract by, v. 386

Romney (George), 1610, of St. Clement's Danes, iii. 46

Romney (George), and portrait of General C. Stewart, i. 127, 174 ; portrait by, iv. 410 ; his portrait of Mrs. Dixon, v. 34 ; and the Royal Academy, vi. 265 ; his portrait of W T illiam Petrie, vi. 401 ; his ancestry, vii. 9,79, 113 ; por- trait of Mrs. Jordan, 385 ; house in Cavendish Square, vii. 487 ; viii. 11 ; his portraits of Anna Seward, ix. 171, 218

Rone = rainwater gutter, derivation of the word, viii. 130

Rood-loft piscina discovered at Eastbourne, viii. 506

Rood-lofts, means of access to, vi. 267, 435 ; in English churches, vii. 482 ; viii. 55, 154

Rooke (Sir Geo.), and removal of bells from Dover, vi. 393

Rooker (Michael Angelo), his paintings, xi. 269

Room (C. T.) on Colet on peace and war, v. 95. Quotations, i. 257

Roosevelt (President), his Scots ancestry, v. 65 ; pronunciation of his surname, vi. 308 ; vii. 35 ; and spelling reform, vii. 51

Root (G. F.), his " Just before the battle, mother,'* iv. 208

Ropemakers' Alley, Little Moorfields, ii. 420

Ropemakers' Alley Chapel at Moorfields, i. 406 ; ii. 33

Roper (John Henry), member of Lloyds, 183745, iii. 88

Ropes used at executions, v. 266, 315, 375, 418, 457, 498 ; vi. 54

" Roping " a horse, Latin for, i. 448, 513

Rosamond : Fair Rosamond Chapbook, xii. 209, 298, 452

Roscillus on luminous owls, ix. 218

Roscoe (Thomas), his translation of Benvenuto Cellini, xii. 266

Roscoe arms and family, vii. 328

Rose, epigram on, iii. 309, 354, 370, 433 ; iv. 18 ? Isaac Watts on, vii. 105

Rose (D. M.) on descendants of Waldef of Cum- berland, ii. 241, 412

Rose (Hugh), his duel with Dr. W. Gordon, ix. 509