Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/253

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Russell (G. W. E.) on beating the bounds, xi. 497. Campbell, x. 338. Dish of tea, xii. 377. Farmers of Aylesbury, xi. 453. Handwriting, changes in, x. 338. "Though lost to sight," xii. 288. Vanneck (Mrs. and Miss), xii. 456. Waterloo : Charlotte, x. 338

Russell (Lady) on ' Bathilda,' iv. 93. Berenice, wife of Ptolemy III., iv. 126. Blandina, v. 450 "Blow the cobwebs away," xi Boughton, iv. 193. Bullim : 113. Bury (Lady Charlotte

his duel, 493. Christina, Churchwardens'


Camelford (Lord), Royal, Savoy, vii. Sweden, vi. 12. v. 410. Cromwell (Major

253. Brudenell its locality, vi.

S. M.), ix. 273.

v. 162. Chapel Queen of accounts,

Richard), v. 154.

Dog-names, ii. 150, 233.' " Every man has his price," vii. 471. ' Franche leal et oie," vi. 251. Funeral invitations in Scotland, vi. 54. Hew- son (Sir John), vi. 292. Jenkyn, Little John, &c., v. 155. Jiggery-pokery, iv. 232. John- son's poems, vi. 155. Laconic letters, v. 153. L'Espec (Sir Walter), ii. 287. Man of noses, iv. 197. Margaret of Austria, vi. 248. Miniver, vi. 313. Olvarius's ' History,' v. 493. Pic- tures of ' Julius Caesar ' and ' Romeo and Juliet,' iv. 234. Pit, for cockpit, v. 437. Pitt (Col.), 1711, iv. 206, 375. " Plus je connais les Jiommes," x. 273. Prisons in Paris during the Revolution, iv. 394. " Property has its duties," ix. 414. Raleigh's ' Historic of the World,' iii. 194, 317. &f. Thomas Aquinas : his ancestry, v. 377. Santorin and St. Irene, v. 510. Tencin (Madame du), i. 427. Thinking horse, ii. 281. Throgmorton : Penistone : Heveningham, vi. 233. Troutbeck (John), vi. '14. Waterloo campaign, v. 152. Wolfe (General), his death, xii. 308. Woman with masculine name, ix. 457 Russell (Lady Elizabeth), her monument, 1601,

ix. 325

Russell (Lord), letters describing Western Re- bellion, i. 46

Russell (Rebecca )= William Dyer, v. 209; vi. 115

Russell (Rita) on Atlas and Pleione : the daisy,

iv. 387 Russell (Thomas), overseer of Shakespeare's will,

and Richard Stanley, vi. 70 Russell (Sir W. H.), his parentage, vii. 465 Russell = Howe, x. 269 Russia, its royal house and Harold II

276 ; Gordon surname in, v. 469 ;

christening the dead in, viii. 405 Russia, Southern, statues in, v. 349 Russian Baltic fleet blunder, ii. 425 Russian Christian martyr, first, viii. 6, 93 Russian Church, W. V. Richardson admitted into,

iii. 327, 376

Russian folk-lore in Japanese war, i. 347 Russian grammar, first printed at Oxford, viii. 85 Russian language, its divergence from Cech, iii.

202 ; its affinity with Slovenish, vii. 381, 436 Russian life, tale of, iv. 428 Russian men-of-war, their names, i. 385 Russian names, their meaning, iii. 266, 317, 465 ;

their pronunciation, xi. 186, 235 Russian navy, Scotchmen in, i. 349, 433, 492 :

ii. 173 Russian painting initialled " J. R. M., 1849," viii.


Russian prediction, i. 445 Russians and Japanese, language of official and

private communications, iii. 347, 417

iv. vi.

188, 34:

Ruston-Harrison (C. W.) on John Sewell, xi.

290 Rutherfurd (Capt.) at Trafalgar, xi. 10, 73, 454 ;

xii. 76

Ruthwell Cross, Dumfrieshire, x. 168, 217 Rutland, origin of the name, xi. 170, 294 Rutland (Duke of), 1818-1906, his ancestor Lord

Robert Manners, vi. 145, 217

Rutland (John or Caspar?), his 'Loci Com- munes,' ii. 189 Rutlandshire, tale of, i. 505 Rutledge family of Charlestown, South Carolina,

vii. 490 ; viii. 74

Rutt (T.) on Devonshire funeral customs, v. 48 Rutton (W. L.) on Sir John Barnard, vii. 90, 194. " Breaking the flag," vi. 69. Burial-ground of St. George's, Hanover Square, x. 57. Butler (James), Duke of Ormond, iv. 536. ' Clifford Priory,' vi. 169. Constables of the Tower, ix. 61, 161, 243, 490 ; x. 118, 277. Cowhouse Manor, Middlesex, xii. 168. Cromwell (Major Richard), v. 113. Dabrichecourt, ix. 332. Fig trees in London, xii. 396. Gibbets, iv. 229. Hair-powdering closets, iv. 349 ; v. 135. Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, x. 41, 142. Kingsway and Aldwych, iv. 361, 451. London improvement, v. 1, 43. Mellon (Mrs. Alfred), formerly Miss Woolgar, xii. 266. Musk melons, xi. 324. Neyte, Eybury, and Hyde, x. 321, 461 ; xi. 22. " O dear, what can the matter be ? ' vi. 116. Portman family, v. 150, 178, 272. Portman. family at Kew, v. 383. Rose of Jericho, v. 430, 515. Spelling changes, vi. 403 ; vii. 51. Teoburnan= Tyburn, x. 329. Tyburn, The, xi. 130, 333

Ruvigny (Marquis de) on arms in Congregational Chapel at Chertsey, vii. 269. Balfour (Right Hon. A. J.), vi. 91. Bourke (General), ix. 52. Camelford (Lord), his duel, v. 162. Chertsey monumental inscriptions, vii. 43, 148, 203, 364, 504. Clarke (Rev. E. Daniel), xii. 328. Cromwell's House of Lords, vi. 257. De Garen- cieres, vi. 418. De Harold (Edmund, Baron), xii. 452. De Raet Baronetcy, xii. 446. Etty (William), v. 88. Grant (Baron), xii. 328. Harold II. and royal houses of England, Den- mark, and Russia, iv. 276. Iceland (Governors of), xii. 458. Isabel (Plantagenet), Countess of Essex and Eu, vi. 407, 508 ; vii. 147. Italian genealogy, xi. 14. Johnson (Lady Arbella), vii. 38. Johnson (Isaac), of Massachusetts, iv. 314. La Fayette (Marquise de), vii. 11. Law of Lauriston, x. 434. Lismore (Lord), vi. 516. Lusignan (Geoffrey de), vi. 74. Mahony family, viii. 294. May family, ix. 70. May- nards of Curriglas, vi. 471. Murat's widow : Empress Marie Louise, xi. 214. Nonjurors : Rev. Benjamin Way, viii. 277. Northumber- land (seventh Earl of), xi. 188. Perrin (Victor Claude), Duke of Belluno, vi. 497. Planta- genets, their descendants, iv. 528. Romanoff and Stuart pedigree, iv. 295. Saltonstall of Rogerthorpe, v. 88. Swedish royal family, iv. 293. Titles, princely, in Germany, vi. 255. Wardlaw family, viii. 262, 344 Rybot (F. O.) on ' Journal of Auctions and Sales,*

ix. 449

Ryder =Blin, i. 428 Ryder family, iv. 489 Ryland (William Wynne), artist, his execution,

1783, ix. 294 ; xii. 383

Ryme Intrinseca, Dorset place-name, iv. 89, 536 Ryton-on-Tyne, brass at, ix. 389