Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/256

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Tulliedeph (Principal), ii. 207. Turing: Ban- nerman, iii. 316. Twins, iii. 357. Violante (Madame) in Edinburgh, iii. 472. Wager, its wreck, i. 201, 230 ; iii. 417. Walking Holy rood Marches, ix. 426. West Indian military records, vii. 197. West's picture of Wolfe's death, vi. 154. Wolfe (General), his death, xii. 357. Woman with masculine name, ix. 457 S r (W.) on authors of quotations wanted, xi. 14.

' Not all who seem to fail," i. 8 S. (W. E.) on white turbary, i. 310 S. (W. H.) on surnames ending in -nell, xi. 8 S. (W. M.) on French Testament, viii. 108 o. (W. P. D.) on Queen Anne's fifty churches, ix. 429. Bandy Leg Walk, xi. 35. Bletchingly Place, x. 9. Clergy, inferior, their appellations, ix. 454. Crosland (Sir Jordan), ix. 488. Letters left at the Pastry-Cook's,' x. 476. ' Literary Companion,' ix. 438. Munro of Novar, xii. 74. Newman (R.), engraver, xii. 9

S. in A. on German translation, viii. 509

? QJO on Sir T. Malory, vii. 88

S.P.Q.R., modern use of the letters, vi. 467 ; vii. 57

Sabariticke, use of the word, 1614, ix. 488 ; x. , 33, 53, 134

Sabbath changed at the Exodus, viii. 490 ; ix. 14 Sabine (John Richard Churchill), his book-plate,

iii. 167

Sacheverell and Dr. Johnson, ix. 303 Sack, its ingredients, iii. 369, 434 Sacrae Paginge Professor, theologian's title, iv. 188, ( 273, 351 ; v. 231 Sacrifices, human, at parish boundaries and at

springs, iii. 448, 498

Sacrilege and privilege, use of the words, iii. 268 Sadi on Constantius Chlorus and St. Maurice,

viii. 330. Heraldic, iv. 508 ; v. 190. Roll of

Carlaverock, iv. 529. Simon family, viii. 510 Sadler (M. T.) on prescriptions, i. 453 Sadler's Wells play and Wordsworth, i. 7, 70, 96,

136 ; iii. 352

o a 2 ron Walden, corporation accounts, xii. 41 Saffron Walden Abbey, arms of, and Launde

Priory, xii. 249 Sage (Edward John), his death, iv. 480, 540 ; his

library, v. 219

Saghalien, pronunciation of the word, iv. 185 Sailor folk-lore : drowning sailor and glass, xii.

310 ;; Orkney, 483

Sailors' chanties, earliest references, iii. 49 Samsbury (John), collection dispersed, ix. 449,

494, 517

Saint and the niche, proverb concerning, xii. 327 Saint and Melampus, allusion to, x. 68 gaint and thistle, emblem, xi. 169, 258 Saint as a prefix, ii. 87, 192

t. Agnes, Haddington, its locality, i. 67 St. Agnes' Eve, the legend, iv. 449 ; old custom

on, vii. 311

St. Albans, font removed from Holyrood, iii. 30, 109

St. Alban's Grammar School, 'Lingua' and

' Jealous Lovers ' at, ii. 126 t. Alban's School, London, 1640, xi. 228 Samt-Amand (I. de) and Duchesse d'Angouleme,

viii. 388

St. Amelia, Queen of Hungary, xi. 308 St. Andrew, his head brought to Rome, x. 91, 135,


St. Andrew's, Antwerp, medallion of Mary, Queen of Scots, in, vi. 52

St. Andrew's, Holborn, dole cupboards at, vii. 16,

137 St. Andrew^'s cross and arms of see of Rochester,

viii. 507 ; ix. 32, 114 ; x. 91, 135, 155 St. Andrew's Day and the Sassenach, xii. 426 St. Andrews University, its arms, ix. 465 SS. Anne and Agnes, churchwardens' accounts,

v. 369, 410 ; curious parish document, vii. 248 ;

parish records, viii. 48, 269 SS. Anne and Agnes and St. John Zachary,

parishes of, iv. 288 St. Anthony of Padua, his cult, iii. 8 St. Anthony of Vienne, xi. 47, 96, 152, 233, 332 St. Anthony's bread, the term, viii. 230, 277, 315 St. Anthony's fire, ix. 167

St. Apollonia, patron saint of the teeth, x. 121 St. Asaph, Bishops of, xi. 147, 435 ; Deans of,

xii. 367 St. Augustine, chair of, i. 369, 472 ; quotation

from, xii. 209 St. Austin's Church and Archbishop Whitgift's

brother, ix. 108

St. Aylott, his identity, iii. 247, 315 St. Barbara, her emblems, x. 308, 373 ; xii. 168,

216, 258

St. Barbara, Guild of, its history, vi. 269 St. Bartholomew, Massacre of, in Paris, vii. 389 St. Bartholomew, patron of threshers, iv. 73 ;

and the Benedictines and Otford, xii. 248, 310,

418 St. Bartholomew's Priory, Smithfield, ordination of

W. Tyndale at, iii. 428, 494 ; engravings of,

viii. 427 ; its history, ix. 18 St. Bees' Head, Cumberland, " Tomline " near,

i. 368 St. Benet Fink, baptism of Cardinal Newman at,

viii. 10 St. Bennet's Church, Tarleton, and the sign of

" The Tabor," iii. 7, 55, 73 St. Bernard dogs in England, xii. 388, 478 St. Blandina, martyr virgin, v. 409, 450, 517 St. Botolph and the Devil, iv. 328, 435 St. Brelade, his biography, iv. 188 St. Brice, St. Devereux, and St. Dubricius, viii.


St. Bridget's Bower, in Spenser, i. 27, 70, 137 St. Catherine, hermitage at Harrow, iii. 467 St. Chad, his identity, iv. 90 St. Chad's Well, Battle Bridge, viii. 46 St. Charles Borromeo, his portraits, vi. 68, 118 ' St. Christian,' miracle play, c. 1505, xi. 230 St. Christopher, statue at Braine-le-Comte, viii.

433 St. Clare (H. D'Alton) on V. De Vos, xii. 238 ;

Dobb Park Castle, ix. 176. Hamilton Place,

Hyde Park, 94 St. Columba, Highland wells associated with, vi.

409, 455, 510 St. Coppin, in the Digby and Towneley plays,

vii. 29 St. Cross Hospital, Winchester, wooden lectern,

xii. 150 Saint Cyr (Marquis de Gouvion), last peer of

France, i. 225

St. David, "his cult, xi. 326 ; xii. 118 St. Devereux and St. Dubricius, vii. 327, 418 ;

viii. 17, 216 St. Dials, church at Llantarnam, Monmouthshire,

i. 72

St. Domingo, General Simcoe and, iv. 290 St. Dunstan at Glastonbury or Mayfield, i. 149,

216, 293 St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, its clocks, xii. 49, 278