Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/271

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pronounced, iv. 64. ' Oera Linda Book,' xii.

133. Orris-root, viii. 247. Ou : its pro- nunciation, ix. 294. " Painted and popped," i. 457. Paragraph mark, ii. 496. Pearl, i. 426. Peridote, i. 386. Pig : swine : Log, iv. 536. Polony, viii. 506. Pot-waller : pot-walloper, viii. 233. Pour, v. 261, 392. " Presbyter Incensatus," x.372. Propitious, v. 24. " Pro- tection for burning," xii. 194. Pugging tooth, vi. 342, 391. Punch, the beverage, iv. 531. Quandary, iii. 4. Quotations wanted, iv. 294, 513 ; v. 437. Ragmond, vi. 445. " Rattling good thing," v. 335. Reindeer : its spelling, viii. 451. Rhombus, xi. 518. Rigadoon, i. 4. Rime v. rhyme, v. 514 ; vi. 90. 132. " Road of words," yii. 354. Romeland, vi. 432. Rother- hithe, viii. 316 ; ix. 115. St. Edith, vii. 35. St. Michael l.e Quern, xi. 357. Salford : Salters- ford : Saltersgate, x. 373. Saturday in Spanish, v. 435. Saunter, ii. 224. Sax, iii. 186. Saxton family of Saxton, co. York, iii. 235. Scallions, iv. 375. School slates, iii. 14.

' Scole Inn," Norfolk, i. 313, 454. Scone or scon, x. 326. Seething Lane, xi. 485 ; xii. 71. Semaphore signalling, xi. 336. Service tree, ii. 166. ' Set up my (his) rest," vii. 53. Shake- speare's w r ife, ii. 473. Shakespearian^, i. 342 ; ii. 64 ; ix. 264 ; x. 344. Shoe, in A.V., xi. 133. Silesias : pocketings, ii. 312. Sjambok, its pronunciation, v. 35. Skyle, its meaning, xii. 178. Smallage, i. 330. Snowte : weir and fishery, iii. 137. " Sophy, The," v. 354. " Sops and wine," viii. 313. " Sorpeni " : " Haggo- vele," i. 256. Spelling changes, vi. 450. Spenser's ' Epithalamion,' iii. 474. Split in- finitive, iii. 96, 211. S quad = mud, xi. 396. Steelyard, vi. 331, 369. Steyne, vi. 352. Stob, iii. 14. Stonehenge, x. 386. Suckets : sun- kets, xii. 443. Surnames ending in -nell, xi. 75. T, initial, in place-names, x. 486. Teutonic types, vi. 246. Thaw as sxirname, viii. 334. Thiggyng : fuleenale : warelondes, viii. 92. " This too shall pass away," iv. 435.

' Though lost to sight," xi. 498. Tideswell and Tideslow, i. 91, 228, 316. Toby's dog, iv. 535. To-day : To-morrow, iii. 350. Tourmaline, iii. 115, 197. Toys, Wykehamical word, i. 13.

  • Traces of History in the Names of Places,'

ii. 186. Troper: its derivation, ix. 330. Ty- burn, xi. 31. Tye, ix. 77. " Tymbers of ermine," i. 492. ' Umbra oton,"' viii. 372. Umbrella, viii. 94. Usk (Thomas) and Ralph Higden, i. 245. Verse on a cook, iii. 134. Virgil or Vergil? iv. 309. Vittle = victual, vii. 231. Vowel-shortening, x. 43, 175. Wace on the battle of Hastings, iii. 455. Wadding- ton as a place-name, xi. 195, 274. Wainscot, x. 325. Wakerley, iv. 433. "Walking" cloth, v. 212, 293. Waney timber, xi. 34. War, its old pronunciation, v. 310. W T ard surname, vii. 154. Wassail, iii. 9, 152. W T atchet, xi. 412. Waterloo, its pronunciation, x. 232. W T averley Novels, their glossaries, xi. 178. Weathercock, iii. 352. Wharf, x. 264. Wheat- ear, its name, xii. 432. Whitsunday, ii. 121, 217, 352. Widkirk : Wakefield Mysteries,' x. 177. Wilbraham and Tabraham, x. 477. Willesden : the place-name, iii. 275. Witham, ii. 333, 538. Withershins, ii. 76. Woffiington, ii. 235. Wonders of the World, xi. 175. Worple Way, iv. 396. Wound, its pronunciation, vii. 390 ; viii. 115. Wroth, as a substantive, vii. 116. Wy in Hampshire, viii. 54. Yori, ii. 371.

Y-called : Y-coled, xi. 77. Yorkshire dialect,

iv. 170. Ythancsester, iv. 90 Skeet (F.) on Ralph Widdrington, D.D., ix. 329 Skeet (Capt. F. J. A.) on Boer War of 1881, i. 277 Skeleton, lines to, by Anna Jane Vardell, ix. 304 Skeletons at funerals, ii. 48 Skellat bell, explanation of the term, i. 166 Skelton (A.) on Maden case, x. 190 Skelton (C.) on Army and Militia Lists, xi. 153.

Campbell, x. 393. Macaroni Magistrate, x.


Skelton (C. O.) on Sir John Bury Gordon, vi. 318 Skelton (John), administration of his estate, iii.

125 Skene (James), first illustrator of Scott's romances,

vii. 176

Skerrick, dialect word, its meaning, iv. 408, 475 ' Sketch from Nature,' poem on early rising, xii.

148, 192

Sketches of the Caffre Tribes, 1851, xii. 469 Skey (F. C.) on Somerset dialect, i. 6 Skipp (Sir Thomas), his epitaph, iii. 8 Skittle alley discovered in Orange Street, viii. 364 Skrimshander, derivation of the word, vi. 150, 232,

355, 517 ; viii. 15 Skrine (F. H.) on Lieut.-General Hawley, vi. 56.

Hessel (Phcebe) and Fontenoy, vi. 82 Skrymsher (Charles Boothby), his biography,

vii. 405 ; viii. 15

Skulls, screaming, iv. 107, 194, 272, 331, 514 Skunk, derivation of the word, iii. 386 Skylarks in Orkney, x. 229 Skyle, meaning of the word, xii. 130, 178 Skyrme (Charles), Westminster scholar, 1740, x.

148 Slacke (F. A.) on Daniel Orme's portrait, vii. 407 ;

ix. 389. Wilkinson (Sir T.), iv. 46 Slade (Sir Cuthbert), bis descent, xi. 508 ; xii. 58,

135 Slade (Or.) on John Slade, Dorset, xi. 488 ; xii. 74.

Slade (Robert), xii. 129

Slade (John), Rector of South Perrot, xi. 488 Slade (Robert), his pedigree, c. 1613, xii. 129 Slade (W. N.) on quotations w r anted, vi. 389 Slade family, xii. 14, 74 Sladeii (S.) on Earl of Bristol's House, xii. 50.

North-West Somerset and Combe Sydenham,

v. 250 Sladen (St. B. S.) on canopied pews, xi. 169.

Thistle and saint, xi. 169 Slaie makers of Norwich, name explained, v. 209,

256 Slang, current, vi. 247, 393, 516 ; French, vii. 8,

50, 153 ; school, at Rossall, vii. 125, 193 ;

Crumpsman and moonsman, viii. 49 ; mush

and mush-faker, ix. 67 ; swank, 428, 513 ;

cricket, " googlie," xii. 110, 194, 274 Slate club, earliest use of the term, iii. 188 Slater (Josiah), his portrait of Wm. Wilberforce,

ix. 326

Slates first used in schools, ii. 488 ; iii. 14, 240 Slave ships of Bristol, their owners and captains,

ii. 108, 193, 257

Slave trade, Bristol's share in, xi. 6 Slavery, and commerce, iv. 429 ; and the Popes,

xii. 349

Slavery, slang word, used by Leopold I., x. 187 Slavery in England, 1764, vii. 149, 176 Slavery in the United States, its cessation, vii.

41, 153, 425 Slaves, Abraham Lincoln on their sufferings, vii.

248 ; viii. 14 Slavonic, Edward in, viii. 68, 115