Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/28

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Barrar, use and meaning of the word, i. 349,

434,478, 515 ; x. 358

Barrel-organ builders in Cheapside, iii. 348 Barrels for church organs, viii. 66 Barrett (A. E.) on Sussex inscription, iv. 389 Barrett (C. R. B.) on cricket pictures, iv. 238 Barrett (E. S.), ' The Heroine,' xii. 59 Barrett College, North Carolina, its fictitious

degrees, i. 45

Barrie (J. M.) and Kensington Gardens, vii. 1 Barriff (Capt. William), his ' Military Discipline,'

1635, v. 12 Barrili (Anton Giulio),his ' L'TJndecimo Comanda-

mento,' x. 358, 437

Barrington family of Cullenagh, viii. 9 Barristers, medical, i. 32 Barren (C.), of 19, Pall Mall, x. 69, 114 Barren (H. M.) on Byrne Intrinseca, iv. 89 Barrow, use and meaning of the word, i. 349,

434, 478, 515

Barrow (J. G.) on Nelson's death, xii. 169 Barrow (John) and George IV., ix. 308 Barrow (Oswald) on the Fitzwilliam family, iii. 165 Barrule on Accession coins and medals, x. 130 Barry (Dr. James), her biography, iii. 228, 313 Barry (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1758, v. 8 Bartelot (B. G.) on arms on a brass, xii. 209 Bartholeyns (A. O'D.) on picture by Frith, i. 67 Bartolozzi, ' Life ' by M. Missirini, i. 289 Barton (Bernard), his ' Metrical Effusions,' xi. 389 Barton (.Capt.), of H.M.S. Lichfield, x. 249, 334,

416 Barton (Elizabeth), Holy Maid of Kent, ii. 268,

336 Barton Grammar School, Westmorland, its history,

vii. 488 ; viii. 57 ; xii. 110 Bartrun (H. H.) on Little and Barnardiston

families, xii. 469. Tye, ix. 29 Barum, meaning of the word, x. 452 Basevil (Gilbert de) and Robert de An vers,x. 29 Basin and ewer from Fotheringay bell, ix. 468 Basire (Dr. Isaac), chaplain to Charles I. and II.,

x. 128 Baskish, " apple " in, ii. 269 ; New Year's Eve

in, iii. 86 ; P. d'Urte's ' Genesis ' in, 148 ;

butterfly in, 226 ; Leicarragan, verb, in, 267 ;

New Testament, 1571, vii. 215 ; connexion of

bulka with bulk, 227, 273, 374 ; Omar Khayyam

in, 326

Baskish and Ainoo languages, i. 264, 297, 432, 513 Baskish Bible, i. 284, 315

Baskish calendar, names for September, vi. 326 Baskish inscriptions in Newfoundland, v. 328,


Baskish legends, their recitation, i. 190, 493 Baskish soul folk-lore, vi. 507 ; vii. 73 Baskish verses on marriage of King and Queen of

Spain, v. 447 Bask-Latin-English dictionary, early, iv. 143,

255, 333 ; vi. 51 ; viii. 16 Baskology, Charles Godwyn and, ii. 487 Basks, Voltaire on, vi. 408 Basle, Council of, Heine's legend, i. 8, 397 Basle, figure on Cathedral at, ii. 149 ; madness,

x. 310, 392 ; midday at, 310, 392 Basque. See Bosk-Latin. Bass (E. C.) on Basse family, viii. 68 Bass Bock, hexameters on, ix. 288, 411 Bass Rock music, i. 308, 374, 437 ; ii. 74 Basset, obsolete English game, vii. 361 Basset, Englefield, Basevil, and Anvers, x. 29 Basset (Isabella), 1346, her parentage, ii. 69 Bassett (H. H.) on Eynsford Castle, ix. 449

Bassett Family Association in America, ix. 486 Bastinado as English military punishment, x,

246, 355, 397

Bat Bearaway," origin of the name, vii. 168,

258 ; viii. 15 Batchelor (John), his Ainoo dictionary, i. 265 Bate family, viii. 510 Bateman (John F.), d. 1889, his burial-place, ix.

128 Bates (E. F.) on Aristotle and moral philosophy, i.

405. Marlowe and Shakespeare, i. 75 Bates (E. H.) on engraving by J. G. Will, xii.

49. Palimpsest brass inscriptions, vii. 27 Bates (E. S.) on Lansdowne MS. 720, xii. 188 Bates (Madison C.) on Cowper bibliography, xii.

508 Bath, Richard Nash at, i. 32, 96 ; Nelson at, i. 366 ;

memorial tablet to James Quin at, iii. 185 ;

Gay's * Beggar's Opera ' at, 365 ; list of Kings of

of, v. 28, 75, 132, 215 ; tablet inscribed in

uncials at, viii. 95, 252

Bath (Sir Harry) and Shotover, iii. 209, 277 Bathilda, wife of Clovis II., iv. 28, 93, 474 Bathing-machines, earliest, ii. 67, 130, 230 ; vi. 154 Bathurst (Benjamin) and Duke of Gloucester, ix.

149 Bathurst (Miss K.) on Alexander family, ix. 98.

Gloucester (Duke of) and Benjamin Bathurst,

ix. 149 Bathurst (Lord) and the highwayman, iv. 349,

415, 495

Batley, Easter sepulchre at, 1509, i. 265 Batrome (John), carved woodwork by, i. 88, 173,

252, 338, 378

Bats associated with human souls, viii. 15 Batsford (B. T.) on Cowdray, Sussex, ix. 450 Batson (H. M.) on Mortimer, i. 109 Battels, use of the word, 1574, ix. 305 Batten (W. M.) on Batten family, iv. 88. Hallet

family, iii. 308. Maxwell of Ardwell, iii. 389 Batten family of Cornwall and Devon, iv. 88 Battle-axe Guard, c. 1709, iii. 247, 314 Battle Bridge, St. Chad's Well, viii. 46 Battledore in the pulpit, clergyman with, viii.

450 ; ix. 53

Battledores and hornbooks, vi. 463 Battlefield memorials, xi. 441 ; xii. 181 Battlefield sayings, i. 268, 375, 437 ; ii. 275 ;

iii. 35 Baughan : Boffin, derivation of the name, xi.

509 ; xii. 112, 292

Bauhusius (Bernardus), his epigrams, ix. 70, 134 Baveno, Roman inscription at, x. 107, 193, 296 " Bawm's March," 1718, meaning of term, vii.

188, 230, 516

Baxter (A. Macduff), m. 1827, his issue, vii. 328 Baxter (F. W.) on Baxter's oil printing, i. 490.

" Caterpillers of Commonwealth," iv. 248.

Shakespeariana, iv. 443 Baxter (George), his patent oil printing process,

i. 427, 490

Baxter (J. P.) on Baxter family, viii. 129 Baxter (Richard) on the Pied Piper, viii. 6, 117 Baxter family of Shropshire, viii. 129 Bayard's Green, official site of tournaments, vi.

89, 154 Baydon, Cumberland, place-name, r. 1619, x.

249, 335

Bayham Abbey, its date, iv. 448 ; v. 31 Bayle (P.), his ' Reponse aux Questions d'un

Provincial,' vii. 249, 296 Bayley (A. R.) on John Abbot, xii. 172. ' JEsop's

Fables,' 1821, xi. 398. Almsmen, Westminster