Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/282

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Suffolk Bishopric, its designation, viii. 407

' Suffolk Mercury,' or ' St. Edmund's Bury Post,'

1717-31, iii. 88

Suffolk Street Riot, 1735, participants in, ix. 30 Suffragettes and ' Girl of the Period,' 1868, x. 467,

518 ; xi. 115 Sugar as ingredient of mortar, iii. 34, 76, 114, 173,

372 Suicides buried in the open fields, iv. 346, 397, 475,

514 ; v. 76, 173

Suicides of animals, xii. 228, 277 Suirdale (Viscount), origin of the title, ix. 29, 98 Sulhamstead Rectory, Berkshire, 1749, xi. 9 Sulley (F.) on Baal-fires : bonfire, x. 456 Sullivan (B.) on authors of quotations, viii. 32 Sully (C.) on literary allusions, viii. 410 Sulphur matches and match-maker's song, vii.

348, 396, 451

Summer, wet, curious relic, viii. 248 Summer " set in with its usual severity," i. 38 Sumner (Archbishop) and wigs, x. 392 Sumroo (Begum), her history, i. 14, 68 Sun : " My Lord the Sun," reference to, i. 126,


Sun and its orbit, i. 329, 435, 476 Sun and spirituality, vi. 29 Sun putting out fire, v. 300

Sunday, Button, v. 247, 376 ; Cock Hat, v. 413 Sunday, Carnival in the Greek Church, vii. 186 Sunday football, i. 331 Sundial, Clement's Inn, its history, vi. 30, 117,


Sundial, inscriptions on, i. 148, 516 ; parish, 208 Sundial, Isle of Man, inscription on, ii. 44 Sundial inscription, Greek, ix. 289, 518 Sundial inscription at the White City, xii. 367 Sundials inside churches, v. 206, 271 Sunken Land of Bus, a ' Doubtful Shoal,' v. 509 Sunkets : suckets, origin of the words, xii. 443 Sunset, hour of, at Washington, pi. 87, 154 Sunspots in literature, early references to, vi.


Suomi on Runeberg, Finnish poet, ii. 9 Supawn, American porridge, origin of the term,

vii. 163

Superman, use of the term, v. 88, 173 Supernatural, references in hieroglyphics to, i.


Superstition, number, i. 369, 457 Supervisum Corpus, presumption of death, i.


Surname, heraldic, vi. 29, 78 Surname prefixes in Lincolnshire, vi. 224 Surnames : Camden on, i. 248, 314 ; of King- Edward VII. and Queen Alexandra, ii. 529 ; iii. 114, 174, 351, 412 ; translated, iv. 205, 275; number in England, v. 370 ; ending in -eng, x. 428, 497 ; ending in -nell, xi. 8, 75

Surnames :

Anglo-Saxon, v. 442

Askwith or Asquith, ix. 461 ; x. 37

Beddoes, viii. 64, 113, 158

Beth Reynolds, viii. 209

Botha, vii. 486 ; viii. 298

Brass, viii. 350 ; ix. 358 ; x. 74, 136

Bronte =Prunty, ix. 237

Browker, viii. 167

Campbell, x. 228, 278, 338, 393, 432

Cheyne, xi. 388

Clarionett, xi. 487, ; xii. 98

Clippingdale, vii. 37

Colet, x. 249

Surnames :

Comloquoy, x. 187

Coslett, vii. 30

Danish, iii. 49, 137, 390

Delmer, v. 348, 433

Ellen, x. 410

Figgess or I^iggiss, ix. 388, 478

Gallic, v. 309, 394, 454

Garioch, x. 298

Garrett and Gerald, xii. 345

Guppy, x. 327, 477, 517

Haldane, x. 347, 396

Hawtrey, v. 348, 417

Hogsflesh, viii. 28, 334, 394 ; ix. 14

Holyoake, v. 126, 173

Indian, xi. 166, 250

Irish, x. 146, 354, 417

Jonson, ix. 329, 431

Lamb, vii. 121, 212

Latta, viii. 190, 317, 377

MacErlean, iii. 249

MacNamara, vii. 58

Orcadian, xi. 505

Page, vii. 322

Pickthall, x. 249, 295

Portman, v. 351

Rockefeller, v. Ill

Roosevelt, vi. 368 ; vii. 35

Serimshaw, viii. 15

Servian, x. 305

Shakespeare, 1796, xi. 324

Shaw, viii. 250, 334

Sherlock, x. 265

Sloan, xii. 228, 318, 513

Smith in Latin, v. 13, 73, 152, 193

Sneegum or Sneezum, xii. 206

Snodgrass, ix. 427 ; x. 10, 52, 113, 216

Steepe, x. 468 ; xi. 117

Strugnell, xi. 109

Sze"chenyi, ix. 125

Theobald, xii. 345

Twelve, xii. 149, 169, 257, 318

Un thank, x. 15

Wadsworth, vii. 308, 515

Walker, v. 169, 212, 227, 293

Walsh, xii. 446

Ward, vii. 109, 154

Surr (W.), on " Kingsley's Stand," vii. 378 Surrey, houses of the nobility, c. 1680, xii. 143 Surrey Gardens, their history, ix. 490 ; x. 32, 7$ Surrey marriage licences, c. 1760-1820, iii. c Surtees (H. C.) on De Morgan : Tuberville or Turberville, iii. 168. Mount Grace le Ebor, i. 149. Snowball, i. 137. Turing: Banner- man, iii. 167 Surtees (Robert), and ' Barthram's Dirge, i. ; 8,.

378 Surveillante and Quebec, action between frigates,.

ii. 228, 271

Sussex, death-sequence in, i. 127; its religious houses, vi. 449 ; vii. 134, 294, 415 ; wind- mills in, 149, 214, 276, 397, 413

Sussex (Earl of), speech by, 1596, i. 7

Sussex county arms, x. 230, 332

' Sussex Drinking-Song,' bridge in, v. 508 ; vi. 3

Sussex inscription, iv. 389 ; v. 75

Sussex ironworks, obsolete terms in, xii. 349

Sussex on Court posts under Stuart kings, i. 1 07,. 198. Wheatear, xii. 432

Sussex poll-books, vii. 70

Sussex relic, hammer post, its disappearance,.

xi. 486