Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/286

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Tavern Signs :

Vine, Mile End, ii. 167, 218, 252

Vine Inn, Highgate Boad, ii. 327, 433 ;

iii. 235

Widow's Son, Devon's Boad, Bow, iii. 344 World Turned Upside Down, viii. 290, 355 Tavern signs of old London, c. 1660-1700, vii.

445 ; c. 1603-25, viii. 288 ; c. 1600-50, xii.

127, 190, 254, 414

Tawell (J.) executed at Aylesbury, i. 255 Taxameter cabs. See Taximeter. ' Taxatio Ecclesiastica Nicholai IV.,' xii. 107 Taxation, and marriage of the King of Spain,

vii. 187

Taxes, French, " remitted for ever," xii. 368, 456 Taxes in England in Tudor times, viii. 283, 430 ;

ix. 153

Taxile on Schopenhauer in English, xii. 115 Taximeter cab, early experiments, vii. 264 ;

patented 1846, viii. 367

Taxus on yew trees by Act of Parliament, x. 430 Tay and Tiber in ' Fair Maid of Perth,' ix. 464 Taylor (C. S.) on punt in football, xi. 316. Bichard

III.'s mother, ix. 411

Taylor (E. W. B.) on " Behold this ruin ! " x. 408 Taylor (G. M.) on Bergerode, x. 407 ; xi. 218,

513. Haughendo : Fylde oath, xi. 509 Taylor (H.) on the Godstone, Formby, ix. 187.

Greensted Church, viii. 26, 196, 275, 416. Hell,

Heaven, and Paradise, i. 332. Holyoake and

special constables, v. 126, 212, 274. ' Pale

Ale," as nickname for Englishmen, v. 447.

Buthwell Cross, x. 217. St. Paul's Cathedral :

its foundation stone, v. 272. Salford : Salters-

ford, x. 222. Walton, Lancashire, vii. 14 Taylor (Isaac) on literary composition, vi. 463 Taylor (Jeremy), quotations in, i. 406 ; xii. 209 ;

first edition of ' Holy Living ' and ' Holy

Dying,' ix. 80 Taylor (John), the Water Poet, his tavern sign,

i. 374 ; his Thumb Bibles, xii. 367 Taylor (John), engineer, his portrait, vii. 347, 514 Taylor (J. W.) on Abraham Lincoln and Tom

Taylor, ix. 26

Taylor (Sir B.), 1714-88, his marriage, xi. 329 Taylor (Thomas ) = Gertrude Berkeley, xii. 147 Taylor (Thomas), the Platonist, and W. Mere- dith, i. 409 Taylor (Tom) on Dr. Whewell, iii. 189, 293 ; and

Abraham Lincoln, ix. 26

Tea, correct pronunciation of the word, ii. 90 Tea, dish of, xii. 287, 377, 436 Tea as a meal, early references, i. 176, 209, 456 ;

ii. 17, 175 ; vii. 246 Te Igitur, phrase in ' Ivanhoe,' explained, xii.

66, 115

Tear 'em, nickname of J. A. Boebuck, viii. 186 Teddington Library, pictures of Sibyls at, vii. 88,

136, 152, 194

Teed and Ashburner families, iv. 90 Teedon (Samuel), his MS. diary, i. 409, 473 Teenick, Kentish dialect word, x. 467 ; xi. 57 Teening time, dialect term, v. 186 Teeth, persons born with, v. 8, 78, 115; x. 453;

curious, x. 75, 188 Tekelites = Whigs, use of the term by Dry den, v.

87 Telegram, longest, ii. 125, 176, 192 ; judgment by,

x. 467

Telegraph, early use of the word, ix. 120

Telegraph,' 1797, newspaper, its history, ix. 247,


Telegraph, electric, anticipated, ii. 66, 135, 234 Telegraph, patent signal, or writing machine,

iv. 65

Telegraph wires, their linking-up, xi. 229 Telephonic, early use of the word, ix. 247 Tellers, bell rung at death, i. 308, 350 Telson (M.) on names terrible to children, xi. 53 Tempany (T. W.) on the arbalest or cross-bow,

ii. 443 Tempest (E. B.) on Mrs. Mary Goodyer's murder,

vii. 50 Templar on Thomas Goodwin, i. 189. Men of

family as parish clerks, viii. 448. Stubbs

(Bobert), of Stamford, ix. 250. Trollope family,

vi. 288 Templars, Knights, their possessions in Great

Britain, iii. 467 ; charters at York, iv. 167,


Temple (Mrs.) on Boger Langdon, vii. 228 Temple (Bichard, Earl) and Junius, ii. 285 Temple (Sir W.) : Swift's edition, viii. 21;

Swiss visitor, 129 Temple Bar, its history, xii. 166 Temple Bridge and County Hall, proposed, iii. 105 Temple Church, effigies in, ix. 308, 477 Temple College, Philadelphia, its degrees, i. 207,

297, 493 Temple family, vi. 310, 417 Temple of the Muses, iv. 54, 177, 233 Tencin (Madame du), her portrait, i. 427 Tenement houses, Boman, ii. 73 Tenerife, inscriptions at Orotava, i. 361, 455 ; at

Santa Cruz, 442 Teniers and miniatures, vii. 409, 454 Tenison (C. M.) on Major-General Fage, x. 350.

Gormanston family, x. 230. Winter (Provost

Samuel), x. 229

Tenison's ' Baconiana,' v. 31, 133 Tenn, heraldic term, ix. 55 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord), on Britain, i. L66 ;

psalm-singing weavers, ii. 128, 194 ;

Gerald's song in his ' Memoirs,' 285 ; house at

Twickenham, 324 ; archiepiscopal cross in

' Becket,' iv. 106, 157 ; and the spindle tree,

vi. 368 ; sonnet by, vii. 89, 159, 197 ; and

Hardwicke House, Seaford, 466 ; his ' Cross- ing the Bar,' viii. 33 : his ' Foresters '

and Peacock's 'Maid Marian,' 341, 438;

astronomy in his works, ix. 13 ; Cleopatra's

complexion, 121, 194 ; hate in ' The Poet,' x.

148 ; " ringing grooves of change," 246 ;

and Aldworth, Sussex, xi. 325 ; and Terence,

xii. 346

Tennyson (Frederick), sonnet by, vii. 89, 159, 1 Tennyson bibliography, xi. 322 Tennyson concordances, xi. 261, 353, 513 Tenses in fiction, iii. 307 Tenths and Fifteenths, their origin and incidence,

viii. 430 ; x. 88 Tents, in enumeration, xi. 411 Tenures, peculiar, estates held by, ix. 197 Tepee, wigwam, and wickie-up, their difference,

ix. 406 Terence, ' Phormio ' at Westminster, xi. 427 ; and

Tennyson, xii. 346 Tering, the word in churchwardens' accounts, iv.


Terrapin, its etymology, vi. 185 Terrett (E. E.) on Egypt as a place-name, xi. 174 Terrify, uses of the verb, vi. 147 Terry (C. W.) on authors of quotations wanted,

xii. 375. " Blow the cobwebs away," xi. 189.

Burial-places of notable actresses, xii. 513.