Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/291

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' Town and Country Magazine,' Tte-a-Tete portraits in, iv. 241, 342, 462, 522; v. 54; vii. 505 ; ix. 494 ; 1785, article in, xii. 368, 435

Townley estates, missing heir, x. 89 Townley House, Ramsgate, its historical associa- tions, v. 106

Towns unlucky for kings, vii. 29, 74, 212 ; viii. 36 Townsend (Richard), c. 1684, his will and epitaph,

v. 508

Townsend, Rokewood, and Style families, y. 488 Townshend (Anne) = Sir Thomas Browne, xi. 410,

473 ; xii. 36 Townshend (Charles), M.P. for Yarmouth 1756-61,

xi. 282 Townshend (Dorothea) on Townshend pedigrees,

i. 226 Townshend (Ethelreda, Viscountess of), her

biography, xi. 429, 498

Townshend (J.) on 'Abbey of Kilkhampton,' i. 12. Epitaphs, their bibliography, i. 174. ' Philobiblion,' ix. 173. " Though lost to sight," iii. 327. Townshend or Townsend pedigrees, i. 226

Townships, detached parts of, x. 428 Toys, Wykehamical word, i. 13, 50, 96 Toys, English, in the sixteenth century, yiii. 290 Tract, seventeenth-century historical, iii. 187 Tracts, c. 1760 : ' Agnes Beaumont's Story,' viii.


Tracts, how to catalogue, ii. 388, 453 ; iii. 174 ' Tracts for the Times,' list of authors, ii. 347,

398, 452, 492 Tracy : " Handsome Tracy," his identity, ix.

188 ; xi. 197, 238

Tracy family, their fate, iv. 128, 192, 274, 335 Tradagh = Drogheda, old Irish word, vii. 328,


Trade, silent, ancient practice, i. 206 Trade-marks, c. 1580, xii. 65, 131 Trade-names, " le ' before, c. 1600, xii. 189,

237, 477

Trades and callings, their superstitions, iii. 465 Trafalgar, pronunciation of the name, iv. 385, 431, 471, 534 ; v. 57, 114 ; last survivor of the battle, iv. 485 ; Hardy pedigree in Three Dorset Captains,' v. 241 ; Nelson's ' instruc- tions," 244, 311 ; Capt. Rutherfurd at, xi.

10, 73, 454 ; xii. 76

Tragedize, use of the verb, 1743, vii. 386

Train Bands, Cumberland and Westmorland, c.

1685, xii. 269

Translator and classic, ii. 71 Trapesing, dialect word, iv. 414 Trappes-Lomax (R.) on Sparth, v. 288 Traquair, " Palace " of, and Burns, iv. 387, 437 Traquair House, Peebles, its closed gates, v. 249 Travel, licences to, xi. 149, 233 Travelling : in England, 1600-1700, v. 348, 414,

433, 455, 492 ; in seventeenth century, ix. 107 ;

in the reign of Hadrian, xi. 10, 113 Travels in China, iii. 15, 154 Travers (Elias), his diary, ii. 68, 133 Travers (Henry), his ' Miscellaneous Poems and

Translations,' iii. 346, 416

Travers, Trevers, or Trivers family, i. 208, 252 Tray : ' Poor Dog Tray,' vii. 14, 137 Tray- trip, obsolete English game, vii. 404 Treason, high, its punishment, x. 229, 314, 354,


Treasure-trove, its history, iii. 182 Treasurer (Lord High), words in his accounts,

11. 368

Treats, dialect word, its meaning, vi. 310 ; vii.

517 ; viii. 95 Treaty of Peace, 1815, and the English Press, iv.


Treaty of Tilsit. See Tilsit. Trechmann (E.) on Sainte-Beuve on Castor and

Pollux, xi. 309

Tredegar on authors of quotations, ix. 393 Tree outlining human form, xi. 346 Trees, reversion of, ii. 88, 153 Tregeagle and Dozmare Pool, legend of, xii. 246 Tregortha (John) of Burslem, his biography, ii.

289, 393 Trelawny (Sir J.), ' D.N.B.' on, iii. 447 ; Bishop

of Bristol arrested by James II. , vii. 24 Trelawny ballad, its origin, i. 83 Treleigh Church, Cornwall, its history, viii. 75 Treloar (Sir William) and crippled children, viii.

287, 333 Tremayle, Tressevelen, and Trivett families, xii.


Trenchard (Francis), his library, c. 1658, iv. 222 Trent (W. P.) on Defoe tracts, vi. 47 Trepolpen (P. W.), pseudonym, iv. 527 Tresilian (Cecil) on Crockford's, iv. 489 Tressevelen, Tremayle, and Trivett families, xik

368 Trevelyan (Sir G. O.), verbal slip in ' Life of

Macaulay,' xii. 35

Trevelyan (Sir G. O.) on Laurence the wit, xi. 355 Trevers, Trivers, or Travers family, i. 208, 252 Trevor (John, Lord), d. 1764, his biography, v-

508 ; vi. 36

Tribal Hidage, the, vi. 213 Tricolour, its history, ii. 247, 290, 312 Tricquet or croquet in sixteenth century, ii. 8 Trier, windows from church at, xii. 109, 156, 198- Trig, word used for water-spaniel, viii. 449 Trill upon my harp, light called, ii. 148 Trin. Coll. Camb. on Basil Goode, xii. 387 Trinity Tuesday, use of the term, vii. 507 Triplicate writing, iii. 30 Tripos and tripos verses, iv. 124, 172, 292 Tripp (G. H.) on Gosnold portrait, iii. 468 Trisanku, Indian legend, v. 244 Tristan and Isolde, association with Dublin, viL

50, 150

Tristan's fight with Morolt, its site, vi. 269 Trivett, Tremayle, and Tressevelen families, xii.


Trobridge (G.) on the Swedish Church, E., x. 154 Troll-my-dames, obsolete English game, vii. 512 Trollope (Anthony), key to ' Phineas Finn,' viii.


Trollope family, vi. 288 Trooping the colours, ii. 49, 116 Troops in winter, their sufferings, iii. 21, 104 Tropenkoller : Tropenwut, their translation,

ii. 48

Troper, meaning of the word, ix. 288, 330 Troubadour poetry, use of besturne in, viii. 406 Troubridge (Sir T. H. C.) on Quince family, vi. 8 Trousered, word used by R. L. Stevenson, ii. 326 Trousers, early use of the word, vi. 86, 157, 255 Trousers, Wellington, xi. 48 Trousers = gun cases, in George Eliot, ix. 409 Trousers v. pantaloons, vii. 207, 271 ; viii. 314 Trout caught by tickling, i. 154, 274, 375, 473 ; ii,

277, 356 ; iii. 332 Troutbeck (John), royal surgeon, 1660, vi. 249 y

314 Trowels, " Work-hard Starvation," the term, ix,