Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/294

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United States of America, snake-lore in, i. 253, 333 ; their dates, iii. 326 ; oldest Protestant church in, v. 244 ; cessation of slavery in, vii. 41, 153, 425 ; brevity of notices in, 287, 373 ; the term " local option ' in, viii. 51, 196 ; social life in the South, x. 248, 418 ; " Paddies " on St. Patrick's Day, xi. 106

Universities, English, and Chaucer, iv. 47

University, " James," 1652, the designation, v. 47, 92, 135

University arms, Scottish, ix. 465

Unthank, place-name, its origin and meaning, ix. 351, 492 ; x. 15

Unthank (R. A. H.) on Vintners' Company, xii. 30

Unwin (G.) on hair-powdering closets, iv. 453

Unwin (Jacob), his ' Naturalist's Album,' viii. 469 ; ix. 13

Unwin (Matthew), Birmingham printer, 1702, viii. 469 ; ix. 13

Unwin (T. Fisher) on dumping, v. 127. " Hungry Forties," iii. 111. Unwin (Jacob and Matthew), viii. 469

Up, misuse of the word, v. 245 ; vi. 138, 174, 253

Upottery, Nelson table at, vi. 487

Upsilon, explanation of the name, iii. 228, 277

Upton (Nicholas), herald, ix. 389, 457

Upton (W. P.) on Bayly of Hall Place and Bide- ford, ii. 108

Upton Snodsbury, discoveries at, ii. 268, 312

Urceo (Antonio) quoted by Burton and Fitz- Gerald, xii. 185

Uri (Joannes), 1724-96, his biography, ix. 507

Uriani, a sect of Jewish Christians, iv. 509

Urlin (Miss E. L. H.) on Urlin families, x. 349

Urlin families, x. 349

Urllad on " An Austrian army," i. 211. Farmer (Capt. George), xii. 9. Hair becoming sud- denly white, x. 75. Idle = mischievous, x. 12. Skylight and twilight, x. 76. ' Times ' as " The Thunderer," ix. 396. William III.'s horse, ix. 377. Woman burnt for poisoning, xi. 497

Urn, Roman amulet in, found in Kent, ix. 270, 332, 375

Urns in modern burials, ii. 286

Urquijo (J. de) on Latin-English-Basque dic- tionary, iv. 333 ; vi. 51

Ursula (Lady), how many now living, xii. 110

Urswick and the Franceys family, vi. 88

Urte's (P. d') translation of Genesis into Baskish, iii. 148

Usher, Hereditary, of the Court of Exchequer, abolished, v. 89

Usher (Bishop) or Bacon, saying attributed to, ii. 407, 471 ; iii. 94, 155, 234

Usher of the Green Rod, the office, xii. 208, 377 Usk (Thomas) and Ralph Higden, i. 245 Utrecht, Treaty of, Dr. Doesburg on, ii. 527 ; iii. 193

Utterson (Edward Vernon) and the Beldornie

Press, vi. 132 Utton (T. P.) on Academy of the Muses, iii. 449

V. (C. Ma. H.), Dutch artist, c. 1647, ii. 448

V. (C. X.) on Huddersfield history, i. 107

V. (F.) on Burney family, vi. 56

V. (L.) on writing on ivorine, v. 228

V. (P.) on Murray baronetcy, i. 427

V. (Q.) on Add : adder, iv. 406. Ainsty, v. 32. Algarva, iii. 194. "All history proves it," viii. 370. Almanac, c. 1744, v. 155. American

Prayer-Book, iii. 208. Armour : " Mr. Bran- der's MS.," vii. 268. ' As poor as rats," vii. 469. Bacou, ix. 55. Bibliographical technical terms, xii. 204. Bidding Prayer, iii. 233. Blackguard and c N.E.D.,' v. 187. Bossing, vii. 69. Brembre or Brambre, x. 458. Burton Abbey Cartulary, iii. 127. Card terms, xi. 78. Carentinilla, iii. 108, 158. Cataloguing seventeenth-century tracts, iii. 174. Cats : their price, v. 367. 'Census Report, 1851,' v. 9. Chiltern Hundreds, iii. 114. Church spoons, v. 56. Cloisterer, viii. 467. Com- positor's ' case," xii. 330. Compter Prison, iii. 254. Con- contraction, iii. 153 ; vii. 134. Corrodies : ' Liber serviens," vii. 128. Court for actors at Chester, xii. 267. Court of Re- quests, xii. 272. Creation, its date, iii. 268. Cricklewood, ii. 476. Diamond State, v. 189. Domesday, its translations, iii. 167. Economist, sixteenth-century, iii. 369. Fesse : Miniver, xi. 87. Fistula : canna, v. 288. Fleet Prison, x. 478. Fusil, ix. 90. Galapine, ii. 447. Gaunox, xi. 250. Golf, i. 517. Green, its significance, i. 6. Hackney, a horse, ix. 91. Handwriting, changes in, x. 269. Haze : hazy, x. 102. Helper, iv. 469. Heraldic, iii. 315. Hogling money, xi. 194. Horseshoes for luck, iii. 216. Hovelling, x. 125. Hugue- not, iii. 327. Incut, xi. 188. ' Index of Archaeo- logical Papers,' iii. 186. Index saying, xi. 76. International copyright : early instance, ix. 147. Irish soil exported, iii. 328. Italian initial H, ii. 107. ' Jolly good fellow " in Italian, i. 4. Jonson (Ben) and Bacon, v. 31. Lead = language, iii. 197. Lucca, plans of, iv. 409. Man in the Moon in 1590, x. 446 ; xi. 53. Manor Rolls, x. 398. Manytice, its meaning, x. 468. Mauraden, its meaning, xii. 378. " Mony a pickle maks a mickle," vii. 113. MSS. of John, Lord Bishop of Ely, xi. 371. Nail and the clove, iii. 134. Norwich Court Rolls, iv. 489. Oriel, iii. 126. Orwell town and haven, vii. 134. Papal styles : " Pater Patrum," vii. 368. Papyrus and parchment, vii. 48. Parkins (Joseph Wilfred), iii. 213. Passementerie, viii. 448. Patent medicines, iii. 175. " Paules fete," iv. 435. Peat, v. 427. " Penny saved is twopence got," vii. 48. Perry : the beverage, ix. 107. Pickshaft or pikeshaft, measure, xi. 309. Place-names, index of, ix. 114. Pony, earliest instance, vii. 267. Portions : pensions, x. 437. Printers' proofs, xii. 490. Pro- clamation against immorality, x. 209. " Proxeg"e and Senage," xi. 27. Psychological moment, xi. 13. Punctuation in MSS. and printed books, iv. 144. Quarterstaves, iii. 235. Rache, viii. 386. Sabbath changed at the Exodus, viii. 490. St. Andrew's Cross, x. 135. St. Patrick at Orvieto, ii. 118. Salford : Salters- ford : Saltersgate, x. 438. Sarum, ii. 445 ; iii. 37, 197 ; x. 234. Schools first established, iii. 251. Shakespeare's vocabulary, iv. 49. Shap, Westmorland, iii. 106. Stedanese, vii. 89. Straw-pla.iting, iii. 414. Suffolk bishopric, viii. 407. Tobacconists' heraldry, x. 427. Topographical collections for counties, iii. 286. ' Tracts for the Times,' ii. 452. Tulipomania, iv. 90. Umbre oton, viii. 373. Utrecht, Treaty of, iii. 193. Vicariate, iii. 276. Vowels on monuments, v. 414. Vulgate, iv. 17. Waney timber, xi. 35

V. (Q. W.) on anchorites' dens, iii. 128. Arch- deacons' marks, v. 209. Byrch arms, iv. 90.