Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/298

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W. (G. H.) on Capt. Thos. Boys, xii. 38. Cardigan as a surname, i. 67. Carmarthen families, xi. 153. " Caterpillars ' of the Commonwealth, iv. 396. Cawdor dispatch, xi. 508. Cricket : earliest mention, iv. 95. Danish surnames, iii. 49. English Navy during the Civil War, xii. 496. Essex fatal to women, xii. 136. Fire engines, xi. 57. Fitzhamon, i. 47. Goodwin Sands : Lomea Islands, ix. 149. H.M.S. Beaver, 1828, xi. 189. Heron (Giles), x. 74. Hewson (Sir John), vi. 292. ; Polhill family, xi. 149. Post boxes, vi. 453. Potter's Bar: Seven Kings, xi. 154. Ramsgate Christmas proces- sion, v. 374. Ruckholt House, xi. 91. War- low, German place-name, iii. 249. Wheel- tracks at Naseby, vi. 109. William the Con- queror and Barking, xi. 447. ' \Voodland Mary,' vi. 347 W. (G. J.) on Burgomaster Six, ii. 168. Navy

Office seal, iii. 398 W. (G. W.) on Thomas Caverley : Jean Cavalier,

vii. 8

W. (H.) on Charles James Auriol, xi. 213. Bale (Otway), xi. 214. Classical quotations, v. 27. Drelincourt (Peter), Dean of Armagh, xi. 275. Ligonier (John Louis, Ea^l), xi. 285. Reynolds's portrait of Miss Greville, vii. 29. Robson (George Fennell), ix. 273. Tottenham Churchyard, viii. 355

W h (H.) on Saturday in Spanish, v. 388 W. (H. A.) on Concerts of Antient Music, iv. 335.

Heraldic, iii. 33

W. (H. B.) on " And he was a Samaritan," xii. 177. ' Diary of an Invalid,' vi. 73. ' Sicilian's Tale,' ix. 271. "These are the Britons," v. 77. Vernon (Dorothy) legend, vi. 432. Whitehall Banqueting Hall, viii. 447

W. (H. T.) on holed-stone folk-lore, vii. 157. MacNamara, its pronunciation, vii. 58. "Mony a pickle maks a mickle," vii. 113. Rone rain- water gutter, viii. 130. St. Peter Steintheked, vi. 375 W. (J.) on Breeches Bible, ii. 87. Hervey (James),

his correspondence, v. 249

W. ( J. B.) on schools during the Civil W T ar, viii. 310. 1 Intelligence,' 1666, vii. 348. ' Kingdom's Intelligencer,' vii. 270, 491 W. (J. F.) on authors of quotations wanted, xii.

88 W. (J. G.) on Abraham Lincoln and ' Mortality,'

xi. 397

W. (J. L.) on authors of quotations wanted, vii. 448. Luther's ' Commentary on the Galatians,' iii. 229

W. (J. W.) on bad news and its bearers, ix. 351 W. (L. A.) on authors of quotations wanted, x. 75. De Vos (V.), xii. 127, 274. Edouard : silhouette portraits, ix. 191. 'English Minstrelsy,' ix. 170. " Everywhere heard will be the judg- ment call," xii. 110. Fielding's grave, ix. 49. ' Letters left at the Pastry-Cook's,' x. 475. Ovoca or Avoca, x. 437, 497. " Property has its duties," ix. 436. Speakers of House of Commons, xi. 31 W. (M. E.) on Sir Henry Wotton at Venice, vii.


W. (N. H.) on Duciemore, iv. 328 W. (P. G.) on ' Villikins and his Dinah,' iv. 318 W. (R.) on George Almar, vi. 108. Ephis and his lion, ii. 448. Lewis (William), comedian, iv. 148. Palindrome, iii. 310. Smith (Mrs.) as Sylvia in ' Cymon,' iii. 287. " Sorpeni " : " Haggovele," i. 208

W. (R. C.) on House of Anjou, iii. 270

W. (R. M.) on Volunteer movement, 1798-1805,

vi. 110 W. (R. M. H.) on Thomas Howard of Dublin, v.

169 W. (S.) on ' Genius by Counties,' iv. 329. Literary

allusions, vi. 155. Quotations wanted, vi. 149 W. (S. E.) on tale of Russian life, iv. 428 W. (T.) on patent medicine, iii. 175. Puzzle

pictures, iv. 247. Wardle, v. 299 W. (T. M.) on Admiral Christ epitaph, vii. 475. ' As You Like It,' II. vii., vi. 504. Authors of quotations wanted, x. 295 ; xi. 32. Buckrose, ix. 449. Butchers exempted from juries, vii. 449. Byron's ' Don Juan,' vi. 475. Charles II. 's mock marriage, xii. 90. Collins (William), the poet, vi. 256. Comets, xii. 15. Curtain lectures, vii. 515. ' D.N.B. Epitome,' ix. 153, 294. Devon provincialisms, v. 490. Dish of tea, xii. 287. " Down in the shires," viii. 372. Flying machine in 1751, xii. 272. Gray's ' Elegy ' and ploughing customs, xii. 390. ' Henry IV.,' Part L, II. i., vi. 504. ' I care not twopence," xi. 330. Johnson (Dr.), vii. 470. Johnson's poems, vi. 89, 199. Jonson (Ben), his name, ix. 329 ; x. 158. Kingsley's 'Lorraine,' x. 377. Ladies riding sideways, viii. 168. London queries, ix. 75. Macaulay on Dry den, xii. 329. Macaulay on literature, xii. 171. ' Macbeth,' V. v., vi. 505. Matches in Congreve, vii. 269. Meaux Abbey, vi. 397. Nym and " humour," xi. 156. Precket : " Cageful of teeth," vii. 206. Prior and his Chloe, x. 7, 134. Ritual question, vi. 428. ' Rule, Britannia ' : variant reading, viii. 188. S, its long and short forms, viii. 258. Satire on Pitt, vii. 289. " Set up my rest," vi. 509. Shakespeariana, xi. 243. Suckling (Sir John) : pallat, vii. 247. Terrify, vi. 147. Tintagel, its pronunciation, x. 195. Umbrella, viii. 16. Village names feminine, xi. 29. Walking in two parishes, xii. 89

W. (U. V.) on authors of quotations wanted, vi. 192 ; x. 314. ' Battered Tar,' v. 408. Buccado, x. 137. ' Cherry Ripe,' v. 254. Cirencester Town Hall, ix. 277. Dickens on half-baptized, x. 90. " Drug in the market," i. 149, 316. " Feed the brute," ii. 257. Freeholders in the time of Elizabeth, x. 470. Heraldry, xi. 9. High treason and its punishment, x. 355. John of Gaunt's arms, x. 174. Penrith, i. 354. Refectories, first-floor, ii. 237. Steering- wheel, x. 215. Tideswell and Tideslow, i. 471 W. (W.) on French ballads, viii. 89. ' O dear,

what can the matter be ? " vi. 198 W. (W. H.) on Shakespeariana, viii. 504 \v n (W. H. W.) on London cemeteries in 1860, ii.


W. (W. J.) on " What you but see," &c., ix. 493 W. (W. P.) on the ' D.N.B.,' ix. 473 W. (W. R.) on Wakerley, v. 54 W. (W. W.) on Wotton and the Evelyns, x. 268 W.-L. (E.) on prisons in Paris, iv. 349 Wace, obscure words in his description of the

battle of Hastings, iii. 407, 455 ; iv. 38 Waddington as a place-name, xi. 70, 136, 195, 274 Waddington (F. S.) on foreign book-plates, ii. 287 Waddington (H.) on Waddington as a place-name,

xi. 70 Waddington (S.) on ' Rock of Ages,' viii. 17.

Waddington as a place-name, xi. 195 Wade (Capt.), M.C. of Bath Assembly Rooms, v. 215, 327, 395