Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/304

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Watts-Dunton (Theodore) on " And has it come

to this ? " iii. 171 Waugh (Edwin), his Lancashire recitations, xii.

250 Waugh family of East Gordon, Berwickshire,

vi. 110, 156"

Wave, the largest, x. 445, 511 ; xi. 58 " Wax and curnels," children's complaint, vii.

267, 338, 497 ; viii. 33 Wax used in building, ii. 455 Waxworks, Tussaud's, at Camberwell, vi. 327, 375,

497 Way (Rev. Benjamin), Nonjuror, viii. 229, 277,

297, 414 ; ix. 113 Way (G. L. A. ) on " He sat beside the lowly door,"

iii. 328 W T ay (Rev. Lewis), of Stansted, his poems, ix. 67,


Way (William), alias Wygge. alias Flower, ii. 106 W T aynflete (Bishop William), his early career, iii.

461 ; his scholastic foundations, iv. 21, 36, 154,

213 W T eapons, their value mentioned in indictments,

iii. 165, 235 Weare (G. E.) on ' Epicure's Almanack,' v. 4,

153. Haymarket, Westminster, vii. 516. Hoy

(John) : Serle's Coffee-House, vi. 158. ' Pen- rose's Journal,' vii. 217, 277. ' Ritualist's

Progress,' vi. 217. St. Edith, vi. 116 Weare (William), murdered by Thurtell, lines on,

viii. 349 ; Robert Clutterbuck on the trial,

xii. 283 W T eather : " Summer has set in with its usual

severity," i. 38 ; on 25 January, 65 Weather and the moon. i. 347, 441 ; ii. 35 Weather lore, vii. 193, 355 Weather prophets, birds as, ix. 210, 293 ; sheep

as, 247

WTeather rime, Doncaster, y. 407 ; vi. 13 Weather sign, moon-dog, xii. 130, 177 Weather superstitions in Orkney, xii. 483 W^eatherall (G.) on Thomas Weatherall, xi. 288 Weatherall (Thomas) of Durham, xi. 288, 358 W 7 eathereock, use of the word, iii. 288, 334, 352 Weatherhead (W T illiam), portrait as a child, x.

427 Weatherly (F. E.), his " Bid me good-bye," viii.

410, 513 Weavers, psalm-singing, Tennyson on, ii. 128,


Weavers, worsted, Coventry, ii. 347 Webb (E.) on Chirk Castle gates, ii. 269. King's

money, iy. 428 ; v. 198. St. Bartholomew the

Great, viii. 427 W T ebb (Richmond), Westminster scholar, xi. 208,


W T ebb (R. G.) on Figgess or Figgiss, ix. 388 Webb (Sidney and Beatrice) on local government

records, iii. 287

Webb (W. G.), engraver, c. 1843, vi. 130 Webb, Kendall, and Newdigate families, vii. 490 Webber family, xii. 289 Weber (F. P.) on " Mors sceptra ligonibus," xii.


Webster (A.) on " Pale-faced Simeon," viii. 310 W T ebster (Daniel), saying regarding, ii. 407, 472 Webster (John), his imitation of Sir Philip Sidney,

ii. 221, 261, 303, 342, 381 ; and Montaigne,

Marston, and Dr. Donne, iv. 41, 121, 201, 302 ;

v. 301, 382 ; vi. 22, 122 Webster (Wentworth), his ' Basque Legends,' i.

190, 493 Weco on stricken field, ii. 266

Wedding : Ruby Wedding, and others denned, xi.

509 ; xii. 55

Wedding invitation-cards, early printed, iv. 308 W T edding-ring finger, ii. 508 ; iii. 236 Weddings, Japanese, glass-breaking at, i. 195 Weddings, shoe thrown at, ii. 87 ; Charles Lamb

at, v. 265 ; bell-ringing at, xii. 308, 517 Wedgwood (Josiah) on Chiswick nightingales, i.

125 Wedgwood potter v of Australian clay, x. 261,


W T eed = tobacco, use of the term, ix. 129, 274 Weeper in the House of Commons, iii. 70 Weighhouse, King's 1666, and Love Lane, v. 303 Weighing machines, lines on, iii. 348 ; iv. 14 Weights : nail and clove, iii. 41, 134, 231 Weights, measures, and coins, Turkish, x. 488 Weights and measures, symbols and derivation,

ii. 291, 355 Weinberg (H. L.) on ' The Progress of Madness,'

viii. 490

Weir (Charles Hope), his biography, iii. 9 Weirs and fishery at the " Snowte," iii. 88 Weke-acre, meaning of the word, c. 1337-8, viii.


Welby (Col. A. C. E.) on Ancaster and the High Dyke, vi. 509. Bladum : siligo, viii. 5. Hamlet as a Christian name, viii. 418. Helmet of gold at Madrid, vi. 308. Horssekyne, vii. 425. Lindis, name for the Witham, vi. 349. Lusignan (Geoffrey de), v. 488. Manor Mesne, vi. 68, 238. " Mony a pickle maks a mickle," vi. 456. Moon names, iv. 350. Nursery rime, ix. 408. Oxe-aye, vi. 167. Pre-Reformation parsonages, viii. 314. Quapladde, vii. 14. Spring-heeled Jack, vii. 496. Surname prefixes in Lincoln- shire, vi. 224. Weke-acre, viii. 208. Witham, ii. 333 Welch (W.) on ' Monstrous Regimen of Women,'

xi. 188 Weld (Dom B.) on Bostock coat of arms, ix. 130.

Silk first mentioned in Bible, viii. 297 Weld family of Willey Park, Salop, v. 329 ; vi.


Weldon, New Year beacon at, ix. 46 Weldon family, vii. 187

Welford (R.) on W. E. Adams's ' Tyrannicide,' v. 287. Appellations of inferior clergy, ix. 454. Authors of quotations wanted, viii. 272 ; x. 348. Barrar, i. 435. Bee (Anthony), iv. 436. Bookseller's motto, v. 255. Bowes of Elford, iv. 457 ; v. 57. Brewer (Anthony), iii. 113. Canning on " Toby Philpot," xii. 471. Christian names, curious, i. 237. Conveyancing in old days, ix. 404. Conyers, iv. 57. Cooper (Thomas), iii. 270. Cumberland Hearth Tax Lists, xii. 316. Death after lying, x. 195. Deville, x. 157. ' Die and be Damned,' ii. 114. Doubtful pronunciations, v. 193. Easter Woods, iv. 217. Egg good in parts, xi. 70. Egypt as a place-name, xi. 93. Epitaph at Bowes, Yorkshire, v. 431. Epitaphiana, xi. 504. Femmer, dialect word, x. 75. Finchale Priory, Durham, ii. 252. Flint and steel, vii. 329. Floor-cloth manufacture, xi. 265. Gold- smith's elegy on a mad dog, vii. 246. Grave- stones, nameless, i. 252. Hammals, vii. '< Harbours, xi. 514. Hartwell, Bucks, xii. 264, 396. Hell, Heaven, and Paradise, ii. 354. House of Lords, 1625-60, iii. 497. Hutton Hall, vi. 276. / majuscule, ii. 356. Hand, iii. 155. Immortality of animals, i. 256. Lamb's Capt. Starkey, xi. 372. Lindo or