Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/306

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Westminster School : boarding-houses, ii. 127, 275, 333 ; Election Sunday, vi. 149, 213 ; viii. 207, 337 ; in 1797, ix. 387 Westminster wills and Jennings, xii. 224, 355 Westmoreland (John, 7th Earl of), installation at

Oxford, viii. 128

Westmoreland (Mrs. S. A.) on Chamberlain family, vii. 369. Myddelton family, vi. 428. West- moreland family, vi. 449 Westmoreland family, vi. 449

Westmorland, pronunciation of the word, ii. 152 Westmorland, sheep in church in, v. 126 Westmorland (John, 10th Earl of), and Miss Child,

x. 248, 293 ; xi. 471, 517 ' Westmorland Gazette,' De Quincey's editorship,

ii. 101

Westmorland Hearth Tax Lists, xii. 269, 316 Westmorland Train Bands, c. 1685, xii. 269, 316 Weston (F. H.) on Robert Weston, v. 9 Weston (Col. Hunter), his death, ii. 179 Weston (Miss J. L.) on Tristan's fight with Morolt,

vi. 269 Weston (Sir Richard), his soap-making patent,

viii. 509 ; ix. 98 ; x. 357 Weston (Robert) = Jane Howard, his biography,

v. 9 ' Westphal (Admiral), his blood and Nelson's coat,

iv. 445

Westralia, use of the term, viii. 327 ' Westward for Smelts,' meaning of phrases in, vi.


Wet rents, Lancashire custom, vi. 426 Weybourne Hoop, ancient rime concerning, i. 316 Weyhill Fair and Wy in ' Piers Plowman,' viii.

54, 158, 257

Weyman (Stanley J.), 'House of the Wolf,' v.

190, 354, 395, 455 ; ' Starvecrow Farm,' 253,

516 ; O'Sullivan Og in ' Wild Geese,' x. 146.

Weyon (Richard), temp. Richard III., x. 249

Whale, Spinola's, mentioned in 1654, v. 109, 173,


Whale (G.) on Brooke's ' Observations on Italy,' xii. 289. Gaol literature, xi. 512. Goethe on ' ignorance in motion," xii. 198. Licences to travel : passports, xi. 149 Wharf, history of the word, x. 264, 318 Wharncliffe meeting, meaning of the term, iii. 367 Wharton autobiography, its whereabouts, x. 190 What ! use at end of sentence, vi. 247, 393, 516 Whately (Archbishop), and Abraham Lincoln, iv.

46 ; and religious persecution, xi. 467 Wheat measure, ancient, " hamberbonne," v. 190,

270, 315 Wheatear, derivation of the bird's name, xii.

329, 432

Wheatley (H. B.) on bibliographical terms, x. 485. Johnson's ' Tropical Climates,' x. 136. Omni- buses, old, x. 153. Tripos : tripos verses, iv. 172 Wheatley (Phillis), d. 1784, negro poet, x. 385 ;

xi. 30, 78, 214 Wheatstone (Sir Charles), his music-shop, iv. 386 ;

v. 155

Wheel : Jersey wheel explained, ii. 208, 274 Wheel, broken on the, punishment, vii. 147, 292 Wheel as a symbol in religion, iv. 167, 250 W T heel crosses in Cornwall, vii. 389 Wheel-tracks at Naseby, vi. 109 Wheeler (Adrian) on animal-baiting, i. 37. Arthur (King), sleeping, i. 194. Bugman, ii. 246. Corney (Mrs.) in ' Oliver Twist,' i. 5. Glowworm or firefly, i. 193 Wheeler (P. F.) on ' Bride of Lammermoor,' xi. 134

Wheeler (S.) on authors of quotations wanted ,

xii. 375. Gordon (George), friend of Porson,

xii. 376. Landor and Menage, viii. 451 Wheels, Great, at Earl's Court and Chicago, vii.

406, 473, 515 Wheels, Marlborough, explained, vii. 157, 378 ;.

ix. 293

Wheels instead of feet in American novel, v. 509 Wheler, or Wheeler family, iii. 347 Wherry (G.) on rings on houses, ix. 108. Shake-

speariana,xi.243. Swiveller (Richard) : Disraeli,

ix. 46 Wherry (R. L.) on * Barnaby Rudge,' ii. 206.

Paffer, ix. 326 Whetstone (Geo.), his ' Promos and Cassandra,'

vi. 329, 518 Whewell (William), and Prof. Jowett, i. 386 ;

ii. 275, 353 ; Tom Taylor on, iii. 189, 293 Whibley (G.) on Palm Sunday : Fig Sunday, ix.


Whiff, a boat, x. 29, 91 ' Whimsical Depository,' magazine, c. 1774, ix


Whip in, early use of the term, xii. 167 Whipham (T. R.) on quotations wanted, vi. 368- Whip-ma-whop-ma-gate, York place-name, xii.


Whipping a peg-top, ix. 507 " Whipping the cat," use of the term, ix. 5, 317,

494 ; x. 198

Whip-stitch, use of the word, i. 449, 518 Whips, early Parliamentary, iv. 507 ; v. 16 Whirl of death, sensational performance, iv. 65,

176, 333 Whish (C. W.) on racial problem of Europe,

viii. 233

Whist drive, origin of the term, ix. 249 Whistler (H.) on W. Crowmer : Watts family,

x. 149 Whistler (J. A. McNeill), his painting on panel of

house in Cheyne Walk, iii. 227 Whitaker (Joseph), 1820-95, his biography, ix.

85, 103 ' Whitaker's Peerage ' (Editor) on Trafalgar, iv.


Whitby, Mrs. Gaskell at, i. 187 Whitby Church and churchyard, xii. 468 Whitchurch, Middlesex, its nomenclature, v. 249,

336, 394 Whitchurch (Samuel), poet, c. 1811, iv. 429, 516 ;

v. 31

Whitcombe family, iv. 208, 352 White (A. H.) on Latin pronunciation, ix. 252,

510. Time reckoning, ix. 289 White (G. H.) on Holt Castle, xii. 56, 291. Plains = timber-denuded lands, xii. 194. Vere (Ed- ward de), 17th Earl of Oxford, xii. 266. Waltheof , Earl of Northumberland, xii. 447 White (H.) on General Monk's portraits, vi. 430.

Roman bagpipers, v. 315 White (Jeremiah), Cromwell's chaplain, his

family, vi. 329

White (John) and Merdon Manor, Hursley, xii. 148 White (Kirke), his centenary and poems, vi. 427,


White (Robert), his death, ix. 220 White (S.) on thermometer scale, v. 174. : To

have a month's mind," iii. 54 White (T.) on Goldsmith's 'Traveller,' v. 295. Harbours, xi. 514. Looping the loop, iv. 416. Moore (Albert) and ' D.N.B.,' viii. 152. ' Sailor's Consolation,' xii. 10 White (W. S.) on John Clayton, xi. 306