Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/72

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cock, 69, 130, 177, 193 ; crusty loaf and mouldy cheese, viii. 482 ; at Selby Abbey, 1397, x. 506 ; in Wales, 1774, xii. 507

Christmas bibliography, ii. J>03 ; iii. 32 ; iv. 503 ; vi. 485 ; viii. 484 ; x. 505 ; xii. 506

Christmas box, its origin, vi. 501

' Christmas Boys,' mumming play in Isle of Wight, vi. 481 ; vii. 30, 75

Christmas bush, description of, iv. 502

Christmas carol, ' Over yonder 's a park," iv. 181 ; Spanish, xii. 129

Christmas carols, waits, and guisers, ii. 504 ; iii. 10 ; vi. 483 ; viii. 485

Christmas ceremonies in Midlands : Pig-killing : Morris Dances : Mummers, vi. 483

Christmas coincidences, ii. 505

Christmas customs : in Somersetshire, iii. 86, 236 ; at Chapel Royal, Savoy, vii. 429, 493 ; Christmas pig and the Wooset, xi. 27, 71, 115, 395, 514

Christmas customs, games, &c., ii. 503

Christmas Day, poem by Coleridge on, vii. 146 ; and the birth of Christ, ix. 4

Christmas Day and Lady Day, their connexion, x. 508 ; xi. 71

Christmas Day in the morning, viii. 481

Christmas Eve, Irish custom on, xi. 45 ; custom at Exeter Cathedral, xii. 170

Christmas fare receipts, ix. 46, 73, 95, 117, 357

Christmas ghost-story, ' Gin a Bogie meet a Bogie,' xii. 509 Christmas In," Mid-Derbyshire custom, xii. 507

Christmas mumming, v. 109, 155, 195

Christmas notes, iv. 501 ; ix. 4, 51

Christmas oat cakes, vi. 506

Christmas pig, recipe for, xi. 27, 71, 115, 514

Christmas pig's-head supper, iv. 505

Christmas procession at Ramsgate, v. 208, 374, 416

Christmas quarrel, 1859, xii. 508

Christmas trees in England, ix. 4

Christmas turnovers in The Globe, vi. 485

Christmas windows, vi. 506

Christmastide folk-lore, i. 172

Christ-tide, the word in 1629, ii. 504

Chronology, Roman and Christian, i. 86 ; Old and New Style : " Our eleven days," ii. 128, 177, 266 ; xii. 473 ; Christian and Mohammedan, xi. 107, 212

Chrystal Magna, its whereabouts, x. 89, 277

Chudleigh (Miss) as Iphigenia, viii. 4

Chumleigh tradition, vi. 327

Chunnerin', dialect word, ii. 26

Church : crowns in tower or spire of, i. 17, 38, 157 ; mistletoe at Chalons-sur-Marne, 66 ; Procession door at Sandwich, 468 ; foot- warmers in, iii. 307 ; oldest Protestant, in the United States, v. 244 ; meets of hounds an- nounced in, x. 468, 515 ; bride and bridegroom at, xi. 10, 136 ; hatchments in, 307

Church ale, application of the term, i. 37, 75 ; vi. 70, 115

Church bells, meaning of peacock on, viii. 208

Church building at Peking, singing during, viii. 445

Church furniture, English, book on, viii. 469

Church history in pictures, iv. 107

Church music in country districts, iii. 185, 253

Church notes of Sir Stephen Glynne, x. 441

Church organs, barrels for, viii. 66

Church porch, bequests payable in, iv. 369 ; pattens left in, ix. 268, 336, 394

Church plate sold, xi. 107

Church properties, their removal, viii. 466, 467

Church spoons, iv. 468 ; v. 13, 56, 77

Church stores and chantries, pre-Reformation,

vii. 467 Church towers, musical services on, viii. 8, 96, 153 ;

and smuggled goods, xi. 129, 238 Church of England, members called Protestants,

iv. 427 Churches, unrestored, ii. 487 ; royal arms in,

500 ; v. 188, 230, 294, 336; vi. 53 ; ix. 287 ;

rebus in, v. 188, 250, 297, 317, 356 ; lights in

pre-Reformation, 429, 494 ; maintained by

gilds, 450; on post cards, vi. 48; rood-lofts

in, vii. 482 ; effigies of heroic size in, viii.

250, 433 ; books on their dedications, ix. 28,

332 ; and Lady Chapels, x. 289 ; mayors

elected in, xii. 148, 337 ; combined parochial

and monastic, 168 Churches, metropolitan, built temp. Queen Anne,

ix. 429 ; x. 36, 435

Churches, Scottish, their ownership, xii. 168 Churches, Spanish, birds' eggs in, vi. 206 Churchill (C.) mural tablet at Dover, iv. 308, 357 Churchwardens appointed by Mayors, ix. 129, 318 Churchwardens' accounts, i. 70 ; Worfield, iv.

327, 416 ; SS. Anne and Agnes, Aldersgate,

v. 369, 410 ; viii. 269 ; peculiar words in, vi.

36 ; passages in, vii. 189, 232, 275 ; St. John

Zachary, viii. 9, 73 ; 1705-49, ix. 54 ; book on,

suggested, xii. 383

Churchyard (Thomas), his will, iii. 125 Churchyard cough, gout in the throat, vii. 7, 156 Churchyards, mediaeval, bones and tombstones

in, viii. 390, 452 ; ix. 56, 173 Cicero, antique busts of, iii. 205 Cigarettes, slang words for, ix. 507 Cincinnatti, Society of the, explained, xii. 328 Cinderella's slipper, ii. 320 Cipher : by the Duke of Monmouth, ii. 347, 411 ;

used by Balzac, iii. 368 ; of Francis Bacon, iv.


Circular, netmaker's, 18th cent., x. 207 Circum-Baikal, use of the word, iii. 305 Cirencester Town Hall and the term " Vice," ix.

149, 217, 277, 338, 392 Cire-perdue process and Sir J. S. Lumley, x. 89 ;

xii. 387, 452

Cisio janus in chronology, ii. 333 Citizen on antique furniture, ix. 389 Citizenship, O. W. Holmes on, vii, 249, 297, 475 City buildings constructed with Godstone stone,

xii. 227

City Companies, their Halls, iii. 87, 171, 294 City Councillor, clergyman as, iii. 24, 134, 175 City Guilds, their badges, vii. 347, 457 ; charters

to, temp. James I., 347, 457 City of London Militia, 1716, records, v. 488 City of London Poll-Books, 1745-55, vi. 328 City parish records wanting, viii. 48

  • City Press,' its Jubilee, viii. 81, 108, 122, 142

City Road Chapel and the Stubbs family, v. 328 Civic baronetcies since 1837, viii. 301, 413 Civil War, ballad by Thornbury, iv. 148 ; schools

and schoolmasters during, viii. 310, 395 ;

Oxford Parliamentary leaders in, xii. 21, 82 ;

English Navy during, 308, 496 Civil War documents, xi. 228

Civil War earthworks, remains of, iv. 328, 394, 453 Civilization and France, i. 448 ; ii. 13, 197 Civis on factory workers' American magazine,

vii. 469. Virginia and the Eastern Counties

vii. 412

Clack-hole of bellows, use ot the term, vii. 267 Clairmont (Jane), her grave, ii. 284 Clapham (Henoch), bibliography of, iv. 362