Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/75

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Cock-foster, place-name, its derivation, x. 30, 94,


Cockle (M. J. D.) on American Civil War, iv. 527. 'Army List,' 1642, vii. 30. Battlefield sayings, i. 437. Boer War of 1881, i. 395. Bow last used in war, i. 225. Camel bibliography, ix. 37. Chasseurs Britanniques, ix. 37. Crom- well at Padua, vi. 509. Drum-major : John Bibie, vii. 293. Hodson of Indian Mutiny, viii. 4J4. Keith (Marshal), ix. 429. Laws or custom of war, vi. 429. ' Military Discipline,' v. 12. Military or martial law, vi. 386. Bobson (George Fennell), ix. 273. Seventeenth- century libraries, v. 429. Siege literature, vi. 409. Storming at Fort Moro, ii. 93. Tai- Ping War, ix. 431. Vaghnatch, or tiger-claw weapon, ii. 55. West Indian military records, vi. 476. ' Yong Souldier,' i. 428

Cockney, use of h, ii. 307, 351, 390, 490, 535

Cockroach, use of roach for, vii. 425

Cockroaches to destroy vermin, vi. 9

Cocks (Kitty), Countess of Stamford, viii. 328

Cockshut time, explanation of the phrase, i. 121, 195, 232

Cocoa-nut throwing by monkeys, vi. 209, 256, 312

Cocoa-nuts and monkeys in ' Swiss Family Robin- son,' vii. 395

Cocoa-Nutti language, xi. 7

Codman (Tom), last of the Yarmouth postboys, ix. 484

Codrington (Dr. R. H.) on words in American newspapers, xii. 51

Coffee, its etymology, xii. 64, 111, 156, 198, 232, 318, 377

Coffee-drinking in Palestine, xi. 90, 236, 358

Coffin (W. H.) in Abyssinia, 1810-26, xii. 108, 230

Coffin, flies in, iv. 386

Coffin House at Brixham, i. 388, 493

Coffin -nails = cigarettes, use of the term, ix. 507; x. 234

Coffins and shrouds, viii. 90, 137, 215, 254

Cogan (Thomas), reference in ' Haven of Health ' to Sallust, vii. 128

Coghlan (Miss), of Bath, portraits by Gains- borough, ix. 9

Cohen (H.) on Campbell, x. 338

Coherer, early use of the term, xii. 88, 137

Coincidences, name, iii. 466

Coins : simple guides to, iv. 288, 375 ; Pistole, temp. William III., v. 307 ; American, vii. 36, 136, 154 ; viii. 63, 115 ; popular names for, vii. 153 ; legends on English gold and silver, 183, 237, 294, 318 ; mite, viii. 69, 138, 454 ; Victorian florin of 1849, ix. 209, 497 ; x. 16, 77 ; George II. marked Lima, 1745, ix. 290 ; Accession and Coronation, x. 130, 190, 230 ; Turkish, 488

Coins and medals, spurious, xii. 46

Coins and tokens, copper, how to clean, i. 248, 335 456

Coke (Alfred) on Coke or Cook, iv. 13

Coke or Cook (Sir Edward), spelling of surname, iii. 430 ; iv. 13, 78

Coke (Lady Elisabeth), date of her death, ix. 489

Coke (Vice-Chamberlain), his two wives, iii. 146

Coke (William) and the billycock hat, ix. 27

Coke pronounced Cook, iii. 430 ; iv. 13, 78 ; vii. 380

Colchester, proclamation of winter at, ix. 29

Colcock (C. J.) on Pettus, ii. 468

Cold Harbour, meaning of the name, i. 341, 413, 496 ; ii. 14, 74 ; iv. 19 ; vii. 200 ; ix. 68, 113 ; xii. 280

Colds, St. Kilda, vii. 307

Coldstream (W.) on " Nose of wax," viii. 228

Coldstream Guards, origin of the appellation, i. 30

Cole (H.) on dog-names, ii. 233

Cole (Henrietta) on Golden Roof at Innsbruck, v. 136

Cole (Henry), the ' D.N.B.' on, i. 224

Cole (Jacob), verse-writer, ii. 289 ; xii. 129, 218, 251, 418, 467

Cole (John), his ' Calendar of Huntingdon,' xi. 309

Cole (Rev. Thomas), 1763, his writings, ix. 184

Cole (Rev. William), antiquary, his MSS., iv. 429, 495

Colebrehous : Le Colebrehous in 1348, xii. 149

Coleman (Charlotte), c. 1766, her biography, iv. 489

Coleman (E. H.) on Addison's daughter, i. 151. Amberskins : chocolate recipe, iii. 393. " An Austrian army," i. 211. Apothecaries' Act of 1815, iii. 394. Arithmetic, iii. 98. " As the crow flies," i. 296. ' Ashes to ashes," i. 430. Aylmer arms, i. 155. Bankrupts in 1708-9, iii. 154. Barbers, i. 513. Bath (Sir Harry) : Shotover, iii. 277. Bathing machines, ii. 131. Baxter's oil printing, i. 490. Beating the bounds, ii. 114. Becket (St. Thomas a), i. 452. Belfries, detached, Iv. 290. Benbow, ii. 111. " Better the day better the deed," ii. 16. Bidding Prayer, iii. 234. Bland (John), iv. 314. Bombay Grab, iv. 177. Bonaparte and England, iii. 452. Bread for the Lord's Day, ii. 538. Bringing in the Yule " clog," iii. 11. Broach or brooch, iii. 78. Building customs and folk-lore, i. 515. Bunney, ii. 13. Butcher Hall Street, ii. 117. Byard family, i. 414. Calvert (Sir William), iii. 55. Candlemas gills, i. 36. Carver, royal, ii. 134. Carey (Mrs.), iii. 12. Caroline (Queen), her trial, i. 174. Catesby (Robert), i. 172. Chauncy (Sir Henry), i. 158. Chelsea Physic Garden, i. 271, 336. Child executed for witchcraft, iv. 38. Christie (J. H.), iv. 252. Clavering : De Mandeville, i. 214. Cockade, ii. 537. Col- lectioner, i. 93. Compter Prison, iii. 254. Concerts of Antient Music, iv. 49. Copying press, iii. 153. Cottiswold, i. 334. Creation, its date, iii. 333. Cricket engravings, iv. 132. Cromer Street, iii. 336, 454. Cromwell buried in Red Lion Square, i. 72. Cromwell House, Highgate, iv. 135. ' Crown and Three Sugar Loaves," i. 215. Custom of Thravcs, iv. 397. Daguerreotypes, faded, iv. 208. De Keleseye or Kelsey family, ii. 275. Denny (Lady Ara- bella), ii. 419. Dobbin, children's game, iii. 238. Dorsetshire snake-lore, i. 253. Ducking the mayor and constable, iv. 325. Dummer family, iv. 315. Egerton-Warburton, i. 296. England without noblesse, iv. 157. Eton lists, ii. 152. Farrant's anthem, iv. 355. "February fill dyke," iii. 314. Fettiplace, i. 397. Foot- ball on Shrove Tuesday, i. 194. Galileo portrait, ii. 492. Gamage, ii. 334. George III.'s cleverness, iv. 273. George III.'s daughters, iv. 236. Good Friday custom at Bow, iii. 344. ' Goody Two Shoes,' ii. 250. Greig (Admiral Sir Samuel), i. 433. Grievance Office : John le Keux, ii. 537. Guide to Manor Rolls, i. 272. Gwillim's ' Display of Heraldrie,' ii. 416. Hair-powdering closets, iv. 417. Hen- hussey : WTiip-stitch : Wood-toter, i. 518. Holies (Gervaise), i. 251. Holy Maid of Kent, ii. 336. Hone, a portrait, ii. 154. I.H.S., ii. 192. John Inglesant, i. 357. Jersey wheel,

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