Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/89

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Deffand (Madame du), her letters, i. 14, 68 ; and

Horace Walpole, 325

Defiance, its sixth meaning in the ' N.E.D.,' vi. 226 ' Defixionum Tabellae " : Disraeli, xi. 276 Defoe (Daniel), on the Vicar of Baddow, v. 428 ;

and the island of Tobago, vi. 225 ; his rare

tracts, vi. 47 ; novels issued in parts, vii. 389 ;

' Colonel Jacque,' viii. 87, 411 ; and the

Devil's chapel, ix. 187, 255, 331 ; x. 134 ;

French and German imitations of ' Robinson

Crusoe,' xi. 277, 351 ; his wife, 466, 516 Degge (Sir Simon) in Bennet's ' King of the Peak,'

vi. 425 Dekker (Thomas), his ' Gull's Hornbook,' iv. 227 ;

his ' Sweet Content,' v. 106, 194, 217 Delafosse, Winchester Commoner, iii. 128 Delagard, one of the Countess of Huntingdon's

preachers, i. 503 Delahaize tomb in Tottenham Churchyard, viii.

247, 355

Delalynde family, iii. 309, 417 ; iv. 436 Delane (Dennis), actor, date of his death, vi. 328,

354 Delaval (Sir F. B.), and Miss La Roche, xii. 38, 70,

113 ; his biography, 349, 476 Delaware, called Diamond State, v. 189, 396 Delaware (Thos.), Lord de la Warr, his birthplace,

vi. 508

Delescote, of 19, Duke Street, St. James's, ix. 349 Delmer, origin of the surname, v. 348, 433 Delta on authors of quotations wanted, xii. 348.

Inscriptions in Jerusalem, xi. 25, 163. Testout,

iv. 69

Deluge, its drying up, iv. 429 Demeuldre (A.) on raid of Bishop of Norwich, x.


Demonology, bird's claw in, vi. 366, 518 Demont (Matthew Diamondbuld), 1658, viii. 69,


Den a Gernow on early law terms, x. 29 Den and Brice families, iv. 326 Dennis (Edward), alias Jack Ketch, 1785, viii. 245 Denison (J. E.) on "A frog he would a- wooing

go," i. 227

Denison (Speaker), his mother, ix. 428, 518 Denman (A.) on Queen Caroline, x. 51. Denman

(Rev. Obadiah), i. 67. Loyal Lads of Feltham,

ii. 401. Nadgairs, iv. 49. Taylor (Tom) on

Whewell, iii. 189. Tobacconist's Highlander,

xi. 307

Denman (John), Westminster scholar, i. 112 Denman (Lord) and Queen Caroline, x. 51, 94 Denman (Rev. Obadiah), his living, i. 67 Denmark, Royal House of, and Harold II., iv.

188, 276 Denn (Patrick), his ' Death and the Sinner,' vi.

388, 436, 473 Denner family, xi. 289 Denny (Lady Arabella), monody on her death, ii.

368, 419 Denny (H. L. L.) on Brome of Bishop's Stortford.

i. 368. Collingwood's descendants, v. 175.

Cotter (Sir James), iii. 315. Denny (Lady

Arabella), ii. 368. Denny family, ii. 288 ; iv.

249. Fitzhamon, i. 132. Forest family, i. 67.

Law family, viii. 367. Potts family, i. 128.

Suffolk Street Riot, 1735, ix. 30. Temple

family, vi. 310

Denny and Windsor families, xii. 424 Denny family, ii. 288, 494 ; iv. 249 Denny family and Maynard family of Curriglas,

vi. 11, 471 Dental surgeons to hospitals, first, vi. 310

Denton and Washington family arms, ii. 417 Denton family, y. 209, 271 ; vii. 507 ; xi. 366 Denver or Denvir, origin of the name, xi. 88 Denvir (J.) on Denvir or Denver, xi. 88 Deodands, abolished in 1846, viii. 129 Departure, new meaning, vi. 47 Deployment, military manoeuvre, its inventor,

v. 448

Deputation, its definition, xii. 268, 338 Derby (Countess of) and the Isle of Man, 1651,

vii. 9, 73

Derby (Earl of), his peerage title, iv. 169 Derby week, and the weather, xii. 8 Derbyshire, dialect words, ii. 201, 282, 384 Derbyshire Christmas custom, xii. 507 Derbyshire church notes, by Wyrley, i. 427 ; iv.

376 Derbyshire Gotham, origin of the place-name,


Derry, Admiral John Grey and the relief of, iv. 428 Derry's (Bob), c. 1788, ix. 49 Derwentwater (James Earl of), lines on, v. Derwentwater family arms, i. 155 Desaguliers (J. T.) and Freemasons, ix. 21, Desecrated fonts, ii. 112, 170, 253, 292 . Desmond, Irish Christian name, its meaning,

D'Etc'heberry (Jean), of Sara, his Latin-English- Basque dictionary, vi. 46, 51 Detectives in fiction, iv. 307, 356, 417, 456 Dethick family pedigree, vi. 467 ; x. 21 Dettingen trophies, iii. 68 _

D'Eudemare (Francis), his Histoire du

Willaume le Bastard,' ii. 388 Deuxsaint family, x. 309 Deva, festival dances at, vi. 206 .

Devachan, theosophical term, its meaning, vni.

28, 91

Deverent family, v. 270 . - ftft

Devereux (W.) on Charles Bernard Gibson, i. iuo Devil, giving his supper to the, ii. 427 ; biacK and yellow his colours, iv. 10, 97 ; his hand- writing, 133 ; beaten at cards, 267 ; and bt. Botolph, 328, 435 ; selling oneself to the, v.

29, 78, 115, 157 ; and the Vicar of Baddow, 42S , called Drowse in sixteenth century, vni. o, f and white cock in China, ix. 486 ; palled the Owd Lad, x. 507 ; v. white cock in folk-lore, 34 . Kft .

Deville, graphologist and phrenologist, ix. 45U ,

x 91 157

Devil's advocate in Tibet, vi. 67

Devil's chapel, lines on, and Defoe, ix. 187,

331 ; x. 134 Devil's Island, its history, viii. 108, 175 Devil's saffron, Cornish plant-name, xn. 169, 415 Devisme (Louis), 1720-76, his ordination, xii. 428 Devitt (E. I.) on immurement alive of religious,

i. 153

Devizes Market Cross, inscription on, x. 195 Devon provincialisms, v. 186, 490 ; vi. 33, 94 Devoniensis (T.) on Col. Godfrey, xii. 268. Toker

or Tucker (R.) of Exeter, xii. 268. Tucker

(Dean) of Gloucester, xii. 289 Devonshire (Duke of), his peerage title, iv. J Devonshire (seventh Duke of), who never read

newspapers, iv. 146 Devonshire (Georgiana, Dvichess of), stanza by

Horace Walpole on, ix. 449 Devonshire, funeral customs in, v. 48; Barbary,

pirates off, x. 189 Devonshire May Day custom, i. 406 ; 11. 75