Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/91

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spelling of Irish surnames, iii. 318 ; and

Magdalen College School, vii. 63, 383, 477 ;

Albert Moore in, viii. 46, 317 ; proposed

index nominum et locoruni, 161 ; its inception,

xii. 503

  • Dictionary of National Biography : Epitome,'

1903, ix. 21, 47, 83, 152, 211, 294, 397, 431 ;

x. 183, 282 ; xi. 326 ; xii. 333, 393, 466 Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, best German,

viii. 389, 457

Dictionary of schoolmasters, i. 189 Diddlebury, Shropshire, its vicar and rector,

viii. 288 IDiego on authors of quotations wanted, xii. 109.

County heraldry, x. 348. Defoe (Daniel), his

wife, xi. 466. Hanging alive in chains, xi.

406. Heraldic : shields fretty, xii. 218. Louis

XVIII. 's queen and Westminster Abbey, xii. 193.

Pinto (Mendez), xi. 77. St. Sunday, xi. 276.

Shakespeariana, xi. 425. Swords, regulation,

xii. 328. Thackeray's ' Roundabout Papers,'

xii. 78 "**' Dieu done tout," motto on fireplace at Coventry,

viii. 210

Digamma, the, and Homer, v. 168, 215, 253, 297 Digby, English officer serving in Austrian army,

v. 250 Dighton (Richard), caricaturist, c. 1817, x v 407,

454 ; his caricature portraits, xii. 409 ; his

'Fashionable Jew ' caricature, ix. 387 Dignities, hereditary, created, not made, v. 186 Dilke (Lady), her books, iii. 45 ; her death, ii. 360 Dilliana, curious Christian name, i. 171 ; iv. 7 Dillon (F. F.) on Dillon family, iii. 367 Dillon family, iii. 367

Dim. ligac. ferri in Court Roll, vii. 249, 317, 515 Dimas, crucified thief, xi. 321, 394 ' Dimes and Dollars,' American poem, xii. 250, 291 Dimpsy, dialect word, v. 186 Dingle (A. T.) on Isaac Basire's portrait, x. 128 Dinkums, meaning of the word, iii. 168, 217 Dinners, parish, in 16th and 17th centuries, ix.

306 ; x. 57

Dinton, biographical epitaph at, xi. 504 Dinton hermit, John Bigg, iii. 285, 336, 376, 435 Diplomat on Walbeoff family, i. 347 Diplomatist on British Embassy in Paris, i. 68 D'ipping Welt in Hyde Park, vii. 247, 296 Direction post v. signpost, v. 449, 496 ; vi. 34, 78 Directoire gowns in 16th-century plaster, x. 326 Directory of foreign peers, iv. 428 Disalder, use of the word, xi. 385 Dischauce, rare dis- compound, xii. 26 ' Discreteness " in counties, examples of, viii. 31 Disdaunted, use of the word, x. 328, 352, 377, 416,

453 Disease, " the worm," its identity, i. 407, 492 ;

modern causes of, xi. 345, 455 Disgate, rare dis- compound, xii. 26 Disgruntled, use of the word, xi. 326, 452 Dish of turnips, use of the phrase, 1836, vi. 48 Disney (Alexander), 1803-83, at Naples, ix. 17 Disraeli (Benjamin), on Gladstone, ii. 67, 110 ;

his faith, iii. 367 ; keys to his novels, vi. 149 ;

' Runnymede Letters,' their republication, vi.

180 ; xii. 80 ; tablet in Theobalds Road, vi.

357 ; ana, 429 ; on Protection, viii. 510 ;

and George Potticary, ix. 46 ; his use of revert,

70 ; his Aybssinian speech, 125 ; and the

primrose, x. 486 ; xi. 37 ; and " Defixionum

Tabellae," xi. 186, 276 ; his first schoolmaster, 362, 454 ; engraved portrait, xii. 449 ; on Radicals and Conservatives, 490

D'Israeli (I.), commemorative tablet, ii. 425 ; on the German Emperor and Poets Laureate, v. 187.

Diss, Norfolk border town, xii. 170 Diss., an abbreviation, v. 69, 114 Dissent and affirmation, signs of, viii. 205 Dissenting preachers in the Old Jewry, viii. 347,

435 Distillery, eighteenth-century, at Bermondsey, v.


Ditchfield (P. H.), his ' Old Time Parson,' x. , 425, 496

Ditchfield (P. H.) on building customs and folk-lore, i. 407. ' Old-Time Parson,' x. 425. Parish clerk, ii. 128 Dives and Lazarus, continuation of the parable,

v. 370

Divination by enchanted rings, v. 195 Diving-bell, first used, iii. 247, 349, 415 . Divinity examination, Oxford, custom at, vii.

470 ; viii. 54

Dix (E. R. McC.) on Monaghan press, vii. 251 Dix (John), alias John Ross, his ' Passages from

the History of a Wasted Life,' vi. 369 Dixie (Sir Wolstan) and Dr. Johnson, x. 343 D.ixo;n (H.) on panel inscription, viii.. 29 Dixon (J.), Oxford almanac designer, ii. 428 Dixon (John), mezzotinter, his .biography, ii. 482 Dixon (J. A.) on Dixon family, xii. 229 Dixon (R.) on ' Ancient Orders of Gray's Inn,' i. 434. Arnold (Benedict), x. 98. Clergyman as City Councillor, iii. 134. Dickson (D.), i. 518. Dyxon (Gayus), i. 449. Fair Maid, of Kent, ii. 118. Fotheringay, ii. 215. Hornsey : Highgate and Arabella Stuart, x. 93. Inscrip- tions at Orotava, Tenerife, i, 455. Names common to both sexes, ii. 66. Oxford almanac designers, ii. 428. Pincerna (Richard), ii. 90. Piper's Hole, ix. 378. Pole (Margaret), Countess of Salisbury, xi. 477. Publishers' catalogues, ii. 357, 455. Rodmell family, i. 489. Snakes drinking milk, x. 335. Tides- well and Tideslow, i. 471 Dixon (W. Hep worth) on Father John of Cron-

stadt, xi. 67 Dixon, Dickson, or Dyxon, first recorded use of

the name, i. 449, 518 Dixon family, xii. 229

Dixson (W. H.) on Prince Albert as poet and composer, iii. 374. Blind man at Oxford, iii. 348. Jack and Jill, iii. 450 Dobb Park Castle, Yorkshire, its history, ix. 90,


Dobbin, a children's game, ii. 348 ; iii. 237 Dobbs (E. W. ) on American place-names, iv. 155. Easter Day and the full moon, iv. 136. ' Warm summer sun," iv. 135

Dobell (Bertram) on Bacon or Usher? ii. 407. Bacon (Francis) : singular address, iii. 106. Blake and Coleridge, v. 89. Coleridge : un- known epigram, vi. 145, 293. " Fountain heads," &c., iv. 390. Goldsmith's ' Edwin and Angelina,' iii. 49. Holyoake, Chartists, and special constables, v. 212. Reynolds (John Hamilton), vi. 296. Shakespeare's por- trait, iv. 368. Strode's 'Floating Island,' vi. 304. "Wilkins (George), the Poet," vi. 148. ' Yorkshire Tragedy,' its author, vi. 41 Dobell (Sydney) and his Edinburgh friends, x. 66 Dobson (Austin) on authors of quotations, ix. 192. Pamela : Pamela, ii. 89. Pennecuik (Alex- ander), i. 386. " Verify your references," vi. 131 Dobson (W. 0. T.), R.A., his children, v. 369 .