Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/97

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Stewart of Rotterdam, iv. 487. Touch or Touche, vi. 166

Eastry, Kent, place-name, xi. 87, 171, 237

Eastwood (J. W.) on 'Twas Bonaparte the Corsican," xii. 210

Eatanswell election in the 18th century, viii. 487

Eaton (Millington), Westminster scholer, 1732, viii. 450

Ebbin, Christian name, viii. 329, 397

Eberlin (V. C.) on Dago, ii. 351. ' Though lost to sight," &c., ii. 345

" Ebn Osn," explanation of the pseudonym, viii. 248, 316

Ebsworth (Rev. J. W.), his death, ix. 480, 501 ; his grave in Ashford cemetery, xii. 145

Ebsworth (J. W.) on "A shoulder of mutton," &c., ii. 236. Cavalier songs, vi. 310. First- footing, A.D. 1907, vii. 5. Knight (Joseph) on the Laureateship, viii. 311. ' My Old Oak Table,' i. 16. " O dear, what can the matter be ? " vi. 57, 152. Scott (David), R.S.A., vii. 186. Ebsworth family, ix. 209, 318

Eburne (Richard), his ' Plaine Pathway,' viii. 410, 452

" Ecce Tiberim ! " meaning of the phrase, vi. 130, 173

Ecclestoii (David), coiner of Washington medal, vi. 167, 232, 295

Echidna, derivation of the name, vi. 490 ; vii. 356 ; viii. 37

Echinus, fossil, in Roman urn, Kent, ix. 270, 332, 375

Echternach, dancing in Whit week at, ix. 427, 474

Economist, sixteenth -century, iii. 369, 472

Economy and avarice, adage on, i. 38

Ecorcheville (J.) on music t. Louis XIV., iv. 46

Ecton (John), additions to biography in ' D.N.B.,' i. 327 ; his ' Liber Valorum et Decimarum,' iii. 157

-3d, use of the final, ii. 47, 93, 196

Eddone on T. Beach : R. S. Hawker, ii. 408

Eden (F. S.) on elephant first exhibited, xii. 257. Essex fatal to women, 136. Nimbus, xi. 489. St. Michael le Quern, xi. 265. ' Te Igitur," xii. 115. Windows from church at Trier, xii. 109

Eden (H. K. F.)on canopied pews, xi. 273. Morris Dancers' Plantation, ii. 287

Eden, Scotch Garden of, vii. 162

Edgar (A. and R.), Westminster scholars, ii. 248, 352, 493

Edgar (King), his blazon, i. 76 ; and the peg- cups, v. 46

Edgar (Lieut. Thomas), his epitaph in Lydd Churchyard, iii. 23

Edgcumbe (R.) on Boer war, i. 325. Campbell (Abbe") and Mrs. Fitzherbert, v. 307. Canada's last Imperial troops, v. 266. Cellini's ' Jupiter,' xii. 367. Centenarian, death of, ix. 466. Columbus and the egg, vi. 364. David's sketch of Marie Antoinette, xii. 409. Genealogy of the Bonapartes, ii. 525. " Hackbut bent," xi. 507. Bamilton Place, Hyde Park, ix. 10. " His Majesty's Opposition," iii. 486. History ' made in Germany," i. 5. Leigh (Medora), ix. 408. Leonardo da Vinci's ' Last Supper,' i. 25. ' Livre (Le) ' and Casanova, xii. 389. Lis- more (Lord), vi. 429. Mezzofanti : Jeremiah Curtin, vii. 6. Nelson Trafalgar Memorandum, v. 244. Nelson's coat, iv. 445. Porta del Popolo, Rome, ix. 433. ' Proces des Bourbons,' ii. 369. Shakespeare's residence New Place, vii. 66. " Star and Garter," Pall Mall, x. 244.

Thorwaldsen's bust of Byron, i. 205. Torpedoes

anticipated, i. 286. Vinery at Hampton Court,.

ii. 506. Wieland's ' Agathon,' viii. 368. Wine,

old, in new bottles, vi. 366 Edgeworth(R. L.) = Honora Sneyd, 1773, xi. 448 ;

xii. 132 Edinburgh : Gillespie's Hospital and Wryttes

Houses, i. 217 ; May Day celebrations, ii. 75 ;

monuments in Old jGreyf riars Churchyard, 534 ;

Madame Violante, rope-dancer in, 1735-6,

iii. 408, 472 ; Scottish Naval and Military

Academy, iv. 212, 274 ; Hell-Fire Club, v.

90 ; derivation of the name, x. 410, 473 ;

xii. 17, 135

Edinburgh buildings, closets in, ii. 89, 154, 234, 297 Edinburgh Castle, Mary, Queen of Scots, in, viii.

249, 333, 492 ; ix. 74 Edinburgh garrison, Chaplain to, revival of office,

i. 145 ' Edinburgh Review,' 1810, attack on Oxford,

vii. 128, 175, 190

Edinburgh Speculative Society, its history, vi. 447 Edinburgh stage, Bland and Glover families, vii.

89, 131, 191, 354

Edinburgh University, its arms, ix. 465 Editions of newspapers, iii. 287 ; viii. 117 Editor, use of the word author for, vii. 226, 475 ;

viii. 432

Editor on Tenth Series, i. 1 Editor of ' Bibliographical Register ' on novel

wanted, v. 195 Editor of ' Dod's Peerage ' on Princess Royal's

daughters, v. 236 Editor of ' Irish Book Lover ' on authors wanted,

xii. 495. Swinburne on Irish Nationalists,

xii. 412

Editorial :

' A flower which once," vi. 140 ' A hawk from a hernshaw," vi. 240

t A pagan suckled in a creed outworn," iv. 460

" A poor thing, but mine own," v. 100 A Sabbath well spent," vi. 20, 88 " A sable cloud turns forth her silver lining,"

vii. 60

" Aliudque cupido, Mens aliud suadet," iv. 480 Ambidextral Association, vi. 40 " And beauty, born of murmuring sound,"

ii. 460

" Apres moi le deluge," vi. 40 Army, child commissions in, ii. 420 " As much virtue as could die," vii. 280 ' At the close of the day," iii. 360 " Au banquet de la vie," vi. 340 Auction by inch of candle, vi. 520 Barbadoes, the verb, vii. 380 Bayswater, ii. 540 Beaconsfield's birthplace, iii. 380 Beaver or bever, a meal, ii. 180 Beggars on horseback, vi. 420 " Behold this ruin t 'tis a skull," v. 40 Belfries detached, iv. 480 Bible " appointed to be read in churches,"

iv. 540

Bidder (George), the Calculating Boy, vi. 140 Billycock hat, vi. 40

Bird (Bishop John), his biography, iv. 200 Black cat folk-lore, v. 40

" Blessings beyond hope or thought," vii. 40* Bogbutter, vi. 140 ' Bolt from the blue," iii. 120 Boxing Day, iii. 20 Bronte (Patrick) : Mr. Prunty, iv. 100