Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/178

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NOTES AND QUERIES. no* s. i. FEB. 20, im



(See ante, p. 81.)

Carlile, Richard, 1790-1843. The Life and Character of Richard Carlile. By George Jacob Holyoake. London, 1848.

The Battle of the Press, as told in the Story of the Life of Richard Carlile. By his Daughter, Theophila Carlile Campbell. London, 1899. Caspar, C. N. Directory of the Antiquarian Book- sellers and Dealers in Second-hand Books in the

United States a Listof Bibliographies, Trade

Catalogues, &c. Milwaukee, Wis., 1885.

Directory of the American Book, News, and Stationery Trade, Wholesale and Retail. Mil- waukee, Wis., 1889.

Cassell, John, 1817-65. The Life of John Cassell. By G. Holden Pike. Crown 8vo, London, 1894. Bookseller, April and May, 1865. Publishers' Circular, 13 January, 1894. Catalogues.

The First Part of the Catalogue of English Printed Books, which concerneth such matters of divinitie as have bin either written in our owne tongue, or translated put of anie other language ; and have bin published to the glory of God, arid edification of the Church of Christ in England. Gathered into alphabet, and such method as it is, by Andrew Maunsell, Book- seller. London, printed by John Windet for Andrew Maunsell, dwelling in Lothburie, 1595. Maunsell's Catalogue was the first ever issued in England, and therefore deserves to be noted here. The systematic enumeration of catalogues is rendered super- fluous by the recent publication of Mr. Growoll's ' Three Centuries of English Book-trade Bibliography,' 1903. See forward.

The Term Catalogues, 1668-1709. With a Number for Easter Term, 1711. A Contempo- rary Bibliography of English Literature in the Reigns of Charles II., James II., William and Mary, and Anne. Edited from the very rare Quarterly Lists of New Books and Reprints of Divinity, History, Science, Law, Medicine, Music, Trade, &c , issued by the Booksellers, &c., of London. By Edward Arber, F.S.A. 3 vols,4to. Vol. I., 1668-82; Vol. II., 1683-96; Vol. III., 1697-1709 and 1711. Privately printed, London, 1903.

A collection of Trade Catalogues referring to sales of books and copyrights, ranging from 1704 to 1768, giving details of prices and purchasers, is in the possession of Messrs. Longmans & Co. An account of these will be found in ' N. & Q.,' 7 th S. ix. 301. Catnach, James, 1792-1841 The Life and Times of James Catnach (late of Seven Dials), Ballad Monger. By Charles Hindley. With 230 Woodcuts, of which 42 are by Bewick. 8vo, London, 1878.

The History of the Catnach Press, at Berwick- upon-Tweed, Alnwick, and Newcastle-on-Tyne, in Northumberland, and Seven Dials, London. By Charles Hindley. With many Illustrations. 4to, London, 1886.

Cave, Edward, 1691-1754. The Life of Edward Cave. By Samuel Johnson. Gentleman 1 s Magazine, February, 1754, and reprinted with Johnson's ' Works.

Cave's Life will be found in Johnson's ' Lives of the English Poets ' and ' laves of Sundry Eminent Persons,'

Tilt's edition, crown 8vo, London, 1831. See also Nichols's ' Literary Anecdotes,' vol. v.

Boswell says: "Cave was certainly a man of estimable qualities, and was eminently diligent and successful in his own business, which, doubtless, entitled him to respect. But he was peculiarly fortunate in being recorded by Johnson, who of the narrow life of a printer and publisher, without any digressions or adventitious circumstances, ijis made an interesting and agreeable narrative."

Caxton, William, 1422-91.

The Old Printer and the Modern Press. By Charles Knight. Crown 8vo, London, 1854.

Life and Typography of William Caxton. By William Blades. London, 1861-3.

Chambers, William, 1800-83 ; Robert, 1802-71.

Memoir of Robert Chambers, with Autobio- graphic Reminiscences of William Chambers. Crown 8vo, 1872. 12th Edition, with Supple- mentary Chapter, 1884.

No mention is made in this book of the fact that Robert Chambers was the author of ' The Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation ' (1844), and William Chambers wished the secret to die with him. An account of the authorship and publication of this once famous book will be found in Mr. Alexander Ireland's Introduction to the twelfth edition, 1884.

See James Payn's 'Some Literary Recollections," 1886, for a chapter oil the two brothers. Payn never concealed- his dislike of William Chambers, and it is understood that the Sir Peter Fibbert of 'For Cash Only' is to some extent a portrait of him.

The Story of a Long and Busy Life. By- William Chambers. Crown 8vo, Edinburgh, 1884.

Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Scots- men, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. By Robert Chambers. With Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, Glasgow, 1833-5.

Supplement [and continuation to 1855]. By the Rev. Thomas Thomson. 8vo, Glasgow, 1855..

Chambers's Encyclopaedia. Vol. II. New Edition.

Royal 8vo, Edinburgh, 1888. See article ' Book-trade,' by Robert Cochrane.

Chapman, John, 1822-94.

Cheap Books and how to get them : being a reprint from the Westminster Review, April, 1852, of the article ' The Commerce of Litera- ture,' together with a brief account of the origin and progress of. the recent agitation for free trade in books. Svo, London, 1852.

The Bookselling System. 8vo, London, 1852.

A Report of the Proceedings of a Meeting (consisting chiefly of Authors) heH May 4th, 1852, at the House of Mr. John Chapman, for the Purpose of hastening the Removal of the' Trade Restrictions on the Commerce of Litera- ture. 8vo, London, 1852. See also ' Life of George Eliot,' vol. i. p. 225.

Childs, George William, 1829-93 The Recollections of G. W. Childs. 12mo, Philadelphia, 1890.

A Biographical Sketch of G. W. Childs. By James Parton. Philadelphia, 1870.

Clarke, Adam, 1760-1832. A Bibliographical Dic- tionary, containing a chronological account, alphabetically arranged, of the most curious,, scarce, useful, and important Books, which have been published in Latin, Greek, Coptic, Hebrew, &c., from the Infancy of Printing to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century. With Biographical Anecdotes of Authors, Printers, and Publishers. 6 vols. and supplement 2 vols- Svo, London, 1802-6.