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s. i. FEB. 27, 1904.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


can make nothing of it; whereas 'left to itself ' expresses the actual fact rightly. The correction is Keightley's." The meaning seems to be that the babe has been physically cast out, as corresponding to the position which a natural child occupies in the world socially an outcast, no father owning it.

E. MERTON DEY. St. Louis.


278. I think the following passage gives us the word " pajock " with a different spelling. It is probably an onomatopeic representation of the cry of the peacock. The passage is from Sir John Harington's ' Ulysses upon Ajax,' 1596 (Chiswick reprint, p. 41) :

" \Vho Hveth, of any reading (were he content to surfeit in his folly), that with Aretine could not talk of Nanna, with another [Elder-ton ?] of a red nose, with Perieres of a pye and Piaux? I have seen an oration made in praise of a college custard,

and commending a goose."

" Perieres " is, I suppose, Pereira, a Spanish physician, who wrote (in the middle of the sixteenth century) a great deal about the souls of beasts and their transmigration, in which he did not believe. Of course " Piaux" may have some other meaning altogether, may even be a proper name, then I am wholly But it seems to me to stand for

P. 63, n. 5; 32, n. b, "Eobanus Hessus. ' ' De Victoria Wirtembergensi,' 451-3, p. 71O in 1564 (Frankfort) ed. of his 'Op. Farra- gines Duse.'

P. 64, 1. 12 ; 33, 12, " as wise Seneca cen- sures him " [' Benef.,' II. xvi. i. : the ref. to- ll, i. (n. 2 ; n. d) is wrong]. N. 2 ; n. d, " Idem Lactantius" ['Inst.,' I. xviii. 12]. Ibid., Am- mianus, lib. 23 [XXIII. vi. 44].

P. 65, 1. 4 ; 33, 33, " So Af ricanus is extolled by Ennius." See Lact., I. xviii. 11 ; Sen.. Ep. 108, 34.

P. 65, n. 2 ; 33, n. k, " Herculi eadem porta* adccelum patuit, qui magnam generis humani partem perdidit." Lact., I. xviii. 13, where

nam et Herculi eadem ista porta patuit " is quoted from Cicero (Librorum de E. P. incertor. Frag. 6, in C. F. W. Miiller) ; and

wrong peacock.


BURTON'S ' ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY.' (See 9 th S. xi. 181, 222, 263, 322, 441 ; xii. 2, 62, 162, 301, 362, 442 ; 10 th S. i. 42.)

Vol. i. (Shilleto), p. 39, 1. 21 ; 18, 1. 13 (ed. 6), " secundum magis & minus." Cf. Bac., 'Nov. Org.,' ii. 13, init,

P. 43, n. 4 ; 20, u. q, "Regula naturse." See Lips., 'Man. ad Stoic. Phil.,' i. 4, where "Aristoteles est Piegula et exemplar, quod Xatura invenit ad demonstrandam Ultimam Perfectionem humanam " is quoted from Averroes, in iii. 'De Anima ' Ibid., "dsemo- nium hominis." See Lips., ' Ep. Qusest.,' iii. 20. P. 43, 1. 19 ; 20, 33, " merito cui doctior orbis," &c. : in my last paper I should have added that Lipsius's anonymous quotation is from Florens Christianus, 11. 35, 36, of verses on Scaliger's edition of Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius (' Del. Poet. Gall.,' i. 802, and at beginning of Scaliger's 'Cat., Tib., and Prop.,' 1600). That Burton took it from Lipsius is shown by merito, which is Lipsius's addition.

P. 59, n. 1 ; 30, n. a, " Diet. Cretens." No ; Dares Phrygius, 44.

P. 60, n. 8 ; 31, n. g, " Lucan." Lucan, x. 407, has mil la, not rr<rn, and 2^'etas, nofc ptotetat.

P. 65, 1. 9; 33, 37, "as Lactantius truly proves." I. ix. as regards Hercules, and I. x. 4 as regards Mars.

P. 65, 1. 22; 34, 3, "as Cyprian notes. ' Ad Donat.,' vi.

P. 67, n. 2 ; 34, n. 1, " ut reus innocens pereat, fit nocens. Judex damnat foras, quod intus operatur." The punctuation is wrong. "Ut reus innocens pereat, fit nocens iudex," is from ch. x., and "damnant foris quod intus operantur " from ch. ix. of the epistle.

P. 67, 1. 6 ; 34, 46, "eundem furtum facere & punire." The passage in Sidonius is Ep. II. i. 2, " non cessat simul furta vel punire vel facere."

P. 70, 1. 2 ; 36, 25, " virtue (that 's bonum theatrale)" Bacon, ' Col. of Good and Evil,' 3, " and therefore they call vertue Bonum theatrale."

P. 71, n. 3 ; 37, n. e, "Arridere homines ut sseviant, blandiri ut fallant. Gyp. ad Dona- turn." C. xiii., "arridet ut sseviat, blanditur ut fallat."

P. 72, n. 9 ; 38, n. *, "acres indulgent."

See the passage from Aurelius Victor, Epit. i. (c. 24), referred to just below.

P. 74, 1. 1 ; 38, 40, "If every man had a window in his breast, which Momus would have had in Vulcan's man." Lucian, 'Hermo- timus,' 20.

P. 74, 1.3; 38, 41, "Tully." 'In Cat.,' i. 32. P. 74, n. 3 ; 39, n. y. The chapter of the

The of lib. i. of 58 (Kopp); p. 18,

epistle is ix.

P. 74, n. 6; 39, n. z. Martianus Capella is Grotius.

P. 76, n. 4; 40, n. k, "Prosper." Epigr. 100 (97), 1. 2; vol. Ii. col. 529, in Migne's ' Patrolog. Lat.'

P. 76, 1. 14; 40, 12, "Hippocrates, in his Epistle to Dionysius." Epist. xiii. 3.