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10* 8.1. MARCH 5, 1904.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Derby, J. C. Fifty Years among Authors, Books, and Publishers (1833-83). Royal Svo, New York and London, 1884. Deals with American authors and publishers, and has

references to several hundreds of persons.

Dibdin, Thomas F., 1770-1847.

Bibliomania, or Book-Madness, 1811. The Bibliographical Decameron, 1817. For other works see Lowndes.

Dictionary of National Biography. 66 vols. Royal Svo, London, 1885-1901.

D'Israeli, Isaac, 1766-1848.

The Calamities and Quarrels of Authors: with some Inquiries respecting their Moral and Literary Characters, and Memoirs for our Literary History, 1812-14. New Edition. Edited by his son, Benjamin Disraeli. In one volume. Crown Svo, London, 1859.

Contains extracts from Bernard Lintot's account-book showing his dealings with Pope, Gay, Theobald, 4c.

Curiosities of Literature. New Edition. Edited, with Memoir and Notes, by the Earl of Beaconsfield. 3 vols. crown Svo, London, n.d. Also other works.

Dome, John (Oxford Bookseller, Sixteenth Cen- tury). Diary of John Dome. Edited by F. Madan. (Oxford Historical Society.) Svo, Oxford, 1885. See also ' Half Century of Notes on the Day Book of John

Dome,' by Henry Bradshaw in his ' Collected Papers,'

Cambridge Press, 1889.

Dredge, John Ingle. Devon Booksellers and Printers of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Reprinted from the Western Antiquary. Svo, Plymouth (privately printed), 1885.

Dublin Booksellers.' N. & Q ,' 9 th S. viii. 428.

Duff, E. G. The Printers, Stationers, and Book- binders of London in the Fifteenth Century. The Sandars Lectures at Cambridge. Svo, privately printed, 1899.

Duff, E. G., Plomer, H. R., Proctor, R. Hand- Lists of English Printers, 1501-56, viz., Wynkyn de Worde, Julian Notary, R. & W. Faques, John Skot, R. Pynson, R. Copland, J. Rastell, P. Treveris, R. Bankes, L. Andrews, W. Rastell, T. Godfray, J. Byddell. Bibliographical Society. 2 vols. small 4to, with facsimiles, 1895-6.

Dunton, John, 1659-1733. The Life and Errors of John Dunton, Citizen of London (and Book- seller) ; with the Lives and Characters of more than a Thousand Contemporary Divines, and other persons of Literary Eminence. To which are added Dunton's Conversation in Ireland ; Selections from his other genuine Works ; and a Faithful Portrait of the Author. New Edition. With Memoir by J. B. Nichols. 2 vols. Svo, Westminster, 1818. Many of Duntoii's letters and agreements are in the

Bodleian Library, Rawlinson MSS. (Sec Nichols's edition

of ' Life and Errors,' Appendix.)

Religio Bibliopolse ; or, the Religion of a Bookseller. By John Dunton and Benjamin Bridgewater.

And sec Lowndes.

The Dublin Scuffle : being a Challenge sent by John Dunton to Patrick Campbel, Book- seller in Dublin. Together with the Small Skirmishes of Bills a,na Advertisements. Svo, I ondoa, 1699.

Ellis & Elvey. The Hundredth Catalogue of Rare,

Curious, and Interesting Books To which is

prefixed a Short Account of the Bookselling Business carried on continuously at this Shop (29, New Bond Street, London, W.) since its establishment in 1728. Fcap. Svo, London, 1903.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. Ninth Edition, Vol. IV. Art. ' Bookselling.'

Supplement, Vol. VIII. Art. 'Publishing/ By Joseph Shaylor. With notices of British and American publishing houses.

Fearman, William. A Letter in reply to the Ridiculous Threats of Mr. John Ballantyne, Bookseller for Scotland, against the Publisher of the Forthcoming Series of ' Tales of my Landlord,' containing ' Pontefract Castle.' Svo, London, 1819.

Fields, James T. (Ticknor & Fields, Boston, U.S.), 1817-81. Biographical Notes and Personal Sketches, with Unpublished Fragments and Tributes from Men and Women of Letters. Svo, Boston, U.S., 1881. Harper's Magazine, vol. Ixii. p. 391. Yesterdays with Authors. By James T. Fields. Crown Svo, Boston, U.S., 1871.

Fitzgerald, J. The Recollections of a Book (Trade) Collector, 1848-58. By J. Fitzgerald. Fcap. Svo, Liverpool, 1903.

Forsyth, Isaac (Bookseller at Elgin), 1768-1839. A Memoir of Isaac Forsyth. By his Grandson, Major-General J. Forsyth McAndrew. With Portrait. Svo, London, 1889.

Francis, John, 1811-82. John Francis and the Athenaium : a Literary Chronicle of Half a Century. With 2 Portraits. 2 vols. crown Svo, London, 1888.

Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-90. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Published verbatim from the Original Manuscript by his Grandson, William Temple Franklin. Edited (with a con- tinuation) by Jared Sparks, Professor of His- tory in Harvard University. (Bohn's Edition.) Crown Svo, London, 1850-4. Many other editions.

Fraser, James, ?-1841. Literary Gazette, 9 Octo- ber, 1841 ; Fraser's Magazine, January, 1837- See ' The Maclise Portrait Gallery,' edited by William

Bates. New Edition. Crown Svo, London, 1898.

Fraser's Magazine. Publishers and Authors. October, 1848.

The Makers, Sellers, and Buyers of Books. (Reprinted from Fraser's Magazine.) Svo, London, 1852. Fry, John, 1792-1822. Bibliographical Memoranda in Illustration of Early English Literature. (Privately printed.) 4to, Bristol, 1816. Contains articles on Osborne's Catalogues.

Gent, Thomas, 1691-1778.

The Life of Mr. Thomas Gent, Printer of York. Written by Himself. With Portrait. Svo, London, 1832.

lent was author, printer, publisher, bookseller. For some further details see Longmans Magazine, April, 1896, ' Thos. Sent, Printer,' by Austin Dobson.

Annales Regioduni Hullini : a Facsimile of the Original Edition of 1735. With Life. By the Rev. George Ohlson. Svo, Hull, 1869.

Gentleman's Magazine, The, 1731 See Obituary Notices, &c.