Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/346

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. i. APRIL 9, 190*.

but cryed so lowd as reached to his sacred ears." Sir Wm. Petty (1676) "included abortives and still-born in the burials " (Phil. Trans., Hi. 48). The Rev. R. Foulkes was hanged at Tyburn (30 January, 1679) for " murdering in Act and Execution " his bas- tard ('Confession')- 'A True and Perfect Relation' (Brit. Mus.) says: "He no sooner received it into the world but," as Anthony Wood (' Diary ') continues, " being still-borne (as 'tis said) he throw'd it in the privy house."

Such is the suggestive, if not exhaustive, early history of still-birth. Mr. Charles Balk, of Oxford, has kindly given me some of the references. STANLEY B. ATKINSON.

Inner Temple.


(See 9 th S. xi. 181, 222, 263, 322, 441 ; xii. 2, 62, 162, 301, 362, 442 ; 10 th S. i. 42, 163, 203.)

VOL. I. (Shilleto), 21, 1. 7 ; 7, 1. 13, ed. 6, " scrape Ennius dung-hils." See Virgil. Vit. formerly attributed to Ti. Donatus, 18, 71 ; p. ix, vol. i. of Burmann's ed., "Cum is aliquando Ennium in manu haberet, rogare- turque quidnam faceret, respondit se aurum colligere de stercore Ennii."

P. 21, n. 4; 7, n. c, "E Democriti puteo." Cf. Agripp., ' De Van. Sc ,' peroration three- fifths through, "haurire ex Democriti

puteo virtutem."

P. 23, 1. 19; 8, 33, "di verso stilo, non diversa fide." Aug., ' De Trin.,' i. 3. Migne, 42, col. 823.

P. 39, 23 ; 18, 15, " omnes stultos insanire." Lips., 'Manud. ad Stoic. Phil.,' iii. 20; Cic., ' Parad.,' 4.

P. 43, 14 ; 20, 29, " Nulla ferant talem secla futura virum." See Gyraldus, ' De Poet. Hist.,' Dial, iii., 'Op.,' vol. ii. (1696), col. 141, where it is quoted (with ferent) from Cardinal Bessarion's version of the so-called ' Elegy ' of Aristotle on Plato. For the original Greek see ' Anth. Epig. Grsec.,' Appendix Nova, ed. E. Cougny (vol. iii. of 'Anth. Pal.,' Paris, 1890), cap. iii. 47, with references there given.

P. 45, 20; 21, 43, "Christian! Crassiani." See Budreus, 'De Asse,' V. Epilog., pp. 732, 733 (ed. 1551): "Eant igitur philopluti diui- tiarum amore perditi, quos Christus ut Cras- sianos non Christianos limine suo repulit."

P. 46, 18; 22,23, " semper pueri." Plato, 'Tim.,'22B. Cf. p. 86, n. 1 ; 45, n. o.

P. 64, n. 4; 33, n. f, "Busbequius Turc. Hist." ' Leg. Turc.,' Ep. iii. p. 251, ed. 1660.

P. 68, 1. 30 and n. 10 (wrongly given as 11 in text) ; 35, 1. 44 and n. c, "Anacharsis." See Diog. Laert., I. viii. 5 (105).

P. 69, 1. 17; 36, 12, "which Cato counts a great indecorum." Not Cato ; Plutarch. P. 70, n. 4 ; 36, n. n :

Perjurata suo postponit numina lucro Mercator [Stygiis non nisi dignus aquis].

The full couplet is quoted by Agrippa, ' De Van. Sc.,' cap. 72.

P. 72, n. 9 ; 38, n. * (second), " Salvianus- lib. de pro." Shilleto adds iii. See ' De Gub. Dei,' iii. x. (57), Migne, 53, col. 68, c.

P. 74, n. 1 ; 38, n. * (at foot), " Democrit. ep. prsed." See xvii. 49, 50.

P. 81, n. 7 ; 43, n. m. Cf. p. 289, 1. 1 ; Pt. I., sect. 2, mem. 3, subs. 1 ; p. 91, 1. 45 in ed. 6. Shilleto adds "cap. 3" to the number of the book (ii.) of the ' Institutiones ' given by Burton. One may add the section (6).

P. 82, n. 7 ; 43, n. *, "De curial. miser." P. 772 D, E in Bas. ed. of 1571 (the ep. extends from p. 720 to p. 736). ^Eneas Sylvius's words are :

"Stultus est qui quseritat quod nequit invenire : Stultus & qui quasrit quod nocet inuentum : Stultus quoque & ille est qui fine proposito ad quern tendit> cum plures habeat calles, deteriorem deligit &

periculosiorem [5 lines lower] Mihi uidentur

omnes qui regum uel prineipum latera stipant, aut

honores qiiEerere, famamque seculi aut [4 lines.

lower] ut facile quiuis eosdem deliros, amentes, insanos, ac stultissimos queat cognoscere."

It is impossible to comment in every case on Burton's curious looseness in quotation. This may serve as a sample.

P. 85, 30 ; 45, 38, "Austin..,. ebrietatem se quisque paret." Enarratio in Ps. ciii. sermo 3, 13. Migne, 37, col. 1369.

P. 86, 14; 46, 6, "as Phocion concludes." Plut., 'Reg. et imp. apophth.,' 187, F.

P. 90, n. 2 ; 48, n. g, R. Dallington [A Svrvey of the Great Dvkes State of Tuscany. In the yeare of our Lord] 1596, [Lond. 1605]. See W. C. Hazlitt, ' Coll. and Notes,' 1876. "

P. 91, 22 ; 49, 20, rj Trevia (rrdViv ffjLiroifT /cat KaKovpyiav. Arist. pol. ii. iii. 7 (6, 1265b). The Latin version and reference at the end of n. 5 ; n. b, obviously refer to this. Shilleto- has left the slip uncorrected.

P. 92, n. 4; 49, n. f, "Dousa epid. loquieleia turba, vultures togati." Thus misprinted in ed. 6. Shilleto perverts it still further by turning loquieleia into loquax ! Yet on p. 360, 23 sqq. ; 134, 42, Part. I. sect. 2, mem. 3, subs. 15, the same passage of Dousa is quoted at greater length, the epithet of turba spelt loquuteleia (i.e., loc^ltule^a), and the reference given by Burton to Dousa, 'Epodon,' lib. ii. car. 2.

P. 93, n. 2 ; 50, n. d, " is stipe contentus," &c. ; p. 93, 8 ; 50, 13, " damnificas linguas, 1 ' &c.; p. 93, n.3; 50, n. *, "Plus accipiunt," &c. ; p. 93, n. 4 ; 50, n. e, " Totius injustitise,"