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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. i. APRIL so, 1904.

'Treloar, William Purdie, 1843- . Ludgate Hill, Past and Present. With Illustrations. Second Edition, London, 1892.

Trevelyan, Sir G. 0., Bart., 1838- .The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay. 2 vols. 8vo, Longmans, 1876.

See throughout for Maeaulay's connexion and transac- tions with Messrs. Longman. The mother of Macaulay was the daughter of Mr. Mills, a Bristol bookseller. "Triibner, Nicholas, 1817-84.

In Memoriam Nicholas Triibner. By William E. A. Axon. The Library Chronicle, vol. i. No. 2. London, April, 1884.

In Memoriam Nicholas Triibner. By A. H. Sayce. Triibner's American, European, and Oriental Literary Record, Nos. 197-8. London, April, 1884.

Borsenblatt fiir den Deutscher Buchhandel, Nr. 118 und 121. 8vo, Leipzig, 1884.

Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. 8vo, Leipzig, June, 1884.

Mr. Triibner's MS. in German on the 'Book Trade of the Ancients ' (see MR. AXON'S note, 9th S. xii. 316) cannot now be found. Mr. Karl Triibner, of Strasburg, writes that "it "is not among the books he left to the University of Heidel- berg, but I might find it somewhere else. As soon as I get a trace of it I shall let you know." Tizetelly, Henry, 1820-94. Glances back through

Seventy Years. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1893. The greater part of this book deals with the author's life as a journalist, but he|was connected with publishing both as a young and an old man. He gives some interesting details with reference to Mr. T. N. Longman (I.), chap, x., and Mr. John Cassell, chap. xxiv. Wagner, L. How to Publish a Book or Article.

8vo, London, 1898.

Waters, A. W. A List of the Eighteenth-Century Tokens issued by Publishers, Printers, and Booksellers. With Illustrations. Publishers' Circular, 11 and 18 May, 1901.

Welsh, Charles. Publishing a Book: being a few Practical Hints to Authors as to the Prepara- tion of Manuscript, the Correction of Proof, and the Arrangement with the Publishers. Boston, U.S. And see .. Newbery.

West, William, 1770-1854.-Fifty Years' Recollec- tions of an Old Bookseller ; consisting of Anecdotes, Characteristic Sketches, and Original Traits and Eccentricities of Authors, Artists, Actors, Books, Booksellers, and of the Periodical Press of the last Half Century. With Portrait. 8vo, Cork, 1835.

A series of articles on Booksellers and Pub- lishers, by William West, also appeared in the Aldine Magazine, 8vo, London, 1838-9. Westermann & Co., New York. The Golden Jubilee of B. Westermann & Co., succeeded by Lemcke & Buechner, 4 Dec. 1898. By A. Growoll. With 4 Portraits. Publishers' Weekly, 3 Dec., 1898. New York,

Wilson, J. F. A Few Personal Recollections. By an Old Printer (J. F. Wilson). Printed for private circulation, London, 1896. Contains an account of the career of John Cassell.

Wilson (John), Hogg (James), Lockhart (John Gibson). Translation from an Ancient Chaldee Manuscript. Blackwood's Magazine, October, 1817. Reprinted in vol. iv. of the collected edition of Prof. Wilson's Works, with Notes by Prof. Ferrier, 1855-8. In this squib, among the persons satirized . or otherwise

described, are Blackwood, Constable, and John Ballantyne.

Wolters, W. P. The Oldest Bookselling Firm in

Europe (1580- ). (E. J. Brill, of Leyden.)

Triibner's American, European, &c., Record.

Nos. 191-2. 8vo, London, 1883.

The succession is as follows: Elzevier (1580-1617), Lucht-

rnans, Brill.

Woodhouse, James, 1735 - 1820. The Life and Poetical Works of James Woodhouse. 2 vols. 4to, London, 1896.

Though Woodhouse was better known as " the poetical shoemaker," lie was in business for some years from 1803 at 211, Oxford Street, as a bookseller. See Blackwood't Magazine, November, 1829, art. ' Sorting my Letters and Papers.' It was to Woodhouse that Johnson gave the advice, " Give days and nights, sir, to the study of Addison, if you mean either to lie a good writer, or what is more worth, an honest man" (Mrs. Piozzi's 'Anecdotes of Johnson').

Wyer, Robert, fl. 1529-56. Robert Wyer, Printer and Bookseller. By H. R. Plomer. With facsimiles of types and marks. Small 4to, Biblio- graphical Society, 1897.

Wyman. Authorship and Publication : a Concise Guide for Authors in matters relating to Printing and Publishing. Third edit., London, 1883.

Yates, Edmund, 1831-94. Recollections and Ex- periences. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1884. References made to Smith, Elder & Co. and the Cornhill

Magazine, David Bogue, John Maxwell, Edward Tinsley,

George Bentley, George Routledge, and others.


"If asked, Why Printers and Booksellers, in par- ticular ? I answer, they are a valuable class of the community the friendly assistants, at least, if not the patrons of literature, and I myself, one of the fraternity. Let the members of other professions, if they approve of the suggestion, in like manner record the meritorious actions of their brethren." John Nichols (quoted from the title page of Timperley's ' Dictionary of Printers and Printing,' 1839).


Wheatley, H. B. Prices of Books : an Inquiry into the Changes in the Price of Books which have occurred in England at Different Periods. Crown 8vo, London, 1898.

Williamson, R. M. Bits from an Old Book Shop By R. M. Williamson, of the Waverley Book Store, Leith Walk, Edinburgh. London, 1903.

'Wilson, Effingham, 1783-1868. A Biographical Sketch, reprinted from the City Press, 18 July 1868, &c. With Portrait. Printed for private circulation, 1868.

MARK HILDESLEY. A marble tablet, now broken into two pieces, with a somewhat curious history, may be seen let into a column in the crypt beneath the chapel at Lincoln's Inn. It commemorates Mark Hilsley, Hildsley, Hildesley, or Hildersley, as the name is variously spelt, and was discovered built into the embrasure of a window at No. 13, Old Square, when that building was demolished in 1881. No. 8, Old Square now occupies part of the site. In Foster's 'Alumni Oxon.' it is stated that Mark Hildesley was a Scholar of C.C.C., Oxford, in 1649, but he graduated B.A. from Emanuel College, Cam-