Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/497

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s. i. MAY 21, 1904.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


what appears to be a baron's coronet), with the following description on p. 328 :

"Bvllion, ecartele, au premier & quatrieme, coup d'azur au Lion naissant d'or, surfasce ond6 d'argent & d'azur, au second & tiers, d'argent a la cotice de gueules, accompagnee de six coquilles de mesme en orle.

" Cre'meavx-Chamovsset : d'ou pleusieurs Coiute de Lion, Commandeurs de Malte, &c., de gueules a trois croix recroisettees au pied fich6 d'or, au chei d'argent, charg6 d'vne onde ou fasce ondee d'azur. Le Marquis d'Entragues, Comte de S. Trivier, Gouverneur du Maconnois, est Chef de cette Maison-la.' 1

Evidently before the work was bound in leather, someone wrote in French somethin on the top and side margins of p. 249 of vol. iii. (the title-page of the ' Defense '), both notes bearing the initials " B. N." or " B. M." It is the second letter I am in doubt about ; there is no mistaking the first. Then on p. 264 of the same volume there is a long manuscript note, also in French, on the side and foot margins ; but the binder, no doubt from instructions, folded in the first, so that his plough might not cut away what had there been written. These manuscript notes perhaps from the pen of some notable man I am sorry to say I cannot decipher, but they are all in the same handwriting. I may add that inside the front cover of the first volume there is the trade ticket of "Thomas Clark, Law Bookseller, 32, George's Street, Edin- burgh."

The language of heraldry is to me very mysterious indeed ; and I shall esteem it a favour if some kind reader of ' N. & Q.' will interpret for me the quotation from Wilson's work quoted above, and also tell me if the family referred to by him the Entragues may have formerly owned the volumes. Who was " Thomas Clark," the bookseller, and when did he flourish ?

A. S.

PRESCRIPTIONS. Can any one inform me as to the origin of the signs used by apothe- caries and physicians in their prescriptions ? HOLCOMBE INGLEBY.

Heacham, Norfolk.

FRENCH POEMS. I shall be glad to know where I can obtain an English translation of French folk-songs, poems, recitations, &c., by unknown and comparatively unknown (in England) French authors. I also seek for Dutch, Spanish, and Italian pieces of a similar class. S. J. A. F.

POEMS ON SHAKESPEARE. I am compiling a volume of poetical tributes to Shakespeare, and shall be deeply grateful if readers will inform me where such may be found. There

must be many thousands in existence. It matters not how lowly the minstrel may be, so long as he has tuned his lyre in praise of our immortal bard. Answers direct, please, and as early as possible.

CHAS. F. FORSHAW, LL.D. Baltimore House, Bradford.

" LUTHER'S DISTICH." Samuel Teedon, schoolmaster, of Olney, Bucks, the friend and "oracle" of the poet Cowper, in his MS. Diary (ed. T. Wright, and most incorrectly printed for the Cowper Society in 1902) mentions, under date of 29 April, 1792, the giving by his cousin and school-assistant " Worthy " (i.e., Eusebius Killing worth, amateur bookbinder, musician, &c.) of a Prayer Book, in which he (Teedon) wrote the intended recipient's name and " Luther's distich." Can any reader state what this latter probably was 1 E. C.

THE POET CLOSE. Can any reader of ' N". & Q.' tell me whether a complete collec- tion of the works of the poet Close has ever been published ? His lines on the death of the Prince Imperial and some of his West- morland poems are to be met with ; but I have failed so far to find anything like an entire collection. He has still a large number of admirers, and many pilgrimages are made to Enterber Cottage, where he lived so long, and to his grave in Kirby Stephen Cemetery. FREDERICK T. HIBGAME.

[No collected edition seems to have been issued.]

THE SYER-CUMING COLLECTION. The late Henry Syer-Cuming gave his library and museum to one of the London boroughs. Can any one say whether they are now open to public inspection, and if any proper cata- logue has been printed ? If so, at what price can it be obtained 1



THOMAS TAYLOR, THE PLATONIST, AND WILLIAM MEREDITH OF HARLEY PLACE. Can any one inform me if there are descendants of Thomas Taylor now living, and if so, where ? Also, are there any descendants of his friends William and George Meredith who have kept in touch with the Taylor family 1


University Club for Ladies.

WATSON OF HAMBURG. Stephen Watson of Cleadon, co. Durham, third sou of William Watson, sheriff of Newcastle 1747, married at Whitburn, May, 1784, Elizabeth, daughter of Ven. Archdeacon Benjamin Pye, LLD., and had surviving issue : 1, Charles Stephen, born