Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/507

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io< s.i. MAY -21, low.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


enough." To this most of the readers of ' N. & Q.' will assent. His small list of sixteen pages is well worth looking through. There is a choice lot of valuable book-plates for ]'2l. 12.?. : a collection of '200 theatrical portraits, 1770-1830, 51. 5s. Autograph Letters include those of Wellington, Gladstone, Dickens, and Rossetti. Under Ruskin is 'The Bow in the Cloud,' 1834. In reference to this Dr. Bourdillon said in the Ath<nceum of 21 June, 1902: "A Cambridge bookseller, Mr. D. Cadney, has discovered what appears pretty certainly to be the first published poem of Ruskin, in a volume dated 1834 that is, a year before the verses on Salzburg appeared in ' Friendship's Offering.' "

Messrs. Deighton, Bell & Co., Cambridge, include in their list a large and valuable collection of drawings and engravings of the University, town, and county of Cambridge, 4 vols. atlas folio, 251. ; Dilettanti Society, Vol. I, 1809, 31. : 'Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum,' 1866-86.

Mr. Bertram Dobell has a large selection of books from the library of the late Win. Ernest Henley ; also a collection of angling and sporting books from Mr. W. Anford Proud's collection. There is a first edition of Borrow's ' Lavengro,' 1851, 11. 15s. : set of Folk-lore Society. 1878-93, 111. 10s. ; four finely finished original water-colour drawings by Row- landson, \l. 15.?., and 'The Vicar of Wakefield,' with Rowlandson's plates, 12/. 12.?. ; Charles Tenny- son's 'Sonnets,' Cambridge, 1830, 1?. Is., and Tenny- son's ' Poems,' first edition (Moxon, 1842), 4J. 4s. ; Wither's ' Collection of Emblemes,' 1635, 61. 15s. Under Shakespeare Mr. Dobell has his usual rarities.

Mr. Downing, Chaucer's Head, Birmingham, has three short lists, containing many items of interest. Among these we find editions de luxe of Charles Dickens's works, 30 vols., half -morocco, 22?. 10-?. ; also of Thackeray. 26 vols., 221. 10-?. Other items include a beautifully illuminated \vork, ' Les Evan- giles des Dimanches et Fetes,' with 100 full-page miniatures, boiind in vellum by Zaehnsdorf, 17/. ; Barney's 'History of Music,' 4/. 15-?. ; the Copper- Plate Magazine, 1792-1802, 31. a. ; an extra-illus- trated copy of Wheatley's 'London,' 181. 18s.; Lodge's ' Portraits,' 22/. 10-?. ; Rogers's ' Italy,' 2 vols. 4to, 1838, 81. 8s. : ' Transactions of the Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society,' 10 vols.. 51. 15*. ; Hogarth, 3 vols. 4to, 1808-17, 31. 3s. ; ' Bits of Old Chelsea/ 1894, 5/. 5s. ; the illuminated edition, from the Ashendene Press, of 'The Song of Solomon,' 12/. 12--. : aset of " Oxford English Classics," 44 vols.. 1825-7, l-l. 10s. ; ' Parables from the Gospels,' printed throughout on Roman vellum at the Vale Press, one of eight copies only, 101. ; the Abbotsford edition of Scott, 1842-51, IS/. 18-?. There are also important books on natural history.

Mr. Francis Edwards sends his June list of " more books at remainder prices." These include Arber's ' British Anthologies,' 24-?. ; Barclay's ' Stonehenge,' 6s. : Beames's ' Grammar of Indian Languages,' 12--?. frJ. (this was published at 48-?.) ; Brandon's ' Gothic Architecture,' 18s., published at 51. 5s. : Borlase's 'Dolmens of Ireland,' 21. 10s., pub- lished at 57. 5-?. ; Burke's 'Colonial Gentry,' 12s 6d. (these two volumes contain the pedigrees of over 500 colonial families) : Farmer and Henley's ' Slang and its Analogues,' 7 vols. 4to (subscription price 127. 5?. net), offered at 11. Is. : the works of John Ford, 12.?. 0(1. : Fletcher's ' English and Foreign Book- binders,' 51. 5-s.

The general list of Messrs. William George's Sons Bristol, includes Bowman and Crowther's 'Churches of the Middle Ages,'_3/. 10,.; an Autograph Letter of Dickens, 1844, of. 5?. ; ' Memoirs of Henry Hunt (Radical) 1820, 50s ; Wes tails ' Victories'^ the

X 6 2; l Vell ^ gtQn ' 6 '- 6s ' ; and P "g n ' 8 Glossary/ 18o8, 4/. 4.?. There are a number of works under bcandmavia, and under Spenser are some original ??^ uu P bllsh< r d drawings, ninety-five in number T ' ' ?' JfTL'V? r Port of the great Tichborne Trial edited by Dr. Kenealy, 10 vols., 3/. 10.? The list closes with a large number of works on Theology.

. J h iT E h? ^, t ,- bo ^ 8 n Africa and Australia, should obtain William George's Sons' special cata- logue, its forty-eight pages being devoted to these.

Mr. Charles Higham, of Farringdon Street, ha* a fresh catalogue of miscellaneous theological books and also a collection of Roman Catholic theology. '

Messrs. Macniven & Wallace, of Edinburgh have a new catalogue devoted to second-hand modern Iheological Books. The items occupy 36 pages.

Messrs. Maggs Bros.' Catalogue of Old-Time -Literature, M Z, comprises rare works published prior to 1800. These include Milton f s 'Church Government,' first edition, 1641, 81. 12.?. 6cl. Under S 7 ? ws P a Pers are Mercurius Publicus, 1659- 1663 281. 10*. : Mercurim Pragmaticus, 1647-8, tt 15* Under Old Plays are many first editions. Ritson s English and Scottish Poetry,' beautifully bound by .Riviere, is 181. !&?. Under Scotland is Monipennies Summarie of the Scots Chronicles '

printed at Brittaine's Burse by John Budge," 161' 5 i(M. 10s. Jhere is a choice copy of Sheridan'-* Pizarro,' 1799 m. 9s.; and under Spenser a SJ tall copy of 'Colin Clout's Come Home Againe ' the rare first edition with the dedication leaf to Sir Walter Raleigh, 1595, 55^. Under Swift are manv rarities. Ihere is also the extremely scarce fourth ? dl i!? n f Wat ts s ' Divine and Moral Songs,' 1720 j }?' A I-OQ earhest copy in the British Museum- is dated 1728. Roxburghe Revels,' 1837, is 21 18? In the Athenceum, 4 January, 1834, is an article of over sixteen columns, giving a complete history of the late Mr. Dilke having purchased Mr. Joseph Haslewood s MbS. for SOI. In tbeAthenaum article the club is shewen up," "finely larded" with sauce 01 its own preparing.

Messrs. A. Maurice & Co. have a good list of mis- cellaneous subjects. Under Bibliography we find Rouveyre s ' Connaissances Necessaires a un Biblio- phile, 10 vols. 8vo, half-crimson morocco at the low price of ol. 5s. Herne's account of the Char- terhouse 16/7, is 21s. There are extra-illustrated copies of Peter Cunningham's' Nell Gwynn ' 10Z 10s- Doran s 'Annals of the English Stage,' 30J. ; 'The' Public and Private Life of Mrs. Jordan,' &. 6s. ; lorn laylors Leicester Square,' 8/ 8s Forster's ' Life of Goldsmith,' 10^. 10?. ; and there is an in- teresting souvenir of Dickens, being a copy of ' Bar- naby Rudge bound with wood cut from one of the oak beams over the main gateway of old Newgate. ,. Mr ;. A- Russell Smith has a catalogue of old Eng- lish literature of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In it we find a complete copy of Bacon's 1 he Historic of Life and Death,' original calf, 1638, 6/. 6s. ; Hall s Downfall of May Games,' 1661, 31. 3s

-Ji et l7o es 'T heEnKlishMirror .'4to, black-letter,

Jo8b, 81.8s. ; Venetian Engravings,' Venetia, 1614, 211. ; and one of the earliest manuals of Church music, Compendium Musices,' Venet L de-