Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/564

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [10* s. i. JUNE 11, 1904.

Volumes. Vol. I. [II. or III.]- London: Printed for C. Chappie, Pall-Mall. 1807. [J. G. Barnard, Printer, Snow-hill.] 8vo. 3 vols. : pp. iv, 216 ; iv, 220 ; iv, 304.

1808. *The English Pythagoras ; or, Every Man his own Music Master. Written by Mr. Dibdin. This work is of singular and extraordinary attrac- tion, and contains the delineation of a new dis- covery to facilitate a knowledge of music. " So did the bold Pythagoras of yore First string the Grecian Lyre." London : Printed by R. Cantwell, Bell Yard, Temple Bar. Published by the Author, and Sold at his Music Warehouse, No. 125, Strand; Mr. Wyat, at the Patent Office, No. 9, Picket Street, Temple Bar; Bland & Weller, No. 23, Oxford Street; Mr. Kemp, No. 43, Old Bond Street ; Mr. Wheatstone, No. 346, Strand ; and all the Booksellers and Music Sellers. 1808. 4to.

Dedicated to the Right Hon. the Earl of Dartmouth ; pp. iv, viii, 35.

1808 (?). "The Musical Mentor, or St. Cecilia at School : consisting of Short and simple Essays and Songs, calculated, in their general operation, progressively to assist the Musical Education of Young Ladies at Boarding Schools. The whole written and composed by Mr. Dibdin. "From Harmony, from Heavenly Harmony, The Universal Frame began." London. Published for the Author by C. Chappie, Pall-Mali; and Sold by all the Booksellers and Music Sellers throughout the United Kingdom ; where also may be had the whole of Mr. Dibdin's Literary Works. Norbury, Printer, Brentford. Folio, n.d.

Consists of 25 numbers of 4 pp. each, an essay or lecture illustrated by vocal and instrumental music.

1808. *Music Epitomized : a School book ; in which the whole Science of Music is completely explained, from the simplest rudiments to the most complex principles of harmony, even to composi- tion and the doctrine of writing down ideas. The -whole is expounded by way of Question and Answer in Ten Dialogues, and illustrated by plates, con- taining all the necessary Tables. By M r Dibdin. London, Printed for the Author, by R. Cantwell, No. 29, Bell Yard, Lincoln's Inn, and sold at M r Dibdin's Warehouse, No. 125, Strand. 1808. Price Four Shillings. 12mo, pp. iv and 95.

Errata on p. 96. Fourteen folding plates, apparently from the coppers of 'The Harmonic Preceptor ' (1804). This work must have enjoyed considerable vogue, for there were numerous editions. I have seen or heard of the following :

Second. Title as above to "Mr. Dibdin"; then

" Second Edition. London Published by Goulding, D'Almaine, Potter, and Co. Musical Instrument Manufacturers and Music Sellers, No. 124, New Bond Street ; No. 20, Soho Square ; and No. 7, Westmoreland Street, Dublin. Price Four Shil- lings."

12mp, n.d., pp. iv and 95, fifteen plates (not folding) lettered A to O.

Third. Practically identical with second ; n.d.

  • Fifth. Similar to third ; price five shil-

lings, n.d.

Sixth. Price five shillings. "Revised and corrected by a Professor"; n.d., probably after 1814. Another (probably a later) form of the sixth edition was "Revised and corrected by J. Jousse, Professor of Music."

Seventh. Price five shillings. "Revised and corrected by J. Jousse, Professor of Music " ; n.d.

Eighth. Particulars not noted.

Ninth. Price 5s. 6d in boards. "With considerable additions to the precepts and examples, and a new classification, by J. Jousse, Professor of Music." Pp. xii and 123. The advertisement states that there had been "eight editions since it was corrected and improved by the present editor."

Tenth. Price 6s.; pp. xii, 156.

Twelfth. Price 5s. Revised by J. A. Hamilton ; published by D'Almaine & Co. ; pp. viii, 88, 44 ; n.d.

It may safely be inferred that ' Music Epitomized ' eventually became that much- used manual 'Hamilton's Catechism of Music.' I have not, however, traced the metamor- phosis beyond this stage.

1808. The Professional Volunteers, a Table Enter- tainment, written and composed by Charles Dibdin. First performed 1 March, 1808.

Songs in this entertainment were published in folio, price Is., usually signed by Dibdin, on a sheet of 4 pp., with the customary arrangement for two flutes. I have seen very few, and it is improbable that all were published, but the following is the original programme of musical pieces in the order as advertised for the opening night. Headings of songs are similar to No. 7 unless noted.

  • 1. The Muster (a glee).
  • 2. The Veteran in Retirement.
  • 3. The Parting Volunteer.
  • 4. The Little Bark.
  • 5. The Irish Sailor.
  • 6. British Wives.

7. William & Jesse [sic], written & composed By Mr. Dibdin, And sung by Mr. Lee at the Lyceum, In the Entertainment called the Professional Volunteers. Ent. at Stat. Hall. Published by the Author at his Music Warehouse No. 125 Strand & by Bland & Weller No. 23 Oxford St. Publishers (by appointment) of the whole of Mr. Dibdin's Songs, & may be had of Mr. Kemp, No. 13, Old Bond Street, & Mr. Wheatstone, 436, Strand. 4 pp.

  • 8. Distress on Distress.

9. Life. Sung by Mr. Grey. 4 pp.

10. Lumkin and his Mother. London. Printed by Goulding & Co. 20 Soho Square, c. 4 pp. Watermark date 1811.

  • 11. The Choice of Minerva.
  • 12. Lovely Fan and Manly Ben.
  • 13. The Invitation to Supper (a glee).
  • 14. The Sheep Shearing.

15. Gallant Tom. Sung by Mr. Lee. 4 pp.