Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/570

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. i. JUNE 11,

Biography.' If any one could give me infor- mation on his private life, his connexions, or some of his works of which no mention is made in the above publications, or could direct me to a dealer's where I could find some of his original works or engravings, I should be very much obliged to him, and send him in advance all my thanks.

JEANNE POTREL. 15, Rue Vivienne, Paris.

THE 'TIMES,' 1962. I have a copy of the Times, " London, Every day, 1962, price Is., No. 55,567, "a four-sided large sheet, "Printed for the Proprietors by Joseph William Last, of No. 3, Savoy Street, Strand, in the city of Westminster, and published by Baynton Kolt at No. 8, Catherine Street, Strand, Every day, 1962." The whole paper articles and advertisements is humbug ; but as I presume that it was printed for some object, I shall be obliged for any information re-

fsirding its real date of issue and its purpose. _he cost of the issue must have been con- siderable. Perhaps some of the readers of ' N. & Q.' can help me. J. E. S. HOPE.

Belmont, Murrayfield, Mid-Lothian.


LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE belonged to the 46 e demi-brigade, now apparently represented by a regiment of the same number. His heart having been placed in an urn, his body was enveloped in green oak branches, and carried by grenadiers to the battle-ground where he had fallen. When it had arrived at the grave, the grenadiers presented arms, and as the bearers hesitated as to which way they should lay it, a voice came from the ranks : " Face a 1'ennemi."

By an order dated Augsbourg, 11 Messidor, an VIII., written by General Dessoles in the name of Commandant en Chef Moreau, it was ordered : That the drums of the grenadiers of all the army should be draped with black crape for three days; that the name of La Tour d'Auvergne should be kept at the head of the roll of the 46 e demi- brigade ; that his place should not be filled up, his company consisting in the future of only eighty-two men ; that a monument should be erected in the rear of Qberhausen ; and that chef de brigade Forti, commander of the 46% who had fallen by the side of La Tour dAuvergne, should be buried with him Two grenadiers were also buried with him

This monument was erected, and in 1837 the King of Bavaria put it into good repair.

The silver urn containing the heart, covered with black velvet, was carried at reviews by the quartermaster-sergeant (fourrier), who marched by the side of the colour. At each roll-call the caporal de I'escouade answered to the name of La Tour d'Auvergne, " Mort au champ d'honueur." This pious custom con- tinued to be observed by the 46 e Demi- brigade. The heart did not cease to belong to the 46 e until the army was reorganized in 1814.

An order dated l er Thermidor, an VIII., was made by the three Consuls that the sword of La Tour d'Auvergne should be hung in the Temple of Mars, i.e., the Church of the Invalides.

In the same year 8 Fructidor they ordered that a monument in his honour should be erected at Carhaix, his native place. This monument was eventually erected in 1841 by the Government of Louis Philippe, which had previously placed on the house where he was born the following inscription :

" Theophile-Malo Corret de la Tour d'Auvergne, Premier Grenadier de France, est ne dans cette maison le 23 decembre 1743."

The bronze statue by Marochetti has on its pedestal the following :

"A The"ophile-Malo de la Tour d'Auvergne- Corret, Premier Grenadier de France, n6 a Carhaix, le 23 decembre 1743, rnort au champ d'honneur le 27 juin 1800." The inscription appears also in Breton.

Two bas-reliefs by Marochetti represent La Tour d'Auvergne, sword in hand, leading the way into Chambery, and his death on the heights of Neubourg.

As to the possession of the heart there was a long lawsuit between the family of La Tour d'Auvergne-Lauraguais and the heiress in the direct line, viz., Madame du Pontavice, daughter of Madame Guillart de Kersausic, ne'e Jeanne-Marie-Sain te Limon du Timeur. Madame du Pontavice was successful, gaining possession of the heart arid of the arms of the "brave des braves," by a judgment of the Royal Court of Montpellier, 1 December, 1840.

I have taken the above from " Le Premier Grenadier de France La Tour d'Auvergne Etude Biographique par Paul Deroulede Paris Georges Hurtrel 1886."

Limon du Timeur married in or about 1773 Marie-Anne-Michelle de Corret, sister of La Tour d'Auvergne (see ibid., p. 57).

If the order of the I er Thermidor, an VIII., was carried out, at all events the sword did