Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/638

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Notes and Queries, July 30, 1904.

China, venomous spider in, 265 Chinese ghosts, 176 Chiswick nightingales or frogs, 125 Choker and chokey=to be in prison, 457 Chop-dollar, use of the word, 346, 456 Christchurch,NewZealand, inscription on museum, 268 Christian and Koman chronology, 86 Christian names, curious, 26, 170, 214, 235 ; full name and diminutive, 67 ; brothers and sisters bearing same, 257, 315, 457; Lawrence, c, 1498, 310 ; double, 315, 457 Christmastide folk-lore, 172 Chronology, Roman and Christian, 86 Church, crowns in tower or spire of, 17, 38, 157 ; mistletoe at Chalons-sur-Marne, 66 ; Procession door at Sandwich, 468 Church-ale, application of the term, 37, 75 Churchwardens' accounts, 70 Civilization and France, 448

Clark (A.) on ' Merry Thoughts in a Sad Place,' 141 Clark (E.) on glowworm or firefly, 112 Clark (Kich.), Chamberlain of London, his library, 469 Clark (Thomas), Edinburgh law bookseller, 409 Clark family, 389, 456 Clarke (Cecil) on " Chaperoned by her father," 93

Puns at the Haymarket, 269

Vanishing London, 447

Clarke (Dr. Adam), his weather observations, 441 Clavering and De Mandeville families, 149, 213, 293 Claverley, Shropshire, old briefs discovered at, 474 Clayton (H. B.) on last peer of France, 225

Stanley (Sir H. M.), his nationality, 446

Thieves' slang : " Joe Gurr," 386 Clergyman as privateer, 495

dies (Henrietta) of Lisbon = Admiral Lord Rodney, 226 Clio on Thackeray queries, 207 Clock made by Bre"guet for Napoleon, 446 Clockmaker, French, J. Turin, 107 Close, his poems, 409

Cloth, Aylsham, in the fourteenth century, 4, 172 Clover Leaf, Fellows of the, 7, 193 Club, name for a university women's, 489 Clyse, dialect word, 111 Cobden bibliography, 481 Cobham (C.) on curious Christian names, 171 Cobweb-pills in 1781, 205, 273, 317 Cockburn(F.N.)onThompsonofBoughton,co. Kent, 87 Cockle (M. J. D.) on battlefield sayings, 437

Boer War of 1881, 395

Bow last used in war, 225

' Yong Souldier,' 428

Cockshut time, explanation of the phrase, 121, 195, 232 Coffin House at Brixham, 388, 493 Coins and tokens, copper, how to clean, 248, 335, 456 Cold Harbour, meaning of the name, 341, 413, 496 Coldstream Guards, origin of the appellation, 30 Cole (Henry), the ' D.N.B.' on, 224 Coleman (E. H.) on Addison's daughter, 151

" An Austrian army," 211

" As the crow flies," 296

" Ashes to ashes," 430

Aylmer arms, 155

Barbers, 513

Baxter's oil printing, 490

Becket (St. Thomas a), 452

Building customs and folk-lore, 515

Coleman (E. H.) on Byard family, 414

Candlemas gills, 36

Caroline (Queen), her trial, 174

Catesby (Kobert), 172

Chauncy (Sir Henry), 158

Chelsea" Physic Garden, 271, 336

Clavering : De Mandeville, 214

Collectioner, 93

Cottiswold, 334

Cromwell buried in Red Lion Square, 72

"Crown and Three Sugar Loaves," 215

Dorsetshire snake-lore, 253

Egerton-Warburton, 296

Fettiplace, 397

Football on Shrove Tuesday, 194

Greig (Admiral Sir Samuel), 433

Guide to Manor Rolls, 272

Hen-hussey : Whip-stitch : Wood-toter, 518

Holies (Gervaise), 251

' John Inglesant,' 357

Lancashire and Cheshire wills, 38

London rubbish at Moscow, 208

MacElligott (Col. Roger), 295

Marriage registers, 75

Milestones, 133

Morganatic marriage, 52

Napoleon, his reputed son, 197

Newton (Isaac), miniature of, 315, 414

Northall, Shropshire, 377

Obiit Sunday, 28

"Old England, "255

Peck (William), 434

Prescriptions, 453

Pindar family, 135

" Ringing for Gofer," 6

Rodney's second wife, 297

Rowe family, 356

Sellinger, 491

Shelley (Samuel), 278

Smallage, 330

Southwell (Right Hon. Edward), 56

Speakers of the Irish House of Commons, 293

Stoyle, 432

Torch and taper, 196

"Tymbers of ermine," 492

Wellington's horses, 416

" Welsh rabbit," 70

Women voters, 372

Yeoman of the Crown, 273

Coleridge (S. T.), C. Lamb, and Mr. May, 61, 109 Coll. on fictitious Latin plurals, 1 93 Collectioner, meaning of the word, 28, 93 Collins, origin of the name, 329, 398, 515 Collins (W.) and Gray, parallel passages, 456 Colours of the Queen's Westminsters and St. Mar- garets', Westminster, 363 Coluberry, curious Christian name, 214 Columbus (Christopher), his remains claimed by Seville

and San Domingo, 247, 332, 458 Col vac surname, 387, 492 Comber (J.) on Comber family, 47 Comber (Thomas), LL.D., 1722-78, 89 Comber family, 47, 89, 152, 212

Com. Ebor. on ' Nicholas Nickleby ': Capt. Cuttle, 217 Com. Line, on county tales, 505

Holies (Gervaise), 208