Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/642

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Notes and Queries, July 30, 1904.

F. (J. T.) on " Ashes to ashes," 429

Caul, 26

Cockshut time, 196

Diabread, 173

"Going the round" : " Roundhouse," 76

Jesus, the name, 490

Lincolnshire jingle, 266

Lincolnshire riddle, 204

Moon folk-lore, 125

"Prior to," 175

" Sal et saliva," 431

" Top spit," 36

Worm, 492

F. (L. R.) on Eliza Scudder's poems, 207 F.jM. E.) on glowworm or firefly, 193

" Recommended to mercy," 338 F. (S. J. A.) on French poems, 409 " Facing the music," 100 Fair Maid of Kent, her descendants, 289, 374 Fairholme on "All roads lead to Rome," 48 Fairs, illustrations of West-Country, 48, 93 Farmer (Thomas), his memorial inscription, 428 Farmers-General executed in the French Revolution,

127, 174

Farnley Hall, Leeds, 346

Farquhar's ' Beaux' Stratagem," reference to tea in, 456 February 30, instances of, 166, 233 Fellows of the Clover Leaf, history of, 7, 193 Female soldiers : Phoebe Hessel, 406 Ferguson (Donald) on hanged, drawn, and quartered,


Fergusson (J. R.) on epigram on Reynolds, 146 Ferling, a measure of sixteen acres, 354 Ferrar (Michael Lloyd), his death, 380 Ferrar (Nicholas), his ' Harmonies,' 108 Fetish in Nova Zembla, 466 Fettiplace family, 329, 396, 473, 511 Feudal system, 248, 353

Fewstone, Yorkshire, curious gravestone at, 233 Fictitious Latin plurals, 54, 193 Field-names : at West Haddon, co. Northampton, 46,

94, 156 ; at Brightwalton, Berks, 228 Figs, green, and St. Peter, 148, 231 Finch (J. R.) on James Brindley, 310 Finlay (Robert) and Mitchel, eighteenth - century

bankers, 310, 374 Firefly or glowworm in modern poetry, 47, 112, 156,

193, 216

Firman (F. B.) on Dickensiana, 44 Fiscal, derivation of the word, 51 Fish days and St. Paul's School, 290 Fisher (Rev. Samuel) and Dr. John Reading, 156 Fishermen, Dutch, in British waters, 87 Fishwick (Col. H.) on Lancashire and Cheshire wills, 38

Pit=a grave, 287

Travers family, 252 Fitzhamon family, 47, 132

Fitzpatrick (Richard) and Charles James Fox, 146 Flaying alive, instances of, 15, 73, 155, 352 Fleet marriages, records of, 9, 75 Fleetwood (George), the regicide, his biography, 422 Fleetwoods, and Milton's Cottage, 422 Flesh and shamble meats, 68, 293, 394 Fletcher (J. M. J.) on Wyrley's Derbyshire Church

Notes, 427 Foleit, meaning of the word, 309, 374

Folk-lore :

Birdscaring, 340

Building customs, 407, 515

Childbirth, 15

Christmastide, 172

Cobweb pills, 205, 273, 317

Corpse lying over Sunday, 127

Crucifixion, 426

Dorsetshire snake-lore, 168, 253, 333

Evil eye, and scarlet, 148, 231; in England, 508 ; in Sicily, 514

Good Friday and low tides, 310

Greenteeth (Jenny), 365

Japanese regarded as sorcerers, 347

Lobishome, 327

May Day festivals, 160

Moon, 125, 175, 252, 395

Murderer, disguised, 266, 395

Number superstition, 369, 457

Peacocks' feathers unlucky, 320

Salt, 514

Scarlet and the evil eye, 148, 231

Snow-rimes, o92, 511

Spider cures, 205, 273

Spittle, 514

Water hags, 319, 365

Wife, jealous, 147

Fontarrabia, etymology of the name, 443 Fonts, desecrated, 488

Football on Shrove Tuesday, 127, 194, 230, 331, 435 Ford (C. Lawrence) on architecture in old times, 290

Authors of quotations, 217, 275, 468

Burns anticipated, 357, 371

Ford (J. W.) on smothering hydrophobic patients, 1 76 Forest family, 1604, 67

Former Petworth Resident on Earl of Egremont, 233 Forshaw (C. F.) on " As merry as griggs," 36

Aylsham cloth, 172

Bagshaw, 152

Barbers, famous, 513

Beadnell, ] 7, 515

Brindley (James), 375

Byard family, 414

Carson, 377

Chelsea Physic Garden, 270

Constantine Pebble, 97

Copper coins and tokens, 335

Denman (John), 112

Farnley Hall, 346

February 30, 233

Fettiplace, 396, 511

Grammar : nine parts of speech, 337

Hell, Heaven, and Paradise as place-names, 332

Horn dancing, 296

" I expect to pass through," 316

" King of Patterdale," 194

Knight Templar, 211

Milestones, 133

Mount Grace le Ebor, Monastery of, 198

Newton (Isaac), miniature of, 315, 355

' Nicholas Nickleby': Capt. Cuttle, 274

Northall, Shropshire, 297

Passing bell, 351

Peck (William), 513

Prescriptions, 453

River diyided, 391